Monday, June 28, 2010

A Spiritual Model for Global Peace

By Heather McCauley

It is the year 2010 and, like most fads of yesteryear, peace is once again in style. Revived from the 60’s era of Woodstock and free love, peace has made a comeback in a big way. I type these words with tongue in cheek - knowing that, at least for my generation, peace is more than a symbol on a t-shirt. Although I am a child of the 70’s, I know that I am not alone in my desire for global peace. In recent years, more religious and world leaders have taken up the peace flag, struggling to wave the banner during our chaotic and catastrophic time. Whether you are a leader in your community or not, it is certain that everyone - no matter your religion, race, creed or social standing – can effectively promote global peace. We simply need to start by shifting our own consciousness.

Neale Donald Walsh writes, “The only peace in all the world that is sustaining is Internal Peace” (Conversations with God, Book 2). This is undeniably true – how can we expect the world to project something which we, ourselves, have not experienced? Walsh further states that “this one simple change…could…end all wars, eliminate conflict, prevent injustice and bring the world to everlasting peace.” But, most of us would ask, how do we obtain and maintain inner peace? Simply stated: “Need nothing. Desire everything. Choose what shows up” (Walsh).

Several years ago, a friend gave me a small print-out of the symptoms of inner peace. Through the dozen years and multiple relocations, this tiny list has always found its way to the forefront of my daily life; in the workplace at my desk, at home on my refrigerator or taped to my dresser, as a bookmark. I’ve often thought about retyping the list or replicating it in some way but I feel that it might somehow lose its potency – or I may forget how far I’ve come in achieving those ‘symptoms’ on that list without referencing the wear and tear it has endured. Unlike the symptoms of a disease, the symptoms of inner peace are something to strive for. Also unlike a disease, inner peace is the end result and not the defining factor. In order to achieve inner peace, I would recommend plenty of meditation and reading these symptoms several times a day. I am reprinting them here for the first time since I received them.

The Symptoms of Inner Peace – Author Unknown (but still very much appreciated)

1. A tendency to think and act deliberately, rather than from fears based on past experiences
2. An unmistakable ability to enjoy each moment
3. A loss of interest in judging others
4. A loss of interest in judging self
5. A loss of interest in conflict
6. A loss of interest in interpreting the actions of others
7. A loss of ability to worry
8. Frequent, overwhelming episodes of appreciation
9. Contented feelings of connectedness with others and nature
10. Frequent attacks of smiling through the heart
11. Increasing susceptibility to kindness offered, and the uncontrollable urge to reciprocate
12. An increasing tendency to allow things to unfold, rather than resisting and manipulating

“When you find Inner Peace, neither the presence nor the absence of any person, place or thing, condition, circumstance, or situation can be the Creator of your state of mind or the cause of your experience of being” (Walsh). In truth, no one can have control over our state of mind or our attitude – these are only our choosing. Will you choose to be at peace with your circumstances, especially if it means you have done a large part in contributing to Global Peace? I hope so...

Friday, June 25, 2010

Tonight's Show

We've been on a mini break this week, recouping and relaxing, so tonight's show is a short one (30 minutes) on how you can heal yourself, and in fact, you are the only one that can heal yourself. We're not talking mainly about physical ailments, we're talking about the things that keep us in bondage to sadness, depression, despair, anger and in general unhappiness. Why? Because not only have we created these experiences for ourselves, we are the only ones that have the keys out of these self-designed prisons. But it doesn't stop there! Once we discover this amazing potential, then our responsibility lies in helping others to realize it within themselves. Psychic Sylvia Browne says we never stop working on this earth plane, it's why we're here. So even spiritual masters that have achieved the ultimate, enlightenment, still have work to do. But this work is of the most enjoyable type.

