Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Dr. Suni and I are moving our radio show, Love is On the Air to 9:30 pm EST on Friday. We feel this earlier time is more beneficial to us and our listeners. Regardless, this show can always be accessed after the fact.

If you want to win a free rune reading by Robyn Avalon, the Rune Mistress of Atlantis, call in at 9:15 EST, before the show starts. Although only one caller will get a reading, everyone who calls will win something. Robyn's readings are very accurate, and she does this work out of the sheer joy of helping others.

We're continuing with our 3-part series on Your Ideal Body the Easy Way, and this week we'll be discussing how methods of balancing and increasing the body's energy levels can work to help one to drop unwanted weight and speed up the metabolism. But there are more benefits than just these. Since we, along with everything else, are composed of energy, balancing one's energy currents leads to universal connectedness, which in turn creates emotional wellness, and the feeling of being in the flow. This helps one with making good decisions, and in general, understanding our purpose here on earth and how to best fulfill it. 

We look forward to your calls, and if you have any questions, feel free to write us at heal@ Love, Light,  and Harmony!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Acid v. Alkaline...Is it All That?

Yes, it is all that...Edgar Cayce, (the Sleeping Prophet) spoke about it years ago. Dr. Sebi, the man who won a case against the Supreme Court regarding his claim to have healed AIDS, also touts it as THE way to promote healing in the body. It's so important, in fact, that it (alkalizing the body) alone is known to heal most diseases....Why? Because the body naturally possesses the means to heal itself. And once the body is made alkaline, which can be achieved easily through diet, it will naturally, and often spontaneously heal itself!....How to make the body more alkaline? here and scroll down to the Healing Diet section to read more...One Love...

Monday, March 29, 2010

Nature’s Healing Power

By Heather McCauley

The world just participated in Earth Hour on March 27th. Born in 2007 in Sydney, Australia as a statement against climate change, this year’s Earth Hour involved entire city skylines going dark for the event. A growing theme for the month of April involves Earth Day celebrations. Earth Day, soon to be 40 years old, will be celebrated on April 22nd this year. It seems that more individuals, small businesses, corporations and countries are making it a higher priority to consider the health of our planet in their activities and they are giving serious thought to possible long-term consequences. It makes sense to hold the health of our planet in high regard, as one of Earth’s most amazing qualities is her ability to renew and rejuvenate - that is, to offer us healing when we allow ourselves to connect with her.

Anyone who has ever witnessed a sunset, walked barefoot on a beach, stood next to a tree that is centuries old, sat in the grass and listened to birds sing, or simply watched fish swim in a tank - knows the peaceful and calming effects that nature can have on our psyche. In order to reap the benefits of this connection with nature, one doesn’t need to witness or experience anything profound. I would consider it a once-in-a-lifetime treat to cruise Alaska and see whales swimming - but I am just as easily moved by the sounds of thunder and a heavy rain that makes everything appear new and clean.

The key to reaping the benefits of nature’s everyday healing effects is to surrender yourself to the experience entirely. Be aware, be conscious, be in the moment. The most meaningful meditation I’ve ever experienced was while sitting on a beach, listening to the waves crash and watching the sun set. Until that point, I had merely thought of these things as recreation or background noise and scenery. When we allow ourselves to focus with intent, we see that being stewards of our environment is an honor and not a duty.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


UTH is closed for the rest of the week. The radio program, Love is On The Air, will resume next Friday, April 2, at a new time. I like to go out sometimes, and it was putting a dent into that, so it will be broadcasting a little earlier. Of course, we will keep you posted. In the meantime, check out this article reprint by Dr. Suni, called Managing Holiday Stress. Love, Light, and Harmony.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Energy Healing for Spring Renewal

By Heather McCauley

Spring has officially sprung in our part of the world and with spring comes renewal. We can mimic the renewal of nature by treating ourselves to a “spring cleaning”. One way to do this is to address the energy field that surrounds every one of us. This energy field is our first line of defense against psychic and spiritual assaults – as well as our first projection of our true self to others we encounter. Therefore, it seems perfectly logical to maintain this energy field in order to keep us in good overall health – much like having your teeth cleaned every six months.

