Thursday, July 29, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Chromatherapy: Healing with Color

Have you ever wondered why your favorite blue sweater has the ability to make you feel relaxed as soon as you pull it over your head? Or why your “go-getter” outfit (aka, the “power suit”) simply must boast a splash of red – be it scarf, shoes or blouse? You are probably on to something and you are definitely not alone. It is no longer considered a pseudo-science but a recognized alternative therapy to treat certain ailments with color.
In fact, since the beginning of human civilization, mankind has been fascinated with color. There is evidence in some parts of the world of civilizations mining for pigment as early as 50,000 BC. The ancient Mesopotamians, Egyptians, Greeks and Chinese may have begun by attempting to re-create the colors of nature in order to perform rituals, decorate their habitats, or record their history. The first colors artificially created were thought to represent the sun (yellow), moon (white), trees (green), sky (blue), blood/life (red) and darkness/death (black).
In recent history, scientists have begun to study and better understand color. Individual colors vibrate at different frequencies, with red having the fastest vibration and violet having slowest. It is no coincidence that the colors of the rainbow coordinate with the colors of the Chakras, our body’s energy centers. Colors are often used to balance our chakras, sometimes intuitively so (see above sweater and power suit reference). Each color (like each Chakra) correlates to certain organs, body functions or healing aspects. Here is a brief guide:
Red: Energy, stimulation, improves circulation and red blood cell production
Orange: Enthusiasm, joy, antibacterial, aids in digestive discomforts
Yellow: Cognitive functions, decongestant, lymphatic system
Green: Balance, antiseptic, ulcers
Blue: Communication, toxin elimination, liver ailments
Indigo: Calming, promotes intuition
Violet: Relaxes muscles and nervous system
You can certainly find more complete and detailed information on the subject of color therapy in books specializing in the subject (Color Medicine by Charles Klotsche and Healing With Color Zone Therapy by Joseph Corvo and Lilian Verner-Bonds to name two) and on the internet. Although there is mounting scientific evidence regarding each color’s significance, the choice should always be personal and intuitive. Maybe red is soothing to you rather than energizing. Be aware though, if there are certain colors you absolutely cannot tolerate or you go out of your way to avoid. This could be indicative of an imbalance that you are not yet prepared to address. All in due time (yes, I am speaking to you, Yellow).
Orange: Enthusiasm, joy, antibacterial, aids in digestive discomforts
Yellow: Cognitive functions, decongestant, lymphatic system
Green: Balance, antiseptic, ulcers
Blue: Communication, toxin elimination, liver ailments
Indigo: Calming, promotes intuition
Violet: Relaxes muscles and nervous system
You can certainly find more complete and detailed information on the subject of color therapy in books specializing in the subject (Color Medicine by Charles Klotsche and Healing With Color Zone Therapy by Joseph Corvo and Lilian Verner-Bonds to name two) and on the internet. Although there is mounting scientific evidence regarding each color’s significance, the choice should always be personal and intuitive. Maybe red is soothing to you rather than energizing. Be aware though, if there are certain colors you absolutely cannot tolerate or you go out of your way to avoid. This could be indicative of an imbalance that you are not yet prepared to address. All in due time (yes, I am speaking to you, Yellow).
Friday, July 23, 2010
Join us in a Healing Meditation!
Join with us at 9pm (ET) as we start the first of a new feature, healing meditations. This guided journey will take you deep into your subconscious where the seat of your true power for transformation lies. All you need to do is relax and listen, as you are taken to a magical place where dreams really do come true...We all have the power to influence and change our reality for the better, as long as it is consistent with our higher good. Join us on this remarkable journey that will help you in many ways, spiritually, emotionally, and physically.
What is the topic of tonight's meditation? It's a surprise! Join us here at 9 pm to find out. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Chia: Way More than Just a Pet

You’ve heard of it before. You’ve seen it sprout as ‘hair’ on silly animals or funny faces made of clay. You may have even received one as a gift for a birthday (ouch!). Regardless of how cute or corny you think Chia Pets are, the stuff they are made of can be called nothing short of amazing. The latest in a line of emerging superfoods, chia seed or salvia hispanica, has wellness and anti-aging experts such as Dr. Mehmet Oz and Dr. Andrew Weil singing its praises.
