Thursday, April 29, 2010

Magnets for Pain Relief

 courtesy of Windows to the Universe,

By Heather McCauley

The next time you think about reaching for the aspirin, give some thought to the idea of substituting magnets. We’re not talking about those quirky ‘food look-alike’ magnets on your fridge. Medical-grade magnets come in an array of products and can offer pain relief with no immediate or long-term side effects. The difference between the fake cookies and plastic paper clips stuck to the fridge and medical magnetic products is measured in gauss. Refrigerator magnets measure about 10 gauss and medical magnets measure between 450-10,000 gauss. The greater the gauss, the greater the relief.

If you haven’t experienced the healing power of magnets, you may be wondering if they really work. Studies have shown that over 75% of participants experienced relief of pain versus less than 20% on the placebo. I emphatically swear by the power of magnets for pain relief. Over the last 10 years I have used multiple magnetic products and I have never been disappointed. Experts believe that magnetic pulses penetrate the skin, reaching nerve receptors where pain is manifesting. The magnetic pulses then block the electro-chemical message of ‘pain’ that is traveling along the nerves. The message of ‘pain’ is never received and the pain dissipates or lessens – as if by magic. I also believe that magnets help balance our body’s meridians (natural pathways of energy) and can be even more effective if used on various acupressure points.

If you’re not familiar with the different types of magnetic products, you will want to choose one based on your individual needs. If you experience chronic pain, choose products specific to the area(s) affected; magnetic braces and wraps are available for the ankle, wrist, knee and forehead. For localized pain, the magnetic “spots” or “dots” may do the trick. Place them strategically and secure with medical tape. Also, you can never go wrong with magnetic insoles as the feet have acupressure points relating back to every part of your body. If you want to be indulgent, spring for a magnetic mattress pad, pillow pad or seat cushion. And for all you pet owners, don’t forget about a magnetic mattress pad or pet collar for Fido. So give your body a break from chemical pain-relievers and try magnets instead.