Dr. Suni Rose is co-founder of Universal Temple of Healing, along with Siona.
Do you suffer from chronic headache, memory loss, dizziness, sleep disturbance, fatigue, depression, lowered resistance to disease, immune disorders, rapid heartbeat? Are you in a confused state, a mental fog?
Have you gone from one doctor to the next, with no relief? You may be
suffering from a little-known condition called multiple chemical
sensitivities (MCS).
Experts define MCS as:
An acquired disorder characterized by recurrent symptoms, referable to
multiple organ systems, occurring in response to demonstrable exposure to
many chemically unrelated compounds at doses far below those established
in the general population to cause harmful effects.
(Chemical Exposures - Low Levels and High Stakes; Ashford, N.A. and
Miller, C.S.)
An acquired disorder characterized by recurrent symptoms, referable to
multiple organ systems, occurring in response to demonstrable exposure to
many chemically unrelated compounds at doses far below those established
in the general population to cause harmful effects.
(Chemical Exposures - Low Levels and High Stakes; Ashford, N.A. and
Miller, C.S.)
We're attacked daily with a vast array of chemicals which we (and
our planet) have never before encountered. There are roughly 100,000
synthetic chemicals employed world-wide and 1,000 new products entering
the market each year.
our planet) have never before encountered. There are roughly 100,000
synthetic chemicals employed world-wide and 1,000 new products entering
the market each year.
The CBS news magazine, 60 Minutes, introduced the chemical ( Sunday,
January 16, 2000 ), MTBE. This man-made chemical has been used as a
gasoline additive since the Clean Air Act went into effect. MTBE
supplies an additional two percent of oxygen to the gasoline, which
meets the clean air requirement set by federal guidelines.
January 16, 2000
gasoline additive since the Clean Air Act went into effect. MTBE
supplies an additional two percent of oxygen to the gasoline, which
meets the clean air requirement set by federal guidelines.
While cleaning the air, however, MTBE is reported to have caused
widespread contamination of wells. The chemical has seeped from leaky
gasoline tanks and into the drinking water of communities across the
widespread contamination of wells. The chemical has seeped from leaky
gasoline tanks and into the drinking water of communities across the
Chemical pesticides are used indiscriminately. Many end up in our
food. Typical commercial farming means producing much food cheaply and
quickly. After the harvest, the foods are chemically processed
(preserved for maximum shelf life) and widely distributed.
food. Typical commercial farming means producing much food cheaply and
quickly. After the harvest, the foods are chemically processed
(preserved for maximum shelf life) and widely distributed.
It's all accomplished by the use of several chemicals which have
been proven toxic to insects and pests. Not only do these substances
pollute the air and water, they remain on the foods we feed our
been proven toxic to insects and pests. Not only do these substances
pollute the air and water, they remain on the foods we feed our
People with MCS are affected by these and other seemingly harmless
chemicals, at doses far below the levels established to cause harm.
Perfumes, deodorizers, household cleaners, bug killers, cigarette smoke,
automobile exhaust, new furniture, new carpets, newsprint, chlorine
bleach, paint and particle board are some everyday materials contains
man-made chemicals that affect the chemically sensitive.
chemicals, at doses far below the levels established to cause harm.
Perfumes, deodorizers, household cleaners, bug killers, cigarette smoke,
automobile exhaust, new furniture, new carpets, newsprint, chlorine
bleach, paint and particle board are some everyday materials contains
man-made chemicals that affect the chemically sensitive.
How does MCS develop? How is it diagnosed and treated?
MCS can develop from direct exposure to a chemical agent or, as in
most cases, from constant exposure to environmental chemicals.
most cases, from constant exposure to environmental chemicals.
MCS is difficult to diagnose. Conventional medical doctors don't
believe patients who have so many complaints. Some doctors admit to
being taught in medical school to suspect the sincerity of patients who
complain of too many symptoms. The diagnosis of MCS is almost always
made by an environmental doctor. The irony is that the environmental
specialist is usually the last consulted.
believe patients who have so many complaints. Some doctors admit to
being taught in medical school to suspect the sincerity of patients who
complain of too many symptoms. The diagnosis of MCS is almost always
made by an environmental doctor. The irony is that the environmental
specialist is usually the last consulted.
I received a long-term, low-dose exposure to formaldehyde on my job
and developed an overactive thyroid, a heart arrhythmia, immune
deficiencies,Graves disease, and rheumatoid arthritis. I suffered a
plethora of symptoms. My hair fell out. My whole body fell apart.
and developed an overactive thyroid, a heart arrhythmia, immune
plethora of symptoms. My hair fell out. My whole body fell apart.
Workers' Compensation sent me to doctors who in turn farmed me out
to more doctors, including psychiatrists. They implied my symptoms were
all in my head. Two years after the onset of symptoms, I still suffered.
With the decision to regain control of my life, I turned to an
environmental doctor. He diagnosed MCS, which, he said, resulted
directly from the formaldehyde exposure.
to more doctors, including psychiatrists. They implied my symptoms were
all in my head. Two years after the onset of symptoms, I still suffered.
With the decision to regain control of my life, I turned to an
environmental doctor. He diagnosed MCS, which, he said, resulted
directly from the formaldehyde exposure.
At last I understood how my environment was harming me and what I
had to do to protect myself. I couldn't afford to start treatment and I
had no health insurance. I began my own regimentation and I knew,
without a doubt, I had it in my power to heal myself. Putting my belief
into action, I instituted a holistic program which included regular
fasts, a change in diet and dietary habits (I became a vegetarian), the
use of a tonic brewed from roots, and enhanced nutritional
supplementation. Now, five years after the diagnosis of MCS was made, I
am well and whole again.
had to do to protect myself. I couldn't afford to start treatment and I
had no health insurance. I began my own regimentation and I knew,
without a doubt, I had it in my power to heal myself. Putting my belief
into action, I instituted a holistic program which included regular
fasts, a change in diet and dietary habits (I became a vegetarian), the
use of a tonic brewed from roots, and enhanced nutritional
supplementation. Now, five years after the diagnosis of MCS was made, I
am well and whole again.
While writing my book, Overcoming Multiple Chemical Sensitivities
(a how-to manual for survival), I came across desperate, frantic victims
of this disease who had given up all hope of living a normal life again.
(a how-to manual for survival), I came across desperate, frantic victims
of this disease who had given up all hope of living a normal life again.
MCS is a disabling disease with excruciating symptoms. If you have
symptoms that no one can figure out, see a reputable environmental
physician without delay. He/she can diagnose, treat, and work up an
individual nutrition plan.
symptoms that no one can figure out, see a reputable environmental
physician without delay. He/she can diagnose, treat, and work up an
individual nutrition plan.
Yet, the burden for your own recovery rests with you. You have to
make lifestyle changes. You have to find a way to exist amid toxic
surroundings and not be engulfed by them.
make lifestyle changes. You have to find a way to exist amid toxic
surroundings and not be engulfed by them.
Of primary importance is your belief system. You will regain your
health if you believe you can. Visualize yourself healthy and whole,
free of debilitating symptoms. Meditate with the golden-white light of
the Christ Consciousness. See every cell in your body charged with the
energizing and healing light. Memorize and repeat affirmations with
focused will. Allow no negative thought to invade the mind.
health if you believe you can. Visualize yourself healthy and whole,
free of debilitating symptoms. Meditate with the golden-white light of
the Christ Consciousness. See every cell in your body charged with the
energizing and healing light. Memorize and repeat affirmations with
focused will. Allow no negative thought to invade the mind.
With this approach it is possible to effect a total healing of
mind, spirit and body.
mind, spirit and body.