Chia seed boasts a lofty and ancient history. Once fed to Aztec runners and warriors - sometimes their only food for days - chia was able to offer nourishment, energy and endurance. It was so prized by the Aztecs that it was offered as tribute to their priesthood and taxes to their royalty. But don’t let a rich history fool you – chia has almost magical qualities that make it a number one candidate for the food of the future. In addition to being gluten-free and safe for people living with Celiac’s disease, chia is sugar-free, trans-fat free, high in protein, fiber, antioxidants and Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids (of which it contains an ideal ratio). Chia seed is also able to absorb over 12 times its weight in water which makes it ideal in prolonging hydration in athletes or any other individuals. What happens when chia seeds are mixed into water is actually quite fun to watch. Within minutes, the mixture starts to turn gelatinous and in about an hour and with the correct ratio (and other ingredients), you have a delicious pudding – perfect for vegetarian, vegan and raw foodies.
The nutrient make-up and density of chia as well as its absorptive properties are enough to push this tiny seed to the front lines of the battle against world hunger. Equally remarkable are the number of conditions and ailments that chia seed has been known to help: heart health, weight-management, lubricates joints, eliminates toxins from joints and muscles, aids in healthy digestion, fights free-radicals, helps you feel full, manages blood sugar levels and improves the quality of hair, skin and nails. Chia is easily incorporated into any diet; you can add the seed to your smoothies or salads, bake it into cookies or muffins, experiment with recipes or even find some on the internet. Even if you don’t find a way to eat it, you could watch it expand in a glass of water or use it to grow hair – but only on heads made out of clay!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Please pardon the dust as we upgrade our blog. We will still post a few articles in the meantime. One Love.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Counseling Can Help

If you have come to this blog, to the Temple of Healing website or listened to Dr. Suni and Siona on the internet radio show Love is on the Air, it is a likely assumption that you are concerned about your health and longevity. You are probably focused on doing things for your mind, body and spirit such as eating healthy, exercising, meditating and being kind to yourself and others. It is also likely that you are only human – and, as such, are often plagued by human limitations. What do you do when you just can’t think of another positive or uplifting thing to say to yourself? What do you do when you feel like the whole world is against you? What do you do when you can no longer locate your own inner strength? Rather than being sucked into the depths of depression, anxiety, fear, anger and other negative thoughts, you may opt for one of the highly marketed medications aimed at alleviating such symptoms. You may opt for alcohol or recreational drugs in order to escape from the symptoms. At the Temple of Healing, we always strive to show a natural option; in a word, counseling.
About eight years ago, I had already come through significant obstacles in my spiritual growth. I was at the point when I had to truly come to terms with who I was and learn to love myself. What I found was that I had been harboring anger. When my anger grew to a couple of instances of rage, I sought a professional counselor. Her unbiased and uninhibited observations helped me to discover that my anger was displaced and, in a few short months, it dissipated completely.
The option of counseling is frightening to most individuals because of the fact that the counselor may learn how you think (and what if I really am crazy, right?) or worse; they may learn your deepest fears and secrets and be able to use them against you. Some points to the contrary: counselors (psychotherapists, psychologists, intuitive counselors, etc.) do what they do out of love for people. Their primary interest is in seeing you get emotionally strong and healthy. Also, counselors are professionals who are not attached to the outcome of the situation. They, therefore, have no need to manipulate the outcome. They will, however, through a gentle unfolding of your circumstances, guide you to your own truths. You will be able to overcome weaknesses, negativity and completely reverse a downward spiral. It is worth seeking a qualified counselor in order to reclaim your own strength and truth.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Friday Night's Show
Last night's show was on MCS, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, also known as the "living nightmare." Ignore the few seconds of silence in the beginning; the show starts right afterwards.
