Friday, April 30, 2010

Give Yourself the Gift of Forgiveness

It’s not about them, it’s all about you. This is the ultimate gift you can give yourself, and it keeps on giving! So go ahead and give it, go on you deserve it, and get rid of the dead weight. 

Everyone knows what forgiveness is, yet not many people actually put it into regular practice. If they did, the world would be a much more enjoyable place to live. Some of the biggest situations escalate from minor actions that are not forgiven, and like the proverbial snowball, the issue just gets bigger and bigger as time goes on. Lack of forgiveness ruins marriages, work relationships, family situations and on and on. 

So tonight we will talk about how difficult it can be to totally let go of something, especially when the issue is a large and haunting one. How do you forgive someone who harms you or your family? How to forgive someone who causes you pain that you now live with daily? How to forgive someone who does you wrong for apparently no reason at all? 

Dr. Suni and I will discuss that it often takes time and much effort to get rid of the emotional baggage, and this is exactly what forgiveness creates. Imagine carrying everyone you are holding something against on your back. That's why life can be burdensome for many people. We will also discuss another, very interesting I might add, perspective on the actual act of forgiveness, forgiveness therapy, forgiveness and energy healing, and forgiveness exercises  among other things. Plus, we will have our usual free reading by Robyn Avalon, the Rune Mistress of Atlantis. Call (646) 727-2644 at 9:30 to be considered for a free reading. Or reach Robyn at Our show has been extended to 45 minutes and now begins at 9:00 pm. Click here to listen.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Magnets for Pain Relief

 courtesy of Windows to the Universe,

By Heather McCauley

The next time you think about reaching for the aspirin, give some thought to the idea of substituting magnets. We’re not talking about those quirky ‘food look-alike’ magnets on your fridge. Medical-grade magnets come in an array of products and can offer pain relief with no immediate or long-term side effects. The difference between the fake cookies and plastic paper clips stuck to the fridge and medical magnetic products is measured in gauss. Refrigerator magnets measure about 10 gauss and medical magnets measure between 450-10,000 gauss. The greater the gauss, the greater the relief.

If you haven’t experienced the healing power of magnets, you may be wondering if they really work. Studies have shown that over 75% of participants experienced relief of pain versus less than 20% on the placebo. I emphatically swear by the power of magnets for pain relief. Over the last 10 years I have used multiple magnetic products and I have never been disappointed. Experts believe that magnetic pulses penetrate the skin, reaching nerve receptors where pain is manifesting. The magnetic pulses then block the electro-chemical message of ‘pain’ that is traveling along the nerves. The message of ‘pain’ is never received and the pain dissipates or lessens – as if by magic. I also believe that magnets help balance our body’s meridians (natural pathways of energy) and can be even more effective if used on various acupressure points.

If you’re not familiar with the different types of magnetic products, you will want to choose one based on your individual needs. If you experience chronic pain, choose products specific to the area(s) affected; magnetic braces and wraps are available for the ankle, wrist, knee and forehead. For localized pain, the magnetic “spots” or “dots” may do the trick. Place them strategically and secure with medical tape. Also, you can never go wrong with magnetic insoles as the feet have acupressure points relating back to every part of your body. If you want to be indulgent, spring for a magnetic mattress pad, pillow pad or seat cushion. And for all you pet owners, don’t forget about a magnetic mattress pad or pet collar for Fido. So give your body a break from chemical pain-relievers and try magnets instead.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I have a problem concerning a relationship and I hope you can help me. I met ‘Marcia’ seven years ago, when my mother died. It was a real bad time for me because my mother and I were really close. I loved her very much. she had six children and out of all her children, I was the only one who stayed out of trouble. I was always there for her through the rough times.

I met Marcia at my mother’s funeral. I really fell for Marcia because she was comforting and loving and she helped me when I was at a really low point. She knows I love her and would do anything for her. She says she loves me too and I believe that she does. But I could never understand why, when everything is going good for us, she always does something to mess things up. It’s like self sabotage, like she’s afraid to be happy or she doesn’t trust the feeling. In one breath she tells me she can’t live without me, and in another she tells me she doesn’t want to see me anymore. I really want to be with her but I don’t know how much more I can take.

Dr. Suni says: Dear R,
I gather from your account that you and Marcia want to be together, or you wouldn’t have stayed together seven years. I don’t know if you had any kind of counseling for this “problem,” but I would suggest first of all that you get some relationship counseling. Do you have a Minister that you can talk with? If not, ask around, call up some worship centers, find a Minister who does relationship counseling. Of course you both would attend counseling.