We all have the ability to heal, and many of us come by this realization only after we’ve encountered some traumatic life experience. Something triggers the memory, such as severe illness, accidents, near death or some other traumatic experience. Chunyi Lin, founder of Spring Forest Qigong, said; “I was born a healer. You were born a healer, too.” Click here to listen. Call in (646) 727-2644 at 9:00 to win a free reading by Robyn Avalon, the Rune Mistress of Atlantis.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I need advice on something that involves making a life decision. I’ve worked in the computer field for many years and I make good money. Three years ago I started to get sick, vomiting, fatigue, and just feeling awful. My doctor said I had hepatitis B. Then a friend told me that he also had hepatitis B and he started to get alternative healing treatments from a naturopathic doctor. My friend told me that he hasn’t had any symptoms since he started to see this doctor, and he advised me to make an appointment.

I went to the naturopathic doctor and he helped me to get better and to keep the infection under control. The reason I’m writing to you is that lately I’m becoming dissatisfied with my job. I don’t know when I started to feel this way, but every day I’m thinking more and more about going into some kind of an alternative healing career. I think that my experience with the naturopathic doctor has something to do with my wanting to go into this field. But where do I start? And how do I know that I can do this type of work? Any advice you can give would be appreciated.
Dear Dan,

We all have the ability to heal, and many of us come by this realization only after we’ve encountered some traumatic life experience. Something triggers the memory, such as severe illness, accidents, near death or some other traumatic experience. I started on this path later in life, after I had an exposure to formaldehyde which took me completely and permanently out of the workplace. It was my soul’s way of getting me to launch out on my true path, the path I was meant to take from the beginning.

Chunyi Lin, founder of Spring Forest Qigong, said; “I was born a healer. You were born a healer, too.” I recommend you buy his book: Born A Healer. I also advise that you log onto our web site: and read about our programs and services. Read about the reiki and seichim courses that we offer. These are energy healing courses. I strongly recommend you take the self healing course. Then you’ll have an idea whether or not you want to perform this type of healing on others. If you do, you can complete the course in healing others.

There are many different modalities of alternative healing; you need to try out a few varieties, one at a time, and see which ones appeal to you, which ones you’re more comfortable with. You may want to go into herbal medicine, homeopathic or naturopathic medicine. Then there is qigong, acupuncture, acupressure, hypnotherapy, counseling, and life coaching. The holistic healing field is wide. It will take some time to develop a career but the most important thing is to start.

You can also start reading the new age and metaphysical magazines in your area, and visiting metaphysical bookstores for material of interest. Much information is available, as also on the internet. Pray and meditate. Ask for guidance from the higher realm. Then seek out what you need. You’ll be guided to the people, places and things that can help you in your journey. The important thing is to take the first step.

I hope my answer has been helpful to you. Wishing you love, light and harmony.
Send questions to

Monday, June 21, 2010

Summer Sun Safety

By Heather McCauley

Today is the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. And what better way to welcome summer than by talking about its most prominent feature, the sun? Today, the sun will shine longer than any other day of the year (sorry, Southern Hemi – this won’t happen until December for you). While most of us have a casual relationship with the sun – perhaps missing it when clouds obstruct it from our view, others have a more intense relationship with this celestial body. We witness and romanticize beautiful sunrises and sunsets. We plan entire days’ activities around the sun. We also allow the sun’s rays to wash over our bodies, some of us to the point of ritualistic worship – only feeling satisfied when we have turned our skin a different color or experience a blistering burn. Unfortunately, there is mounting evidence to indicate the latter type of sun lovers may be playing with fire.

According to the Skin Cancer Foundation (, an adult’s risk of skin cancer doubles if s/he has had five or more sunburns – in a lifetime! For children, the risk doubles with having had just one sunburn. Although the sun’s negative effects are cumulative, there is also the risk of any one-time exposure leading to a form of skin cancer. Some people are more at risk than others depending on skin type, family history, ethnicity and the number and size of moles a person has on their body. Indoor tanning is known to increase skin cancer risk by 74% and major organizations are currently taking notice; WHO (World Health Organization) and the FDA. The government has even implemented new taxes related to indoor UV tanning and is in the process of regulating its use by younger persons. The bottom line and your best defense against skin cancer is don’t burn.