Listen to internet radio with LOVE IS ON THE AIR on Blog Talk Radio
Friday, July 16, 2010
Tonight's Show
While working at her job as a laboratory technologist in a medical clinic, Suni is accidentally exposed to formaldehyde fumes. As a result she develops multiple symptoms. Workers compensation shunts her from one specialist to the next, but as she goes from doctor to doctor, she keeps getting sicker and sicker. The various ‘experts’ all skillfully skirt the issue of referral to an environmental specialist, the only doctor she needs to see. Because she has so many symptoms the conventional medical doctors dismiss them as unbelievable. Finally her attending physician refers her to a psychiatrist, who diagnoses mental disorder. In the interim, Suni is faced with personal and financial nightmares... This is the true story of how Dr. Suni contracted MCS and how she overcame this living nightmare. She has written a book about this experience in order to help those who may also be going through this trauma.
This week's show will discuss MCS, and more importantly, how you can survive and overcome it! The show begins at 9 pm (ET), click here to listen. Call into the show at: (646) 727-2644 to ask Dr. Suni questions, or to win a free reading about your past/present/future by Robyn Avalon, the Rune Mistress of Atlantis. We look forward to meeting you there!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
On the Very Bright Side

Today’s post is written by Mike Dooley, founder of (Totally Unique Thoughts), and author of Infinite Possibilities, Thoughts Become Things, and Leveraging the Universe and Engaging the Magic. Mike is a modern-day philosopher and visionary and offers free daily notes from the 'Universe' via email. The notes are positive, inspiring, motivating, always relevant, and something I look forward to. Today’s note offers a shift in perspective on a recent tragedy, the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Mike’s perspective is so uplifting, I felt moved to share it in its entirety. To get your own daily notes emailed to you, sign up here.
“On the very bright side, never in peace time history has there been such a gallant effort, by so many people, spending so many billions of dollars with no end in sight, to rapidly clean up your environment.
Never before have numerous heads of state and representatives of a corporation as large as many smaller nations, pledged to work together, sharing expertise and resources to get a job done.
Never before have so many prayer and meditation groups suddenly formed, amongst and in between every religion and those belonging to none, to foster healing of your precious planet.
Never before have finger pointers, conspiracy theorists, and blame mongers been so idle and unnecessary in the face of such a tragedy.
Never before have industry titans across every sea chosen to reexamine their own safety procedures, revisit their own environmental safeguards, and expend their own fortunes to voluntarily reflect upon and demand that they do an even better job from this day forward.
And to top it all off, your planet has a loving, brilliant consciousness all her own, and of her countless balancing acts, healing herself is one in which she truly shines. Of this, and so much more, you can be very, very proud.
Little can ease the suffering or stem the pain over lives lost and careers halted, but human nature is every bit as resilient and courageous as mother Earth, and we are simply awed by what we see unfolding from here. All hail... before humankind.
Yee-haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! The Universe”
Monday, July 12, 2010
Take Action toward Your Dreams

By Heather McCauley
As spiritual beings, we are aware of the Universal Laws and Principles that are at work in our daily lives and we have done them proud, so to speak. We have intentions of love, we have a clear vision of our goals, and we practice meditation, visualization and mantras. What we may wonder is why, after all our efforts, have our dreams not come true? Where is the disconnection, the breakdown in communication with the Universe? Whether it is abundance, health or love that we desire - it is sure that they will not be knocking down our door without some effort on our part.
"Dreams are just daydreams without action behind them": a favorite quote of mine by inspirational author and teacher, Mike Dooley. Could it be that we have spent so much time and energy visualizing, dreaming and planning that we have neglected to take steps to act to fulfill our dreams? We may get confused and wonder what those steps are - the right steps - that will allow us to achieve the exact result we have focused on so intently. It is possible that we may be frozen into inaction by our fear; what if I make the wrong decision and end up farther away from my dreams? There is a certain amount of peace which follows any decision and there are no wrong decisions because wherever you end up is exactly where you were meant to be. Whether your new place opens up more opportunities, allows you to overcome obstacles and grow spiritually, or redefines your goals altogether in order to make a more informed next step – trust that you were always meant to be there.
When it comes to fulfilling your dreams, keep your eye on the prize. If you try to plan and visualize every detail on your journey, you tend to lose focus on the dream itself. So, stay focused on your ultimate goal, reassessing as needed. Take steps toward that goal if they align with your intent and you are intuitively led to do so. If you misstep, don't worry - it is better to take a new action that to be cut-off from your dreams by inaction. So, research a new, lucrative career, start an exercise routine or join a singles group or a dating website - any small step to let the Universe know you mean business. The Universe may just respond with a domino effect, leading you directly to your destination - or an even better one than you could have imagined.