I see a trust issue. Something traumatic happened that affected Marcia, either during the relationship or before, that’s causing Marcia to hold onto fear. it’s a deep-seated fear and it has created a blockage in her emotional body. If the trust issue started during your relationship, then relationship counseling would help. If counseling does not resolve the issue, then I suggest hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy can quickly find the cause and cancel it. Of course this would have to be individual therapy, and Marcia would have to decide this for herself.

Aside from these suggestions, you need to pray and meditate daily. Meditation and prayer are powerful means to find answers to your problems. If you need help with learning how to meditate and pray effectively, please send us an email to  

I hope these suggestions help. wishing you love, light and harmony.

Ask the UTH Advisors is posted every Wednesday. Send your questions to: We request the right to publish your question without identifying you for the sake of helping others with similar issues.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Rune Readings by Robyn

Want insight into your past, present, and future?

Robyn Avalon, an intuitive, and the Rune Mistress of Atlantis, gives rune readings by donation at You can also receive a free rune reading by sending your name to to be entered into our rune raffle. We will pick a name on Thursday, the day before our Friday radio show. You will receive an email to let you know if you win and you will have to call into the show to receive your reading.

A live caller may also win a reading if the raffle winner does not call in, so call into the show at 9:15 on Friday night at:  (646) 727-2644 If you are the first caller, you may win a reading. Every caller wins something, so call in!

Nature's Antibiotics

According to, "While antibiotics are appropriate and effective cures they are outrageously overprescribed. This is unnecessary since there are natural alternatives to treat most conditions. Many types of bacteria have become antibiotic-resistant due to the overprescription.

Antibiotics are only effective against bacteria. They are completely useless against viruses, fungi, worms and parasites. Using these drugs can also cause an overgrowth of candida, yeast, and fungi. Frequent use can even depress your immune system, stimulate allergies, and damage organs such as the liver and kidneys."

Nature provides its own antibiotics in the form of garlic (good for more than chasing away vampires), tea tree oil, grapefruit seed extract, and honey, to name a few. It is important to understand that most honey sold on the US market today is made from hybrid bees and is not as effective as honey found elsewhere in the world.

Raw garlic is similar in function to penicillin and was used in World War I to treat open wounds. I have used these natural antibiotics with much success. Many times, illness is a sign that the body is overworked and needs to rest. I have found that it is at times when I push myself too hard, when I get sick. So the rest factor, in addition to these natural remedies creates a major recharge in the body's energy system, and I come out of the cocoon feeling brand new. I don't get sick often because I respect balance, and have learned to trust my body when it tells me to 'slow down.' But I am in awe of nature and how it provides for our every need...with no side effects. (except for bad breath, so cut that garlic up and swallow it, don't try to chew it!)

Friday, April 23, 2010

Do You Dislike Someone for No Real Reason? It Could Be Karmic. Listen.


Tonight's Show- Have You Lived Before?

image copyright Nela Dunato

This is an ancient subject that has been explored seemingly forever. What we will discuss tonight is what does it mean to you now, and we will also touch on the topic of past life regressions, which are often fascinating for many people. 

Our personalities, skills, inclinations, talents, and character are a composite of the experiences we have had before on earth and in lives in between earth. Many of the lessons we face are related to actions performed before we were born. Even our astrological makeup is determined by our past life. So we will be delving into this captivating question of whether or not this life is the only life tonight at 9:30. Click here to listen. Robyn is in a play (Good Luck Robyn!) tonight and cannot join us, so there will be no rune reading tonight, but catch Robyn anytime at Looking forward, and One Love!

Thursday, April 22, 2010


We almost forgot! But it's all good. This is because we celebrate Earth Day every day! But in honor of the holy-day (holiday) we say Happy Earth Day to all. One Love.

Excerpt from Seichim Healing Course Manual

This is an excerpt from a manual on Sechim Energy Healing. I wrote it with Divine inspiration. This course is available both in an online format and in-person classes. more info. Wishing you Love, Light and Harmony!

Statement: Although we believe healing transcends all faiths and religions as it deals directly with Universal Energy, we also believe there have been many hallowed guides along the way.  These spiritual teachers were sent to impart the truth in its simplicity.  Therefore, we often refer to statements from these Great Teachers such as Jesus the Christ.  It is our belief that these individuals, among others, found the keys to enlightenment and personal fulfillment and were driven to share this precious information with the world.