Although the argument for receiving your daily Vitamin D may be your reason for sun basking, only 5-10 minutes of indirect exposure a day is necessary to receive this benefit. In addition, Vitamin D is also readily available in supplement form and in foods such as fish and fresh dairy. The Skin Cancer Foundation recommends several things in order to avoid the dreaded sunburn:

- Use SPF 15 or greater every time you go outside and reapply often
- Avoid the sun between 10a.m-4p.m.
- Avoid indoor tanning
- See a dermatologist at least once a year and check your body from head to toe every month for unusual marks or moles
- Don’t forget your head: face, ears, and eyes – use sunglasses and wide-brimmed hats if necessary
- Do not expose infants younger than six months to the sun
- To reverse some of the damage of UV radiation, try laser peels, chemical peels, retinol, facial resurfacing and/or LED devices (light-emitting diodes)

Take care of your skin – it’s the largest organ you have and your first line of defense. If you just can’t bear to wear your own base skin color proudly, rest assured that technology has come a long way in the development of spray and self tanners. They no longer paint you (and your bathroom, and your linens) carrot-orange. The better ones actually simulate a real tan in that your skin will become darker with continued use. By spending a little time applying sunscreen and taking other simple precautions, you can enjoy the summer without increasing your risk for skin cancer. Happy Solstice!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Friday's Show & Past Episodes

This show was absolutely fascinating! You can purchase this book at amazon here.

Listen to internet radio with LOVE IS ON THE AIR on Blog Talk Radio

Friday, June 18, 2010

The Mystery of Atlantis

It's hardly a mystery anymore. Lots of information has been disseminated on this intriguing subject. I have a whole book of channeled information about Atlantis from a Native American author. The general consensus is that most people alive today were alive then also, and that as history has a funny way of repeated itself, we are being warned to be very careful about our actions and the collective energies we put forth. 

We talked about the Pole Shift during a previous show, and this ties in, because a pole shift is said to have happened back then, and is due to happen again in the near future. However, the severity of it can be altered by mankind and this time there is much forewarning as there was before. But hopefully more people will heed it. So tonight's show is on Atlantis and you can call (646) 727-2644 at 9:15 to receive a free reading by Robyn Avalon, the Rune Mistress of Atlantis. Click here to listen.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Spices – The Powerhouses of Health

By Heather McCauley

By now, most of us are aware of the healing properties of certain herbs. Herbs like rosemary help asthma and can reduce the risk of heart attacks while oregano is known to have a high number of antioxidants. Just this week, we even spotlighted garlic as a superstar herb with a multitude of healing properties. While the benefits of herbs may be easily understood and widely studied, there is a little known class of spices which warrant much attention. Here are just a few spices and the specific issues they address. Ounce for ounce, these particular spices pack a more powerful health-boosting punch than even fruits and vegetables:

Mustard – Use to improve respiratory functions.

Cumin – Helps aid digestion and combats bloating.

Cardamom – Improves digestion and reduces flatulence.

Horseradish – Used as a digestive stimulant.

Chili Powder, Paprika, Cayenne Pepper – (anti-inflammatory) Use for arthritis/joint pain as well as metabolism-boosting and fat-burning.

Ginger – This is a powerful antioxidant and digestive aid. Ginger helps with motion sickness and pregnancy-related nausea as well as hangovers and arthritis.

Clove – Topical antiseptic properties, anti-inflammatory. Use for arthritis, toothaches and to reduce and relieve congestion.

Saffron – Recent research has shown that it reduces the risk of cancer.

Cinnamon – Use as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and sedative. Also shown to aid circulation, proven to lower blood sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides as well as reduce sugar cravings.

Turmeric – Perhaps the most powerful and currently researched spice, turmeric is rich in antioxidants and a powerful anti-inflammatory. It has been known to reduce the risk of heart attacks and fight cancer. Research indicates there is a direct link between reduced instances of Alzheimer’s disease and a diet including turmeric. This is why it is referred to as the ‘brain spice’.