The human energy field or aura, which has been shown to comprise seven layers of energy, exists just beyond our physical body and generally extends out about three feet. The aura can be felt or even seen by individuals who embrace their intuitive powers. The aura is generally smooth in nature but can sometimes become jagged, blocked, imbalanced, or otherwise damaged. Some healers have even reported seeing or feeling ‘protrusions’ in one’s energy field. When these imbalances occur, it becomes difficult for us to maintain a positive energy flow. Negative energies can enter the cracks in our defenses – or we could leech our positive energies out to our surroundings. It becomes a struggle for us to hold our own space and can affect our physical body in many ways. When this happens, it may be beneficial to seek an energy healing.

Some healers have a natural gift and have been intuitively guided to lay hands on individuals or focus their intentions in some other way. Others are called to the practice – also guided by their intuition – and may spend a great deal of time learning healing modalities and perfecting their technique. The simple distinction of whether the healing ability is innate or learned does not necessarily distinguish the better healer. The best type of healer is one who practices with intent. The intent must be pure love and a desire for the client to experience a healing. When this type of energy is behind it, a healing will certainly take place. So, why not try an energy healing for renewal? It just may put a spring in your step!

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Life on earth has been referred to as the “earth school.” I want to give credit where credit is due, but offhand I can’t remember where I first heard this. I believe it was through Tolle. Anyway, I have come to understand that NO ONE has it easy. Life is not designed that way. Spiritual masters have struggled greatly, spiritual dunces suffer also. No one is immune to pain, frustration, and stress.

If school was easy, then no one would learn. If there weren’t any exams, then how would we assess if we truly grasp certain concepts? So we will be tested, we will be tried. Everyone. It’s part of this whole process of refining our souls.
Eventually however, we will pass. We will fail, re-take tests, go in circles sometimes, but then move upward a notch on the spiral of life. Some may graduate before others, but eventually we will all wear the cap and gown. And we will smile, we will laugh, and we will experience true joy.

So the playing field is level in my opinion. Those with seemingly great struggles from birth may have sat in class and doodled most of the last lifetime. Those born with silver spoons may have had great struggles that they overcame the last time around. But the light at the end of the tunnel is love. By learning to see, give, and receive this harmonious energy in every situation, we learn rapidly that nothing really matters, except the love we share while we’re in class. One Love.

Saturday, March 20, 2010


OK, we're working out the technical issues with the microphones. The sound level disparities are due to using different types of microphones. Love, Light, Harmony!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Your Ideal Body the Easy Way - Part I tonight at 11:00

Dr. Suni and I have been discussing how to best organize the loads of information we have on this topic.The 30-minute time length is ideal for our audience to get in and get out. We want to reach you with just enough to interest & inform you, and let you go about your night. We are advocating the 'easy way,' so no starvation, deprivation, and killer exercising here! But the subject of weight challenges is one that covers many aspects. So we are dividing the information into 3 categories that will each be covered in a separate show. 

The first part: Programming Yourself for Your Ideal Body, broadcasts tonight. We will discuss going deep into the subconscious and getting to the root of the issue. This also involves clearing out any unhelpful beliefs or thought patterns that may be there, causing the issue(s) to be unresolved. Then, re-programming your mind to create what you want.

The next show will be on Energy and Creating the Ideal Body. We will discuss techniques such as self-healing exercises, Yoga, energy healing, and Qigong that all help balance and strengthen the energy flow. These affect the body by eliminating cravings and increasing the rate of the metabolism, which in turn cause weight to drop. We are focusing on creating your ideal body the ‘easy way,’ and many people are unaware that when energy channels in the body are balanced, your desire for sugary and fatty foods will lessen and eventually go away. Not to say you cannot eat these items, but you won’t want to eat them as often and will be satisfied with smaller portions. I know this for a fact and experience it myself. Whenever I crave sugary foods, it’s usually because my energy is a little off balance. When I use techniques to balance it, I no longer want to eat that brownie, or I will be satisfied with a fruit instead. 