As spiritual beings, we are aware of the Universal Laws and Principles that are at work in our daily lives and we have done them proud, so to speak. We have intentions of love, we have a clear vision of our goals, and we practice meditation, visualization and mantras. What we may wonder is why, after all our efforts, have our dreams not come true? Where is the disconnection, the breakdown in communication with the Universe? Whether it is abundance, health or love that we desire - it is sure that they will not be knocking down our door without some effort on our part.
"Dreams are just daydreams without action behind them": a favorite quote of mine by inspirational author and teacher, Mike Dooley. Could it be that we have spent so much time and energy visualizing, dreaming and planning that we have neglected to take steps to act to fulfill our dreams? We may get confused and wonder what those steps are - the right steps - that will allow us to achieve the exact result we have focused on so intently. It is possible that we may be frozen into inaction by our fear; what if I make the wrong decision and end up farther away from my dreams? There is a certain amount of peace which follows any decision and there are no wrong decisions because wherever you end up is exactly where you were meant to be. Whether your new place opens up more opportunities, allows you to overcome obstacles and grow spiritually, or redefines your goals altogether in order to make a more informed next step – trust that you were always meant to be there.
When it comes to fulfilling your dreams, keep your eye on the prize. If you try to plan and visualize every detail on your journey, you tend to lose focus on the dream itself. So, stay focused on your ultimate goal, reassessing as needed. Take steps toward that goal if they align with your intent and you are intuitively led to do so. If you misstep, don't worry - it is better to take a new action that to be cut-off from your dreams by inaction. So, research a new, lucrative career, start an exercise routine or join a singles group or a dating website - any small step to let the Universe know you mean business. The Universe may just respond with a domino effect, leading you directly to your destination - or an even better one than you could have imagined.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Look 10-15 Years Younger!
Tonight's show is one that should apply to everyone. Because no matter who you are, most people want to age gracefully and beautifully. And there are specific things you can do to achieve this. So tune in tonight at 9:00 pm (ET) here. We will accept calls at (646) 727-2644. Looking forward to hearing from you! One Love and Happy Friday.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
What’s in Your Skin?

By Heather McCauley
A growing number of people are making their health a top priority for themselves and their families. We are all putting conscious thought into the foods we eat, the supplements and medications we ingest and our level of physical activity. We are even paying attention to the source of our food and asking ourselves if it is the best choice for our environment. While we are overly attentive to what we put in our bodies, some of us add multiple toxic chemicals a day to our bodies without our realization. The skin is our body’s largest organ and it is the most direct way of absorbing chemicals into our bloodstream.
I once read that the body absorbs more chlorine in the course of a seven minute shower than by drinking an eight ounce glass of water. This was an eye-opener for me; the turning point at which I was no longer willing to be oblivious to the products I used. Products such as shampoo, conditioner, lotions, perfume, make-up, body wash, shaving cream, cleaning products, hair dye, soap or anything that touches the skin, have the potential to deposit hundreds of chemicals a day into our bodies. For women, that number could be well into the 500’s, considering we average a great deal more beauty products than men. Some of the harmful chemicals that have been identified in these products include parabens, sulfates, lead, triclosan/triclocarban, formaldehyde, phthalates, toluene and even known carcinogens. They can have effects ranging from skin irritation, headaches and allergies to damaged thyroid, kidney, reproductive and nervous systems.
Currently, manufacturers are not under any legal obligations to divulge all of their ingredients in a majority of these products. Clearly, stricter FDA regulations are called for in that matter. In the meantime, you can protect yourself by becoming an educated consumer. Do not be content to merely read labels. Even products which read “organic” or “all-natural” can contain dangerous toxins. Conduct your own research and choose a manufacturer you trust, ideally one which openly lists all ingredients in their products whether on the label, on their website or via direct request. You can also reduce your exposure to chemicals by reducing the number of products you use. Start by taking a look in your make-up bag, shower, medicine cabinet and on your bathroom vanity. Ask yourself if there are any of those products you could stop using completely – it’s just like trimming the extra carbs from your diet. In the long run, you will be pleased with the result.
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