This Seichim Course consists of three branches.  This manual is very comprehensive and builds a solid foundation for understanding and practicing Seichim Energy Healing.  It is also Divine and intuitively inspired. Seichim I generally covers information regarding self-healing. This is important because if you are called to go into healing service, you will be required to educate your clients in some respect on how to maintain the healing and balance that you provide. Seichim II goes more in-depth on healing others and performing healing sessions, and Seichim III discusses important aspects of growing into the role of Seichim Master and passing attunements onto others. 

•    Seichim I:             Healing the Self
•    Seichim II:            Healing Others
•    Seichim III:           Becoming a Seichim Master Healer

Following are synopses of each:

Seichim I

The first branch of this course, Seichim I, focuses on the nature of true healing and healing the self.  Healing is essentially the balancing of energy currents.  It is re-establishing our connection with the Divine Presence within.  Energy follows thought.  If we turn our attention towards understanding who we truly are, energy will follow this thought and begin to flow in a balancing and healing manner.  When you learn to surrender to The Divine Presence, healing will follow.  Every individual is accountable for his or her growth and success.  This is the path of true healing.

Healing depends upon the inner state of the person to be healed as much as on the ability of the healer to perform a cure.  Many diseases are psychological in nature and illness is a message signaling change.  Unless this is understood, people will continue to look outside of themselves for healing, not realizing that healing comes from within—from changing negative thought patterns.  Our true self constantly strives for expression.  The Divine wants to shine forth within us.  It is only wrong thinking, also called ‘error consciousness,’ that limits our potential and causes us to become off-balance or ill.  If a healer can help to bring about a change in the thought pattern of a patient, that person will experience healing.  Seichim I focuses on the techniques of self-healing.  It emphasizes the need for one to understand our true nature and how to remain healthy and in balance. 

Seichim I also focuses on clearing.  Once we gain the understanding of what constitutes healing and realize we are all linked to a Universal Healing Source, then we must seek to become a pure channel for healing energy.  This is accomplished through clearing on many levels; clearing the body, clearing the living environment, clearing destructive emotional patterns, and clearing the mind of negative thoughts and beliefs.  Once we have learned the necessity in doing this regularly, we are then able to effectively learn to assist others in healing.  

Our beings are made up of many parts.  Each part has unique energies and some will emerge to be purged.  If one does not deal with these experiences, most of this grand opportunity for deep healing and spiritual cleansing will unfortunately be missed.  This part of the program focuses on clearing in order to purify your body channel to hold and transmit healing energies.  As a healer's body is a channel for Universal Healing Energy, this temple must be kept as pure as possible.  This will ensure the healer maintains his or her effectiveness in assisting others.  It also eliminates problems many beginning healers encounter such as energy depletion. 

When one encounters a situation where the body feels fatigued or low in energy, it is a strong signal for the healer to take a break.  Jesus the Christ, a master healer, often spent time in solitude where he could re-connect with the Universal Healing Source.  All healers must do the same.  We cannot continue to give to others without giving to ourselves.  Healing, above all, is about balance.  The more one understands how to maintain balance between the inner and outer selves, between activity and rest and all of life's disparities, the easier it will be to maintain the healing flow of energy through the body temple. Requirements for attunement: homework and short-answer exam. Copyright 2010 Universal Temple of Healing. All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I would like some advice concerning my living conditions. I am fifty years old and I share an apartment with three other guys, and I'm tired of somebody always trying to create problems. One individual has recently started up again trying to intimidate and create bad feelings in the house. The landlady said that at the end of April I will have my own flat, if I can hold out, I just hope that I get the flat, I feel at peace inside and do well in my university studies. My elderly mother is not well mentally and looks up to me. It gets so stressful, that I have a hard time keeping faith and trusting that God loves me. I want to feel God's love and be able to trust and live life without fear. I hope you can help me.
 Dr. Suni Says:

Greetings M.,
Thanks for using our Advice column. We'll do our best to help you take charge of your living situation, and we'll help you to connect back with your Source. 

Have you heard of energy vampires? These are people who live off someone's else's energy because their own energy system is low. However, they cannot take someone's energy unless that person allows it. We believe this may be at the root of the problem in your living conditions, causing you stress and causing you to doubt your relation with God. You will need to know how to build up your energy system and how to protect yourself from energy drain. It will also help for you to be away from these negative influences. We pray that your flat will be available as the landlady promised.

1) To begin, we'll send you seven days of energy healing by distance. This energy is powerful and will help to balance your energy system and put the white light of protection around you. We would like you to do a daily meditation while the energy is being sent. Just get
into a comfortable, relaxed position with no disturbance or distractions, and see the energy in the form of a golden white light surrounding your entire body. In case you don't currently meditate on a daily basis, we urge you to start now. Should you need instructions for meditation, let us know; we'll send you detailed instructions.