The last show will be on Nutrition and Creating the Ideal Body. We will discuss how eating to live can be eating to love! There are many tasty and delicious ways of eating that are also great for the body. 

Dropping weight CAN be a win/win situation. We look forward to seeing you tonight at 11:00. Click here to hear the show or go here for show archives. Call (646) 727-2644, 10 minutes before the show begins to win a free rune reading by Robyn Avalon. Love, Light, & Harmony.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

You Are What You Think

By Heather McCauley

Thoughts have the power to transform our reality. Whatever your experience of your reality, you must know that you first had a thought which led to the manifestation of that reality. This ‘secret’ has been laid out and eluded to in numerous self-help and spiritually-based works of non-fiction as well as the occasional theme in movies and fiction novels. Authors such as Neale Donald Walsh, Norman Vincent Peale, Mike Dooley and James A. Ray explore the option that we are able to re-create our reality if we can only manage the “thought monster” within us. Most people find it difficult to engage in positive self-talk. For some reason, they often feel unworthy of this loving energy being focused on them and would prefer to save this energy for someone more deserving or a special occasion. When it is so much easier to think negatively, why would we care to make the effort to change our thoughts?

The truth is, it is neither easier nor does it offer any benefit to think negatively. The reason we continue to do it is simple – we have been conditioned to do so. Some thoughts screech their negativity like nails on a chalkboard: “I don’t deserve it”, “I’ll always be broke”, and “No one loves me”. Thoughts like these are easily recognized as toxic and we can readily take measures to correct the flaw in our thought process. More subtle negative patterns may slip through unrecognized, posing as statements of fact: “I am in pain all the time”, “I hate my job”, and “He broke my heart”.

Getting rid of negative thinking is a challenge that is well worth anyone’s energy. Neale Donald Walsh suggests a reverse thinking process, where you visualize your ideal outcome and then have a thought that is in alignment with it. I have found it helpful to replace any negative thought with a positive affirmation. Instead of “I don’t feel well today” I affirm “I experience healing and health in every moment”. Positive mirror work is excellent for building positivity and self-esteem: “You look beautiful today!” and “You deserve love and joy in abundance”. If that fails to give you the warm and fuzzies, check out one of my favorite websites, Totally Unique Thoughts ( and sign up for Mike Dooley’s ‘Notes from the Universe’ for free here. Every weekday you will receive a personalized positive and uplifting thought for you to marinate in all day long. It just doesn’t get any better than that! Happy Thoughts!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Sexual Abuse and Weight Challenges

If you're dealing with weight challenges, it's very often not your fault. By this  I mean, the issue may be connected with unresolved experiences from childhood. By unconsciously holding on to the issue, many people hold on to weight also. Dr. Suni and I will explore this link in the Friday radio broadcast. She has encountered this situation many times during hypnotherapy sessions and her insight on this issue is eye opening. I have intuitively sensed this when teaching people. We want people to understand that healing is a process that often takes you back through time in order for you to move forward. One love.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Eating “Green”

By Heather McCauley

In honor of the upcoming holiday which revolves around green beer and shamrocks, St. Patrick’s Day, I’ve decided to take this opportunity to delve into an alternative meaning of the word green – a departure from the range between chartreuse and emerald on the color wheel. Nearly everyone can now relate green terminology with things that are beneficial for the environment. Reduce, reuse, recycle; eco-friendly; reclaimed materials; natural resources – all of these phrases relate back to the environmental definition of green. So, how does this environmental term relate to what we feed our bodies?