Most of the above spices are readily available in your local supermarket. The majority of them can be shaken or sprinkled directly on food or used in cooking. Some, such as ginger and cloves, are able to be steeped in tea, releasing their health benefits. There are virtually no risks related to consumption of these spices, however, they should be used in accordance with each individual’s taste. So before reaching for the salt shaker next time, think about adding a little more spice – and health – to your life.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I listened to your show on cord cutting (very interesting show) and I have a couple of questions. How do you know if you have psychic cords that keep you attached to someone? If that person dies, are you still attached to them? My husband died in a motorcycle crash after we were married just four months. I knew him for one year before we were married. That was eleven years ago and I still can’t get him out of my mind. I don’t think that I’m pining over him, after all it’s been eleven years, but I’m just not interested in getting married again. As soon as a relationship starts to get serious, I find some excuse to end it. I’m just curious to know if this has something to do with psychic cords.

Dear Helen,
Thank you for writing. In answer to your questions: we all have psychic ties to all other beings with whom we interact in all past lives and in the present. So yes, when someone in your life passes on, the psychic tie remains between you and that person. Depending on the relationship you had in a previous life, it can be very strong. This seems to be the factor here, because your psychic attachment to your deceased husband is extremely strong. This is not necessarily a negative thing, but it holds you to the past.

When you cut the ties that bind you to other beings, you will know your existence in the Now is all that matters. The Now moment is the only moment you live in. Nothing matters but Now. You want to cut the psychic ties between you and your deceased husband so you can free yourself to experience life in the Now. Cutting the ties is necessary not only for releasing the vital energy needed to revitalize your system, but also for your continued spiritual growth and awareness.
Wishing you love, light and harmony. 

Send your questions to:

Monday, June 14, 2010

The Medicinal Wonders of Garlic

By Heather McCauley

Garlic, or allium sativum, is an herb with edible bulbs which is related to the onion. Although both garlic and onions can be considered healthy when incorporated into one’s diet, garlic seriously outshines its cousin in the medicinal category. Used as early as 5000 years ago in India and 3000 years ago in China, garlic is the original folk remedy for numerous ailments. Hippocrates used garlic to treat cancer and garlic poultices were common on the battlefields during the World Wars due to a shortage of antibiotics. In recent decades, scientific studies have popped up regarding garlic’s healing properties. If you’re one who cannot trust 50 centuries of medicinal wisdom and simply must know the ‘why’ and ‘how’ behind why garlic works, you will be pleased to discover that the research supports the ancient wisdom.

Garlic is known to have properties of an antioxidant, antibiotic, antifungal and an antiviral. Used to treat specific ailments such as high cholesterol, heart disease, high blood pressure, parasites, allergies, respiratory disorders, cough, colds, toothaches, earaches, arthritis, warts and certain cancers (i.e. stomach, cervical, colon, esophageal), garlic is the “go-to” herb that no medicine chest (or kitchen) should be without. Although the side-effects are minimal, they can be cause for social embarrassment. Bad breath, body odor, heartburn and flatulence are common when ingesting raw garlic on a regular basis – which is what is recommended to experience the maximum health benefits.

The two components in garlic which are responsible for its medicinal properties (and its smell), allicin and diallyl sulphide, are only released when the cloves are chopped or crushed and can be destroyed if overheated. So, ideally, to receive the maximum benefits, one would eat garlic raw (or only slightly cooked) in food in its broken down form. {Now I know why roasted garlic is so mild, nutty and sweet – because the components break down during roasting and leave a mild, non-medicinal, albeit tasty herb.} For those who cannot abide raw garlic in all its glory, there is hope in the supplement and the seasoning aisles. Shopping tip: look for brands that have been minimally processed and not heated.