2) As you meditate on the golden white light, bring the light into your heart center in the middle of your chest, and repeat the following Prayer of Faith: 

God is my help in every need
God does my every hunger feed
God walks beside me, guides my way
Through every moment of the day
I now am wise, I now am true
Patient, kind, and loving too
All things I am, can do and be
Through Christ, the truth that lives in me
God is my health, I cannot be sick
God is my strength, unfailing, quick
God is my all, I know no fear,
Since God and love and truth are here

Continue repeating the Prayer of Faith for thirty minutes, as you focus on the golden white light in your heart center. From now on, repeat this prayer three times whenever you start to meditate, and before you go to sleep at night.
Our prayers are with you. Please let us know how you're doing.

Wishing you love, light and harmony.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Astrology & You Tuesdays

Many people are familiar with the science of astrology. Since we talk a lot about energy and its use, influence, and significance, astrology is simply a related topic. It is a very comprehensive and in-depth science, that takes years for some folks to really get a grasp of. Even then, it is easily a life-long study, as there is so much to the Universe and its mysteriousness. For example, new stars, and sometimes planets are discovered all the time, each with its own unique energy (some might say personality).

On a more mundane level, how does astrology help in human relations? In many many ways! From choosing the right business partner or mate, to making key decisions (it is common knowledge that former President Reagan used his wife's astrologer to assist) an understanding of astrological energy patterns is extremely helpful. One thing is very important to know however! And that is, the stars only 'rule' a person until they come into a conscious awareness of who they 'really' are. After that, astrology is somewhat useless in determining human behavior and inclination, because the person is operating more out of their higher, more spiritual self, and not their lower, physical self. A good astrologer can look at a person's horoscope chart (based on date, place and time of birth) and tell whether this person is a serial killer or saint. And studies have been done to prove this.

But the intervening factor is always human will. How many times have you known (even without the use of astrology) that a person wasn't right for you, and still you plunged forward into murky waters? On that same note, by knowing your inclinations, and the tendencies of others, you can work to change them, since they are no longer an unconscious part of the shadow self, but are now revealed in order that you can work on them. It is difficult to work on others, though, and this is where their will and willingness to make the effort to improve is significant.

So on Tuesdays, I will be discussing various facets of astrology, since I have been fascinated with this science as long as I can remember. One Love.

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Importance of Stretching

By Heather McCauley

Whether you are young, old or somewhere in between, your body wants to stretch. Regardless of your fitness level, everybody (that is, every BODY) benefits from regularly and properly stretching our muscles. Stretching is one of the most often underrated and overlooked forms of physical activity. Yet, anyone can learn to stretch, it takes a very small time commitment and it yields incredible and measurable benefits to your body. A regularly practiced routine of stretching just 10 minutes a day can keep us agile and flexible long into our golden years.

If you are not a regular stretcher and have experienced any muscle tension, reduced range of motion or muscular coordination – or if you have been diagnosed with decreased or poor circulation, you will likely experience significant relief with just a few sessions of regular stretching. If your energy levels have been sluggish as well, this could be a side effect of poor circulation and you could see marked improvement with stretching. Even if you have a regular exercise routine, be sure you stretch before, during and after your workouts for optimum energy, range of motion and muscle recovery.

There are a few important basics that everyone should know prior to stretching. First, stretching is a natural motion for the body, and some people are more flexible than others. When you begin stretching, it should not be painful. You may feel slight discomfort but the longer you hold a stretch, the more comfortable it should become. It is important not to ‘bounce’ or force the body to achieve a stretch. Move your body slowly, easing into each stretch and remember to continue breathing. Hold each stretch for 15-30 seconds to achieve the maximum benefit. You should also refrain from deep stretching of ‘cold’ muscles (I like to walk the dog first) and do not stretch an area that is injured unless under the direction of a physician. For a how-to guide on the seven most basic and beneficial stretches, check out this link: Basic Stretching Routine.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Friday's Show- Earthquakes and the Pole Shift- How to prepare for Coming Earth Changes.

*Correction: I didn't mean to say that Marianne Williamson wrote A Course in Miracles. She actually taught this course and wrote about it. *

Friday, April 16, 2010

Earthquakes and the Pole Shift- How to prepare for Coming Earth Changes.

People are joining together to prepare for life in the Aquarian Age, the age of brotherhood. In this show we will discuss some of the predicted earth changes, and how we can help create a smoother transition into this exciting new age. We will discuss the Pole Shift, and ancient (and some modern) predictions, but we will focus more on what we can do to prepare. We feel that focusing on the ‘problem’ more than the solution, is not the most effective way to deal with it, and can cause anxiety and fear. This needs not be the case, as what will be will be, but how we deal with it is completely up to us. These changes need not be drastic, it is because of the mass pain body, according to Tolle, that people become fearful of what will in essence, be the beginning of a glorious and peaceful new time. 

