I would like to know how I can prevent getting attacks of the shingles. Over the past six years I’ve had four attacks. Your advice would be greatly appreciated.
Dear B,
As you may know, shingles are break-outs of the herpes virus that causes chicken pox. After an attack of the chicken pox—usually in childhood— the virus lies dormant at the base of the spinal nerve ganglia and erupts later in life under periods of stress. Common stressors include emotional and physical stresses, illness, prescription drugs, insufficient rest, poor diet, vaginal yeast infections, menstrual periods, and too much sunlight on the skin. The herpes virus takes several forms, including genital herpes and the Epstein-Barr virus, and these can also cause shingles later.
Regardless of the triggering factor, these attacks are telling you that you need to strengthen your immune system. You also need to look at the areas of your life to see where you can start to lessen the stressors. You may have to modify your diet to eliminate or add foods that build the immune system. In addition to diet, you need to take additional Vitamin C and add the amino acid L-lysine to your daily intake. Write to me at heal@temple-of-healing.org for more detailed information on diet and supplements specific to this disorder.
wishing you love, light and harmony.