I need advice on something that involves making a life decision. I’ve worked in the computer field for many years and I make good money. Three years ago I started to get sick, vomiting, fatigue, and just feeling awful. My doctor said I had hepatitis B. Then a friend told me that he also had hepatitis B and he started to get alternative healing treatments from a naturopathic doctor. My friend told me that he hasn’t had any symptoms since he started to see this doctor, and he advised me to make an appointment.
I went to the naturopathic doctor and he helped me to get better and to keep the infection under control. The reason I’m writing to you is that lately I’m becoming dissatisfied with my job. I don’t know when I started to feel this way, but every day I’m thinking more and more about going into some kind of an alternative healing career. I think that my experience with the naturopathic doctor has something to do with my wanting to go into this field. But where do I start? And how do I know that I can do this type of work? Any advice you can give would be appreciated.Dear Dan,
We all have the ability to heal, and many of us come by this realization only after we’ve encountered some traumatic life experience. Something triggers the memory, such as severe illness, accidents, near death or some other traumatic experience. I started on this path later in life, after I had an exposure to formaldehyde which took me completely and permanently out of the workplace. It was my soul’s way of getting me to launch out on my true path, the path I was meant to take from the beginning.
Chunyi Lin, founder of Spring Forest Qigong, said; “I was born a healer. You were born a healer, too.” I recommend you buy his book: Born A Healer. I also advise that you log onto our web site: www.temple-of-healing.org and read about our programs and services. Read about the reiki and seichim courses that we offer. These are energy healing courses. I strongly recommend you take the self healing course. Then you’ll have an idea whether or not you want to perform this type of healing on others. If you do, you can complete the course in healing others.
There are many different modalities of alternative healing; you need to try out a few varieties, one at a time, and see which ones appeal to you, which ones you’re more comfortable with. You may want to go into herbal medicine, homeopathic or naturopathic medicine. Then there is qigong, acupuncture, acupressure, hypnotherapy, counseling, and life coaching. The holistic healing field is wide. It will take some time to develop a career but the most important thing is to start.
You can also start reading the new age and metaphysical magazines in your area, and visiting metaphysical bookstores for material of interest. Much information is available, as also on the internet. Pray and meditate. Ask for guidance from the higher realm. Then seek out what you need. You’ll be guided to the people, places and things that can help you in your journey. The important thing is to take the first step.
I hope my answer has been helpful to you. Wishing you love, light and harmony.
Send questions to advice@temple-of-healing.org.