So although we will begin the show by discussing earthquakes and natural disasters, we will end by making you feel assured that by starting now (if you haven’t started before) there are things you can do to prepare yourself and your loved ones for coming changes and a new way of living. Let’s get in alignment with the Universe and Mother Earth, and move forward comfortably as we make the transition from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius.The show starts at 9:30 pm ET. Click here to listen.

Win a free rune reading by Robyn Avalon, The Rune Mistress of Atlantis, by calling in to the show at 9:15pm ET. The call-in number is: (646) 727-2644. You can also reach Robyn at or She performs rune readings by donation.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Daily Probiotics for Good Health

By Heather McCauley

Even if you are a person who swears by all-natural healing and supplements, you are likely to have been prescribed a dose of antibiotics at some point in your life. Antibiotics go to work attacking what ails us and successfully abolish whatever demonic force that dared invade our body. The problem with antibiotics is that they are not selective in their quest to conquer. Yes – they successfully overthrow the bad bacteria (and they are necessary in emergency medical treatment). However, antibiotics take away our friendly bacteria at the same time. This is when adding a good probiotic can speed your recovery and help prevent recurrences.

It takes nearly six months for friendly bacteria (gut flora) to repopulate the intestines once antibiotics have done their damage. A healthy balance of flora in the intestines is critical to our vitality as over 75% of the cells that create immunities call the intestines their home. Reduced or diminished flora leads to a weakened immune system and other problems such as gas, bloating, and irregular bowel movements. By restoring balance in the intestines, we promote healthy and regular elimination of waste – our bodies’ natural method of detoxifying. There are no current standards for physicians to recommend probiotics when prescribing antibiotics but millions of people would benefit if the issue were addressed.

Anyone can benefit from probiotics in their diet – not just individuals who have taken antibiotics. In lieu of adding to your good gut flora, you can opt for foods which provide the live bacteria: yogurt, kefir, olives, buttermilk, some aged cheeses, and fermented foods like sauerkraut and kim chee. Taking a probiotic supplement is also a good idea but buyer beware; studies have shown that over 40% of probiotics on the market delivered undetectable amounts of live bacteria – and almost 50% were mislabeled, listing the incorrect strains or amounts delivered. A good probiotic will also survive the acidic environment of the stomach to reach its delivery site – the intestines. I have discovered a very high quality product which has a patented delivery system and guarantees the claim for live bacteria. If you would like to know more about it, check out this website holistic health/probiotic. Wishing you good health!


To all of our volunteers and future volunteers, we say ‘thank you for being a friend.’ In these times, with there seeming to be not enough time in the day, we appreciate your help in taking your personal time to assist us in our goals of healing, uplifting, and teaching. There will come a time when every person will know how to tap into universal energy, and use their intuition as a survival guide. The future will also dictate that we join together in groups to accomplish the goals of re-building and expanding our ways of community. People are coming together right now in cooperative farming efforts to ensure that good-quality food will be available in times of famine, and for other worthwhile initiatives.

If you would like to volunteer, there are many areas where you can participate, from events, to marketing, to offering free healing treatments, and many more. Let us know what area(s) you are interested in, and feel free to suggest an area also. We will integrate your service into our plans. Right now, we are working on planning free healing fairs for people to receive free treatments, and short educational workshops. We are also looking for workshop presenters. Click here to sign up to volunteer as a member of our Healing Club. We Love you and we thank you!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


My husband and I are suffering from depression. This has been going on as long as I can remember. I didn't really take much notice of it until our children moved out of the house. Since then, it has gotten worse. There is never a day when we can just enjoy life. I read books and try to keep busy with my garden. But it doesn’t make things better. Every time we are in the same room the atmosphere is gloomy. I tell him to find something to do that will make the time pass. But he sits in front of the TV and doesn’t say much. I am tired of living like this. Thank you for helping.

Dr. Suni says: Dear J,
It seems you have been suffering from a low energy state for a long time. This could have been caused from some sort of a traumatic experience or even through harsh chemicals present in drugs, legal or illegal. From the standpoint of the energy healer, depression is a lowering of the energy flow through the energy field. Something caused the depression, and we would need a more detailed history of your life experiences in order to recommend a complete course of treatment.We offer free consults for this reason. 