With all of the benefits of garlic, there are a few warnings and contra-indications to be aware of. Garlic can interact with certain drugs used to treat HIV/AIDS and it can accelerate the effects of anti-coagulants due to its natural ability to thin the blood (this property also makes it good for circulation problems). Be sure to inform your doctor of all the natural remedies that you partake in. Also, garlic needs to be stored properly in order to prevent botulism. Never store garlic in oil at room temperature and be sure to discard any garlic stored in the refrigerator for too long or past its expiration date. With all of the latest scientific information on garlic, it’s no wonder this ancient medicine has graduated from folklore to fact.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Friday's Show & Past Episodes

Last night we discussed the ancient healing art and science called Seichim, including its interesting  history, attunements, distance healing, advanced healing techniques and healing wands from Atlantis. The discussion took an unexpected turn onto the fascinating subject of Atlantis, a topic we'll be covering more of very soon. One Love.

Listen to internet radio with LOVE IS ON THE AIR on Blog Talk Radio

Friday, June 11, 2010

Seichim - Healing the Ancient Egyptian Way

What's old is also new! Tonight's show will be on the ancient healing art & science called Seichim. We have been teaching this for a few years now, both online and in-person classes. One of our recent students will call in for a brief discussion on how learning this science has changed his life. We will discuss attunements, energy healing, distance healing, and more.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


First I want to say that your shows are very interesting and entertaining, even though you talk about metaphysical subjects. I listened to the show on energy vampires and learned a lot from that show. My question is - how can I protect myself if I am a victim of an energy vampire? I have this friend who I see about once a week. I couldn’t understand why I feel so drained and tired every time we get together, not until I heard your radio show. This person constantly has problems, not real problems but made-up ones. She complains about her job, her co-workers, her relatives, and if it’s not one thing it’s another. It’s like she gets a charge out of complaining.

At first I listened and genuinely sympathized with her, but as long as I’ve known her (going on five years) it’s been the same. She has the same general complains but she doesn’t do anything to try and rectify the problems. After a while I began to realize that as soon as we get together, right away I feel a headache coming on. Then when she leaves, I feel tired and drained. It’s at the stage now where I’m making excuses not to get together. I don’t want to hurt her feelings because otherwise she’s a good person. How can I continue the friendship and at the same time protect myself from the energy drain?

Dear Sue,
The energy drain that you feel comes from your friend sending out psychic cords from her third chakra into yours. As I explained on the show, energy vampires suck energy as a defense mechanism. These are people who come into this lifetime to work through their fear that they will never have enough. According to Barbara Ann Brennan, the sucking is an emotional need for physical sustenance from lifetimes when there wasn’t enough food to go around. Some of these people may even have starved to death in a previous life.

One solution is to learn how to respond to your friend in a healing, positive way. When you’re with her, make sure you’re not sitting or standing directly opposite her, but position yourself to the side. Also, be careful not to have direct eye contact with her. These steps will help to prevent streamers from her third chakra and her ajna center (between the eyes) from hooking into you.

Imagine that your third chakra has a protective screen over it so that streamers from her third chakra will not penetrate through the screen. Then in a gentle, loving, way let her know that she has the inner strength to control all aspects of her life. Let her know that she’s safe and sound right here, right now. Keep reinforcing this every time you’re together, and do it without touching her, even if you think she needs a reassuring touch.

If she responds positively to this approach, her defense mechanism will gradually pull back and she’ll feel charged without the need to suck energy from other people.

Please let me know how this approach works for you. Wishing you love, light and harmony.

Send your questions to Click here to listen to the show on psychic vampires.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Astrology & You Tuesdays- Pluto, the Planet of Transformation

Pluto is the planet of transformation. Planets are more than just gigantic orbs in the sky, just as people are more than just their bodies. As we can think, act and have character, planets have personalities also. They are universal energies that interact with our energies to help us learn and grow. Pluto’s role is a hefty one, as it is not subtle at all. Pluto forces us to transform, to change drastically and to metamorphosis into something entirely different than we were previously. Like the caterpillar which turns into the gorgeous butterfly, from a ground-bound worm to a light and airy master of the sky, the transformation is so total that one does not even recognize what it was in its previous life. It has literally become a new being.

