Wednesday, November 11, 2009


We all possess the power to heal ourselves. And we also possess the power to make ourselves ill. Most people unconsciously do the latter. Therefore, it takes a conscious effort to become well again.

How do people unconsciously make themselves ill?

In a variety of ways. A common way is through negative thoughts. But don’t we all have these thoughts at one time or another? The key is in awareness. Because a fleeting thought isn’t generally powerful enough to effect damage. But if this fleeting thought is repeated over time, it will become harmful. For example, if a person constantly thinks to him/herself, “My parent had kidney disease so I’m genetically prone to it,” this becomes an affirmation that one is likely to get this disease.  If we are aware that we have this recurring thought we can then change it. As simple as a thought may seem, there is GREAT POWER in what we think and what we say!

Another way is through fear. If one is fearful of say getting cancer, one actually makes oneself MORE SUCEPTIBLE to getting cancer than one who does not possess this fear. This seems to not make sense. For example, it seems as though if one is more fearful of getting cancer, then one would take measures NOT to get it, for instance, eating right and exercising. But these actions will NOT override the subconscious mind. Because the fear itself (negative energy) can counteract the most healthful regimen and cause one to contract the exact thing one is trying to avoid.

Many people do not understand the power of positive thinking and affirmations.   Many people also don’t understand the principal of gratitude and giving back. There is a parable in the Bible where Jesus heals ten lepers.  After being healed, only ONE of the ten came back to say “thank you.” He was also the ONLY ONE that did not re-contract leprosy. Therefore, the other nine were only TEMPORARILY healed. Why did leprosy come back to the nine? Because their MINDS had not changed! And even though their bodies were healed, their selfishness and ungratefulness (plus whatever other qualities caused them to be susceptible to the disease in the first place) had not changed. Therefore, their OWN MIND overrode the healing of their bodies and made it so they became ill again. I would suffice it to say there are many many people who subconsciously believe they DESERVE to be ill! They are unconsciously punishing themselves and until this fact is recognized, they will NEVER be able to experience permanent healing.
Are you in any of the above categories?