Even without the history, I would advise that you begin a course of energy healing treatments right away. These would work to unblock your energy centers and balance and align your energy system. The treatments should be done three weeks apart and a minimum of three sessions should be scheduled up front. After completing three sessions, we will assess your condition and recommend further therapies, if needed. As for your husband, we would need to consult with him before advising any treatment.  
Thank you for accessing our Advice column. We wish you love, light and harmony.

Ask the UTH Advisors is published on Wednesdays. Have a question? Send it to We will do our best to assist you. We request the right to publish your question without identifying you, for the benefit of others who may have a similar question. Wishing you Love, Light and Harmony.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Are You An Addict?

Internet addiction is a growing problem, and with the internet moving into new places (it will soon be in cars) and the wireless network being funded by the government for the benefit of safety (police, ambulances, etc.) it is likely to get even worse. Take this test to see if you are addicted.

I can't lie; the Internet is a semi-issue for me. I find that I enjoy being online, sometimes a little too much. My score was a 48 on the test, so I’m not technically an addict, but I do find that I can ignore certain things in my life in favor of the Internet.

So I have to force myself to take an Internet fast. And this is not easy! I feel compelled to run and check email and to see ‘what’s happening in the news’ even though deep down I know these things are not important. The fast is helpful, as it assists me in focusing on what is important nature, my family, and reading that good book that I keep putting down way too often!

If you haven’t tried an Internet Fast, or a News Fast, try one soon....or a combination of both. Fasting from the cell phone is also a favorite of mine, and Oprah has a No Phone Zone campaign and No Phone Zone Day on April 30 that will save lives, I’m sure. more info. My personal opinion is that texting is not all that necessary. So I don’t text, but that’s just my way of trying to stay grounded in a world that’s ultra hectic. (Plus, it saves me from 'numb thumb'). So try the fast(s), it will help you to sensitive yourself more to the higher energies of the Universe, which is a very beautiful and mysterious place, and less to the activities of everyday life, which are most often not too meaningful. In the end, you will find yourself mega refreshed. One love.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Spring Cleaning for Mind, Body and Soul

By Heather McCauley

A couple of weeks ago, I experienced the emotional task of painstakingly going through everything I own in order to determine if I should keep it, sell it, store it or trash it. I had to be very honest with myself about the sorting because in a couple of weeks I will be downsizing from a 900 square foot one-bedroom apartment to a single 12’ x 12’ room at a friend’s house. As a result of my efforts, I bid an emotional goodbye to some of my former treasures in the form of a spring yard sale – and I couldn’t have been happier with how I felt afterward. Even when the charity truck pulled up at the end of day two, I had the overwhelming sense that my belongings would make others happy. Best of all, I felt lighter, cleaner; as if a burden had been lifted.

The same way that a chakra clearing or energy healing can unblock the flow of vital energy in our bodies, clearing out the clutter in our home can help create a more dynamic flow of positive chi (life energy). Beyond the spiritual benefits of a home clearing, physical benefits are likely to be experienced as well. A home free of dust and dander will promote healthy breathing; an organized, clutter-free home will reduce stress (you can just feel your blood pressure rise when you can’t find that one piece of very important, misplaced mail). In my opinion, sleep is experienced more deeply in a clutter-free home. Although the task of ‘spring cleaning’ may seem monumental to some people, the results are well worth the effort. We treat our bodies with respect and reverence and our homes should be treated at least as such. They are, after all, merely an outward extension of our inner selves.

Friday, April 9, 2010


We will be trying to update our Twitter posts more frequently in the future. Join us on Twitter and help us spread the word about natural healing and the New Age. Love, Light, and Harmony.

Eating to Love- Part 3 of Creating Your Ideal Body the Easy Way

Tonight's radio show is the last part in our 3-part series on Creating Your Ideal Body the Easy Way. We have been stressing simple, yet powerful methods of dropping weight, increasing energy, and dealing with cravings and related issues that affect the weight.

Tonight, we'll be discussing how eating to live can be eating to LOOOVE! We will discuss the alkaline/acid balance, and how important it is, not only for helping to maintain your ideal weight, but in healing and overall well being. We will also discuss alkaline-forming foods, and touch upon the interesting subjects of hypnotherapy & entities (don't miss this!), and energy healing, 2 topics left out of the former 2 parts of this series due to time limitations. Plus! We'll be discussing a few delicious recipes such as a healthy brownie recipe and Dr. Suni's raw hummus, which can give you the energy you need, and are tasty indeed!

Plus, you can call the show at (646) 727-2644 at 9:15 pm to win a free rune reading from Robyn Avalon the Rune Mistress of Atlantis. Only one reading will be given, but every caller will win something!