According to an online definition of green, it can mean “new, fresh” and “not fully processed” ( This relates so well with how a body can be ideally nourished. If we consider that the body is a machine – one which requires fuel to function – then we can also consider that the more premium the fuel, the better the function. To green up our planet, we may choose renewable resources over non-renewable resources. In order to green up our bodies, we could choose natural, fresh foods with little or no processing over foods that have been processed in plants hundreds of miles away with preservatives and other questionable ingredients added.

People choose to eat green in different ways and for different reasons. If you are concerned about reducing your carbon footprint, you may choose to purchase locally-grown or farmed products. These are the types of products which are fresher and have been minimally processed. These products are also, incidentally, a higher quality fuel to feed your body. Just consider that although you may not always recycle and you may drive your car more often than you walk – if you are eating “new, fresh” and “not fully processed” foods, you are doing your part to GO GREEN!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

UPDATED - Drop It! And Pick Up Some Love in Your Life

*UPDATE: For those who know me, you know that I personally don't believe that 'thin is in.' Your 'ideal' weight is the one you're comfortable with, not society driven. There are many cultures worldwide that view being thin as being unhealthy and unattractive. So this article is about getting to where you want to be, and not following a guideline that is imposed by Hollywood.

Our next week's topic has been changed. We were going to discuss earthquakes and the pole shift, (and by the way, there was another earthquake in Indonesia just this morning), but decided to go with Create Your Ideal Body instead. (But we’ll get back to the original topic soon, and there may be a few more earthquakes in the meantime). By this we mean, how to get to and retain your ideal weight. There’s lots to say on this topic, and it may turn into a 2-part show. In a nutshell, we don’t believe that being overweight is a problem. It is merely the symptom of another matter. And getting to the root of the actual issue is when the symptoms will begin to disappear.

The issue at its core is the lack of love. This could be on the giving or the receiving end. Food then, serves as a substitute for love. But isn’t this lack-of-love issue related to just about every ailment? Yes, it is. Why? Because we are all made up of energy. And love is a healing energy that can miraculously cause diseased cells to become balanced and healthy. It’s just that people with weight challenges deal with the issue through food, whereas others deal with the lack (or perceived lack of) love via other means.

So, we will be talking about how to deal with this. One suggestion is stop trying to lose weight! Don’t tell yourself that you need or want to lose weight! The subconscious mind is the larger mind, and it is powerful. When you tell it you want to lose weight, often, it says, “If I lose it, then I need to find it again.” And it can sabotage your efforts.  A better way to frame this in your mind is to tell yourself, I want to drop weight. The subconscious will not want to put the effort into picking it back up because it’s heavy. A simple trick, but it works profoundly. And to keep it off, hold onto something else in its place! This something else is love. Love can make you feel so great that food will never compare. But eating can be a pleasurable experience! So it’s not the act of eating that is the problem, it’s what you eat, how much you eat, and when you eat.

So we’ll be touching upon this issue on Friday night at 11:00. And about how to increase the flow of love in your life. I used to have weight issues in high school and it grieved me immensely. And I still love to eat, but I do it differently now. Dr. Suni and I have been working with clients to lose weight via various means for quite a few years. We look forward to your company. One Love.

Saturday, March 13, 2010


We want to thank all of our callers and apologize for the mix-up with the switchboard. We appreciate you and look forward to seeing you next week at 11:00 pm! Love, Light and Harmony!

Friday, March 12, 2010


* Update: We are doing this topic to discuss our belief that you can be your own psychic. We all have the ability to develop the intuitive sense, and we teach this through our healing courses. However, from time to time we may get 'stuck' and/or need advice or confirmation. A true psychic or intuitive is called into this work. They use their gift to help others. So even though we'll be touching upon current events (The Oscars), the underlying reason for this show is to help people understand that in essence you are your own psychic. One Love..

3 months ago, I never thought we would be doing talk radio. It wasn't even a conception of a conception in my mind. But like the post a few days back about the Stillness, the idea just 'came' out of nowhere. And now that it's here, it's not as bad (or scary) as it first appeared. Because we've been doing this work a long time, slowly but steadily, and consistently. And new ideas and methods are in my opinion, given to us. Because we did not seek them out. So this is where we are for the moment. We chose a short show of 30 minutes to begin with, and because our schedules are so hectic right now. And we appreciate your support from the bottom of our hearts! 