This is the magic of Pluto. Since it stays in each sign for 12-32 years, it affects entire generations. All children born within the same Pluto sign share a cosmic need for regeneration and transformation in that particular area. For example, those born with Pluto in Virgo grew up with the need to transform affairs rules by Virgo such as clothing, diet, hygiene and health. Thus this generation is responsible for the revolution in diet and healthcare, and transition to natural healing and natural fabrics and such. I am one of this group and so it affects me in this way also. How it affects people individually depends on which house Pluto falls into in your natal (birth) chart and the aspects or relationships it has to other planets (energies) in your chart.

Another example: those born with Pluto in Capricorn fueled the American Revolution, and brought about the creation of the Constitution, according to The Llewellyn Journal. Capricorn is a sign related to government and status, so it was no wonder why the founding fathers chose to become independent and autonomous at that time.

Transits are where the planet is now as opposed to where it was when you were born, and these also have a profound effect on society and individuals. This is because the energy is constantly interacting with us, at various levels of our psyches and our lives.

This is just a miniscule mention of this profound planet and how it operates. If you’re interested in finding how it affects you, you can contact me to have your natal chart drafted. Although I don’t do astrological interpretations which are generally lengthy and very detailed, I can answer specific questions about your chart to help you in understanding your life a little better. And I can give you a copy of it also. This is a new service that I’ve been guided to offer and for $30, you get your chart and 2 questions answered. Each additional question is $10. This is so new it is not yet on our boutique page, so contact me at: if you want to order. You will need your birth date, time (approximate) and place. I can also refer you to an astrologer that can draft your detailed horoscope based on your birth chart if you like. Happy Tuesday.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Life is like a River...

By Heather McCauley

I don’t know anyone who isn’t currently facing their own difficulties in some way or another. Whether our struggles are emotional, financial, spiritual, job-related or family-related, it seems that NOW is a very difficult time in all our lives. We’ve heard the analogy before that life is like a river and we should ‘go with the flow’. The truth is that each of our rivers flow differently; some have a graceful flow that allows you to take in the scenery. Others are rushing rapids, where all of our attention is wholly focused on surviving. Still others find themselves spilled over a waterfall with no sense of up or down, let alone which way the river is supposed to be flowing. Perhaps the most trying scenario is when our river seems to be flowing in the opposite direction. This is when we need our boat and oars the most.

When life seems to be flowing against us, we will need to be masters of our tools. Our boat (vessel) is nothing more than the culmination of our thoughts, beliefs and our attitude. Our oars (paddles) are simply the choices and connections we make. If we realize that we cannot be separated from our tools and that we can always make them work for us, the difficult times will be less difficult. When it seems like we are experiencing the most resistance – that is the time when we can make the most progress in our lives. Just drop our oars in the water and row with all our might. The choices we make now could end up turning us completely around, but isn’t that what we are striving for? To be ‘in the flow’ once again?

Sometimes in life, it is necessary to go with the flow. Sometimes, we need to create our own flow out of the resistance that life gives us. We can’t change the flow of the river but we can change the direction of our boat.

The Power of Joy

There is so much to be grateful and to be thankful for. We all know this, but it's far to easy to take for granted. Little things mean a lot, is one of my favorite sayings and I try to remember and appreciate the little things that make life so grand. The smile of a child, making someone else smile, the butterfly that floats by when you least expect it... Life is not so complicated, and joy is not so hard to find...if one only chooses to look for it.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Friday Night's Show - and Past Episodes

Last night's interview with Intuitive & Author Christmas Miller was very interesting and enlightening.She can be reached at Her book can be purchased on the site or on

Listen to internet radio with LOVE IS ON THE AIR on Blog Talk Radio

Friday, June 4, 2010

Tonight's Show

Tonight we will be interviewing Christmas Miller, Intuitive, Author, & Public Speaker. She gives insight to help you navigate through the challenging course of life. She will join us to discuss her book and projects, as well as her calling and gifts. Her book is called "Illuminations- A Road Less Traveled - A Modern Day Seer's Journal of the Human Experience." Click here to view on You can also call into the show for the opportunity to speak with Christmas about your life. She will answer one question only. The call in number is (646) 727-2644. The show starts at 9:00 pm (et). Click here to listen. You can reach Christmas at Looking forward to meeting you there!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Heavy Metal Toxicity