Click here to tune into the show tonight at 9:30 ET. Bookmark the page for future reference. Happy Friday!

Our feature, Ask the UTH Advisors will begin again next Wednesday, and will be a regular feature every Wednesday. Have a QUESTION ABOUT ANYTHING? send it to We will do our best to assist you. We request the right to publish your question without identifying you, for the benefit of others who may have a similar question. Wishing you Love, Light and Harmony.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Blessing Difficult People

By Heather McCauley

Some days it can be so difficult to not let other people 'rain on our parade'. It seems that in a matter of seconds, a good mood can turn negative simply because of the actions of another. You're driving along on a beautiful day and suddenly someone pulls out directly in front of you - and decides to drive a good 10 miles slower than the speed limit. Come on, who among us has NOT been upset when that guy did that? I know I have! However, over the last few years, I have learned to tell the difference between what is and isn't important in my life. When someone like the aforementioned driver deliberately goes out of his way to ruin my day (sarcastically-speaking, of course; logically, I know the driver is not at all concerned with my day), I am now able to replace my former rage-filled expletive with "Bless You".

Always trying to find the upside to dealing with difficult people can be - well, difficult. Not impossible. I found myself dealing with several difficult people on a continuing basis - all at once. I learned of a long-trusted friend's deception; I learned co-workers were making false accusations about me; add to that estranged family members, an ex-lover and a conniving boss - and it was more than I cared to deal with. That's when I turned things around and found the silver lining in each situation. I blessed my friend for showing me that I had outgrown our kind of friendship. I blessed the co-workers for considering me a worthy adversary. My family for showing me how to never compromise my principals no matter how difficult things get; my boss for never pretending to be my pal, and my ex for opening my heart to the experience of love again.

It is also possible - and healthy - to find the blessings in difficult situations. A loss of job could mean a fresh start or new career. Loss of possessions means an opportunity for greater spiritual growth. And even a loss of life can mean the end of suffering. Even though the path you walk may be dark, rays of sunlight still shine through. By taking the time to examine each person and situation, you reclaim your own inner power to manifest whatever kind of day (and life) that you can create.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Earthquakes and Pole Shifts, The New Age, Oh My!

According to channeled messages from The Virgin Mary in the book, Mary’s Message to the World, a pole shift is coming. It has happened before, many ages ago, and it is due for another shift in the near future. In fact, it is somewhat of a natural occurrence, as the earth's tectonic plates shift over time like the pieces of a puzzle. According to Marianne Williamson "This book has great impact. Its message stayed with me for a long time."

"This time I have been given permission to warn you ahead of time,” Mary says. (p.26) She says much land will go under the water, and much land that has been underwater for ages, will be above ground. Many of the prophecies in this book have been delayed, due to the prayers and positive actions of some humans. Many of these events were expected to happen years ago, but as she states, the prayers of a few can cause things to shift...prayers, not to God, but for mankind and each other. This is the real reason for prayer, to help each other, as God doesn’t need our prayers!

However, the storms and earthquakes we have been experiencing will get worse, according to Mary, and this is because the earth is in a cleansing process, ridding itself of much negative energy that has accumulated from mankind’s thoughts and actions for many many years. She says, “The turning of the axis is the story of the book of Revelation.” p.29. Much of the bible is prophetic wisdom, if one understands how to interpret it. There are also numerous websites that discuss this grand occurrence, and how to prepare for it.

A website called Pole Shift, Where, When and How, confirms a lot of this information. It states, "One of the primary reasons for such erratic weather in the world, along with volcanic and earthquake activity THAT IS NOW INCREASING RAPIDLY, is the prophecy concerning what could only be called a LITERAL SHIFTING OF THE POLES, with the earth realigning itself upon a whole new polar axis. This prophecy can be found in Isaiah 24; Isaiah 13:13; and Jeremiah 50:46." (their capitals for emphasis)

It also states, “Note, that one of the signs is the changing of the Axis:  this has happened twice that we've been told about:  in the earthquake/tsunami of 12/26/04 in Sumatra, and in the recent series of serious earthquakes in Chile in 2010: where we were told that the earth's axis changed by 3 inches and shortened time by 1.26 microseconds.  That doesn't sound like a lot, but if these earthquakes continue - the change will accumulate.  At what point would it just then flip the 30 degrees we've been told about?”