The show begins at 11:00 pm. Call in for a free rune reading from Robyn Avalon, the Rune Mistress of Atlantis. The call in number is: (646) 727-2644. One Love.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Feelings vs. Emotions

By Heather McCauley

“I’ve Got a Feeling” - this catchy tune by the Black-Eyed Peas has become an American anthem of sorts in recent months. If you haven’t heard the song, you’re missing out. Its edgy and upbeat tempo and positive celebratory lyrics are enough to turn any frown upside down. Artists of all genres throughout the course of history have been inspired by their feelings to write, sing, paint, or create in some form or fashion. People of all walks of life are inspired by their feelings to make decisions in their everyday lives. Notice that I said feelings and not emotions. Emotions, in and of themselves, are powerless to inspire or direct. Emotions are merely the labels we give to our feelings.

So, let’s talk about our feelings. First, let me say that this is an impossible statement. Feelings are merely energy transferences; they are how we internally react toward something or someone. Feelings are the language of our soul or what the soul inherently ‘knows’. Feelings are our intuition and they transcend words. Any attempt to discuss our feelings immediately puts us in our ’ego-state’ where we no longer operate from a point of knowing and trusting what we feel. In order to talk about them, we must first define our feelings (label them as emotions). Then we must choose the most appropriate language to communicate our emotions. Anyone who has ever been ‘in therapy’ has a sense of how difficult this process can be. If we struggle with our own definitions of our feelings, there will surely be something missing when we attempt to communicate with words.

Incidentally, anyone who has ever been in a relationship and experienced difficulty communicating with their partner has experienced the effect of how limiting emotions can be. Women are known to be more in touch with their feelings than men, which means that there is less of a gap when it comes to women being able to identify and communicate what we feel. Knowing that emotions are an ego investment, a mere intellectual need to create a label for our feelings, is a first step in our own intuitive development. Allowing your feelings to flow freely, without placing judgments or labels on them is a great step toward spiritual awareness. The next time you say, “I’ve got a feeling…”, don’t put pressure on yourself to define it, just see where it takes you.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Dr. Suni & Siona are excited about our new radio show, Love Is On The Air. Like I've said, we are not radio personalities, but we do know how to talk about what we're passionate about. This platform will allow us the opportunity to reach you, and to also hear from you. We also want to say a special thank you to reggae artist Prento P for our show intro. jingle.

You can call into the show at: (646) 727-2644 on Friday night EST between 11:00 and 11:30 pm. You can request a rune reading, or if time permits, comment on our show topic. This week, we're talking about Psychic Predictions and the 2010 Oscars. I received a list of predictions on who would win before the show, (verrry interesting) and we'll be talking about that, plus tips for knowing how to choose a good psychic, and how to know if you have psychic co-dependency.

Click here to access the show on Friday night, or use this player
Leave your email in the box to the right and below. We want to send you some helpful information on this topic that you can save, share, or print. Thank you for your support and looking forward. Wishing you Love, Light and Harmony!

Love is ON The Air

UTH Radio is announcing its first show this week. Our show is called, Love is On The Air. Thank Dr. Suni for the interesting name. Check us out on on Friday night at 11:00. This weeks topic is Psychic Predictions and the Oscars. Robyn will be giving a rune reading to the first caller. More details forthcoming, so get on our email list (sign up to the right) so we can send it to you! We are still working out the kinks, so we appreciate your patience and support. Looking forward, and wishing you Love, Light, and Harmony!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


by Siona

Is where it all starts. In the darkness is where it all begins. The Universe was created out of darkness. The Big Bang Theory and Genesis, “Let there be light,” affirms this idea. The Tao Te Ching also discusses this notion.  Plant life begins from a seed within the dark earth. Babies are formed in the darkness of the womb. So in darkness and stillness, is where healing, big plans, and ingenious ideas are born. Tolle wrote a book called Stillness Speaks, a poetic compilation of short thoughts and ideas designed to get you to move into the stillness, where reality lies.  Whatever you want, declare it in the Great Silence. It will help you to find your way.