By Heather McCauley

Our bodies require a multitude of beneficial metals (trace elements) to function optimally. However, there are a number of heavy metals which pose numerous health concerns to our bodies when we are exposed to them. A heavy metal is defined as being at least five times denser than water and toxicity occurs when our bodies are unable to metabolize the metals ( The metals include arsenic, lead, mercury and cadmium among a few others. Our bodies are exposed to these metals daily via the food that we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe or by coming into direct contact with our skin. For most of us, our toxicity levels build in increments due to the environment we inhabit. Heavy metal toxicity can be difficult to diagnose because of the broad spectrum of symptoms experienced by the individual.

Heavy metal toxicity can affect the soft tissues of the heart, brain, kidneys, liver and lungs as well as our bones. In addition to tissue damage, a person could also suffer from insomnia, nausea, impaired cognitive functions, headaches, cramping and general malaise. The ability of these symptoms to lessen or worsen also contributes to the diagnosis’ elusive nature. The patient can feel well one day and experience several symptoms the following day, attributing it to stress, hormones or ‘just having a bad day’.

Our heavy metal exposure originates from pesticides, textile dyes, industrial by-products, manufactured goods (such as lead toys and dental fillings) and can be reduced to some extent although not eliminated entirely. Supplements will not work - as the presence of heavy metals will ensure they are likely eliminated prior to being absorbed, giving them no opportunity to go to work.

The good news is that there is treatment – chelation. Usually administered intravenously or intramuscularly, chelating agents bind to heavy metals and are then eliminated via the urine. One drawback to chelation therapy is that it can put undue stress on the kidneys if the toxins cannot be readily eliminated. In these cases, the metals are reabsorbed into the system. A more gentle and highly-effective chelating agent is modified citrus pectin (MCP). Research has proven the efficacy of MCP to reduce heavy metals in the blood as well as fight tumors and cancer cells, according to the American Cancer Society. A naturally-derived product, MCP’s unique ability to bind and encompass toxins reduces the risk of re-absorption.

If you would like to experience gentle heavy metal detoxification, try Qivana’s ‘Detox’, which contains modified citrus pectin. To learn how to get a 30-day supply of the product for FREE, please send an email to:

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


I would like to know how I can prevent getting attacks of the shingles. Over the past six years I’ve had four attacks. Your advice would be greatly appreciated.

Dear B,
As you may know, shingles are break-outs of the herpes virus that causes chicken pox. After an attack of the chicken pox—usually in childhood— the virus lies dormant at the base of the spinal nerve ganglia and erupts later in life under periods of stress. Common stressors include emotional and physical stresses, illness, prescription drugs, insufficient rest, poor diet, vaginal yeast infections, menstrual periods, and too much sunlight on the skin. The herpes virus takes several forms, including genital herpes and the Epstein-Barr virus, and these can also cause shingles later.

Regardless of the triggering factor, these attacks are telling you that you need to strengthen your immune system. You also need to look at the areas of your life to see where you can start to lessen the stressors.  You may have to modify your diet to eliminate or add foods that build the immune system. In addition to diet, you need to take additional Vitamin C and add the amino acid L-lysine to your daily intake. Write to me at for more detailed information on diet and supplements specific to this disorder.

wishing you love, light and harmony.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


(Our Astrology & You Tuesday's Post is postponed and may be posted later today.)

This post is to thank our members and future members. We form a network of like-minded healers in the US, and overseas, and yet we all work together for a common goal - smooth transition into this new age of brotherhood. If you would like to join with us, click here and use the sign up form. It's free, and there are no dues to pay ever. All we ask is that you volunteer a little time and energy in helping with upcoming projects and/or donate your healing services to those in need.

We are also looking for healers who want to send free energy healing treatments via distance to people worldwide. If you are a healer you are welcome to do this, even if you have no experience in distance healing. All you need is the intent, and we will provide the instructions. 

Thank you so much for your support and we look forward to exciting & enlightening things to come!