The Good News? According to Mary, "make sure you understand that this is not the end, but the beginning of a new era and a new world and a new understanding.”p.29. Although many will go into the spirit plane as they will not survive, they will still be OK. Those left will band together in peace, love, and unity in order to rebuild in a new and beautiful way! We will be discussing this and more next week on our radio show, Love is On the Air. One Love.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Open Door

When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us.
Helen Keller

I was made to read about Helen Keller in grade school. It started with an excerpt in a textbook, and ended with me checking out a story about her life from the library. And to say it inspired me was an understatement.

I just found this quote by her today. I often say, "when one door closes, another opens," a saying that's been ingrained in my head so long that I forget where I first heard it. But to find this quote by Helen this morning was truly a sign of synchronicity, since it coincides with the one in my head.

So today, let's look for that open door, not anxiously, but consciously, knowing that it must be out there, somewhere, and if we only know this, we will eventually stumble or even coast right through it. One Love.

Monday, April 5, 2010

The Abundant Universe

By Heather McCauley

By now, many people are aware of ‘the secret’ of abundance. While it is truly not a secret, the Universal Law of Attraction can be difficult to grasp. Going back to an earlier post in this blog, “You are What You Think”, we can gain a basic understanding of how our thoughts are manifested. In reality The Law of Attraction is constantly working, without fail. A sometimes incomprehensible concept can be observed when people are never able to manifest what they want most. That is because they put so much time, thought and energy into the wanting of a thing, the Universe can only respond with more continued wanting on their part. With a slight change of focus to the end result, the Universe will always comply. Instead of thinking, “I want to be abundantly healthy”, try putting your energy into “I am growing more healthy every day”. This subtle difference will make a Universal difference, literally.

The Universe has no limitations to what it can help you manifest. Our limited perceptions should never inhibit our own spiritual, financial, physical or even romantic growth. If you are seeking a romantic partner, worldly success or any other goal, focus on the feeling of the completion of that goal – not the ideal package you think it should come in (‘tall, dark and handsome’ or the exact business deal you want). Once we realize that we are plugged in to the most powerful energy there is – and that we are always manifesting our thoughts – we are better able to reap the benefits of the Universal Law of Attraction. There are hundreds of billions of stars in the known universe. There’s no reason why a few can’t shine just for you!

Friday, April 2, 2010

SO EXCITED! - The Nissan Leaf is Arriving Soon

According to Mother Earth news, "After a federal tax credit, the all-electric Leaf will cost a bit more than $25,000. This practical sedan has room for five, a range of about 100 miles and will cost less than $3 to “fill up.”"

I AM SO EXCITED. At UTH we love everything green. And we love Mother Earth. So this car is the beginning of something truly beautiful for the environment and the world community. It's not a hybrid, it's all electric. It will go up to 76 mph, and have a cruising range of about 100 miles before a recharge is necessary. It will start at around $33,000, before federal tax credits which will lower the price.

It will go on sale in December in 'select markets,' and nationwide in 2011. Progress is being made, and Mother Earth must be smiling for a change....

Love is On the Air broadcasts tonight at 9:30 EST. Click here to hear it. Call (646) 727-2644 at 9:15 to win a free Miracle Healing Formula. Happy Friday. Wishing you Love, Light, and Harmony!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Intuition: Your Best Judge

By Heather McCauley

I was partaking in my guilty pleasure the other night, American Idol, and I found myself impressed by a response made by one of the contestants. When asked who she would listen to after receiving conflicting information from the judges, this 17-year-old contestant replied, “myself”, demonstrating wisdom beyond her years. In truth, it is the only person she (or anyone, for that matter) should be listening to. This applies not only in matters of one’s talent, but in every other aspect of our daily lives as well as (and especially) the big decisions affecting out future. So, how do we cut through all the garbage in order to listen to our own intuition? The answer may be simpler than you imagined.

The first step to a healthy intuition is that you must have the confidence to acknowledge that small voice. Being able to differentiate your intuitive voice from the one that speaks from a place of fear (based on past mistakes or knowledge of others’ situations) or ego (it wants what it wants) can be difficult at first. The intuition is the voice that you feel; you will notice that any other voices will grow in strength and volume when you pay attention to them. That is because you are giving them your intellectual attention. Learn to go with your first feeling, meditate on it if possible, and then make your decision.

Your intuition can be honed and developed into an effective instrument. Try experimenting with a friend or relative; make a plan to send each other “psychic messages” at a specified time. It doesn’t need to be anything elaborate – maybe just a word or two. Compare notes with your friend, including initial impressions and subsequent thoughts. Once you know what it feels like to be ‘on the right track’, you will be able to exercise your intuition regularly. When we embrace our inner knowledge, we bring it into the light – giving it the credit it deserves. We find that we no longer need judges; all we need is our own intuition.