If you have come to this blog, to the Temple of Healing website or listened to Dr. Suni and Siona on the internet radio show Love is on the Air, it is a likely assumption that you are concerned about your health and longevity. You are probably focused on doing things for your mind, body and spirit such as eating healthy, exercising, meditating and being kind to yourself and others. It is also likely that you are only human – and, as such, are often plagued by human limitations. What do you do when you just can’t think of another positive or uplifting thing to say to yourself? What do you do when you feel like the whole world is against you? What do you do when you can no longer locate your own inner strength? Rather than being sucked into the depths of depression, anxiety, fear, anger and other negative thoughts, you may opt for one of the highly marketed medications aimed at alleviating such symptoms. You may opt for alcohol or recreational drugs in order to escape from the symptoms. At the Temple of Healing, we always strive to show a natural option; in a word, counseling.
About eight years ago, I had already come through significant obstacles in my spiritual growth. I was at the point when I had to truly come to terms with who I was and learn to love myself. What I found was that I had been harboring anger. When my anger grew to a couple of instances of rage, I sought a professional counselor. Her unbiased and uninhibited observations helped me to discover that my anger was displaced and, in a few short months, it dissipated completely.
The option of counseling is frightening to most individuals because of the fact that the counselor may learn how you think (and what if I really am crazy, right?) or worse; they may learn your deepest fears and secrets and be able to use them against you. Some points to the contrary: counselors (psychotherapists, psychologists, intuitive counselors, etc.) do what they do out of love for people. Their primary interest is in seeing you get emotionally strong and healthy. Also, counselors are professionals who are not attached to the outcome of the situation. They, therefore, have no need to manipulate the outcome. They will, however, through a gentle unfolding of your circumstances, guide you to your own truths. You will be able to overcome weaknesses, negativity and completely reverse a downward spiral. It is worth seeking a qualified counselor in order to reclaim your own strength and truth.