Thursday, November 12, 2009


The good news is that everybody has been negatively programmed to a certain extent. The world is in a state where humankind is just now beginning to experience its divinity and understand its power. People are becoming more loving and more aware. But most of us have to act to consciously break the negative programming we’ve been exposed to. How do we do this? An effective way is through a combination of affirmation, prayer, and meditation. Visualization is also extremely powerful.

Affirmation: Positive statements repeated often. For example, “I am healthy.”

Prayer: Talking to the Universal Creator. Remember, you CAME from this source and you will eventually return to it, regardless of what you may believe. And this source is the most LOVING, NONJUDGMENTAL energy in existence. Forget what “religion” may have taught you! This source LOVES YOU UNCONDITIONALLY and WANTS you to become well again. If you are a parent, you can understand this feeling if you’ve ever had a child that was ill. And this is only a watered-down expression of the infinite and indescribable love of the Divine. Prayer then is an action that helps one to establish a direct and PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with the Creator.  It is not simply requesting something over and over. This is because the Creator knows what you need before you ask. Would you repeat the same words over and over when talking with a friend?

Meditation: Listening to the Universal Creator. This is more important than prayer. Why? Because through deep meditation one becomes reintroduced to their True Self. I say reintroduced because it is always there, but hidden by the veil of the mind. Through meditation one comes to understand the deeper meanings of things and the answer to all the ‘why’ questions you may have. Although it may not be easy to get into at first, once the ’connection’ is made, it will grow easily with practice. As Jesus, a master healer put it, “it is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into a large amount of flour until it worked all through the dough.” (Luke 13:20 NIV). This connection will help you to make good decisions and to seemingly be in the right places at the right times. This is also called ‘being in the flow.’ It will also tell you (if you really want to know) if your illness is karmic, and what you need to learn through it, if anything. Sometimes, getting better is not possible because it is time for one to pass on. It has been said that those who are in tune are alerted 14 days before they are to die. This is a beautiful thing, to be able to prepare for the next leg of your journey rather than being surprised by it. Regular meditation is like medicine (notice they share the same root).  And it is necessary, not optional, for one not only to remain healthy, but to be able to live life to the fullest and to fulfill the purpose for which you came here.

These three:  affirmation, prayer and meditation help one to achieve FAITH. Faith can be described in many ways, but a simple way of putting it is, the belief in something that you have no actual proof of. So faith will tell you that you are well and thriving, while you may be lying up in a sickbed. How many people have lived long and eventful lives after being told they had “two weeks to live!”  Faith will tell you you are wealthy even when you only see $5.00 in your bank account.  And it will help to sharpen the subconscious mind.  When you are able to believe what you are not able to see with the physical eyes, you are able to manifest things you want into your life. And faith helps one to be effective in visualizing, an extremely powerful technique that won’t be mentioned in this article. However, you are encouraged to seek out more information on this.

To summarize, YOU have complete control over your destiny. But the larger, REAL you, not the mind and body which most people mistakenly believe are you.  If you get into contact with this real you through the techniques described above, you won’t ever be ill or off-balance. Before you seek healing from anybody outside of yourself, you must BELIEVE you can be well, be THANKFUL for any help you get (especially if it’s free or charitable), and have FAITH that you will be well, or that the Creator has your BEST INTEREST at heart no matter what the outcome.  You must also GIVE something, which does not have to be money, in return. This is an important principal. Even a simple prayer for your healer will suffice. 

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