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Power of a Good Night’s Sleep

By Heather McCauley

Almost everyone has experienced occasional insomnia; a restless night here and there. Here’s a statistic you may find surprising from the National Institute of Health: Nearly 60 million Americans live with chronic or frequent insomnia - which can wreak havoc on their waking lives. Insomnia is classified as having trouble falling asleep, trouble staying asleep (waking frequently) or waking too early and not being able to fall back asleep. The figure above is in addition to the nearly 40 million Americans suffering from more serious sleep disorders such as sleep apnea and narcolepsy.

A lack of sleep is cause for concern because our body’s necessary sleep cycles are interrupted. The first stage of sleep is the non-R.E.M. (rapid eye movement) variety and ranges from light to deep sleep. Once the body cycles through this sleep, it can begin R.E.M. sleep. This is the dream-state when the brain is very active. A full sleep cycle takes approximately 90 minutes to complete. If your sleep is interrupted at any stage, your body cannot complete a full cycle. Have you ever told someone that you don’t dream, to which they reply “of course you do, everyone dreams”? You may very well be experiencing a lack of R.E.M. sleep and not be dreaming! The fact is that our bodies need multiple complete cycles of sleep every night for optimum mind and body recuperation.

The symptoms one can experience from occasional or frequent insomnia range from mild to severe: Reduced learning and memory functions, lack of concentration, slowed metabolism (weight gain), irritability and moodiness, bodily fatigue, reduced immune function, high blood pressure, depression and irregular heartbeat. Rest assured, there are a variety of natural therapies and modifications to try if you experience insomnia. The National Sleep Foundation recommends avoiding daytime naps, nicotine, caffeine and eating too close to bedtime. Getting quality exercise earlier in the day will also assist the body in shutting down more readily at night. In addition, you can help set the stage for sleep: a comfortable bed and bedding, maybe a white noise machine to drown out environmental sounds and not watching television in bed. There are natural products such as melatonin, valerian root, kava kava and herbal teas to promote better sleep. Aromatherapies such as lavender and chamomile have been known to work as well. If you experience anxiety at the thought of another sleepless night, behavioral modifications such as positive thoughts and affirmations, yogic breathing, meditation techniques and guided imagery may help you drift into a peaceful sleep.

Wishing you sweet dreams!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Discussion: Finding the Positive in Negative Situations

It happens to everyone – just when you think everything is going great, you’re faced with what seem like insurmountable challenges, negative people and unholy influences. Seeing life from a positive perspective is a talent that some people seem to have mastered. Others must work a little harder at it – but it can be done with little more than a shift in our attitude.

Dr. Suni says: When one door closes, another one opens. When life tosses you a lemon, make lemonade. When you're down on your luck, the only way to go is up. These clichés may sound kind of corny, but if you think about them you'll see the wisdom in each one. The door has closed for me, I've been thrown lemons, and I've been "down on my luck" many times. What keeps me going? The fact is that I don't allow myself to identify with any of those conditions. I see them as stepping stones to help me get to the other side, because on the other side something wonderful is waiting.

I have a positive belief system firmly in place and I don't allow it to get turned upside down. You might call me an eternal optimist because I always see the glass half full. I reinforce my belief system daily with the spiritual applications of meditation, prayer, visualization and affirmations. One of my favorite affirmations is this: "Since I am made in the image of God, I have the power to overcome all obstacles." Not only do I believe it with my mind, I know it in my heart. And it puts a smile on my face and a song in my heart.

Heather says: I’ve come through some difficult circumstances recently but I couldn’t seem to stay in a negative frame of mind for very long. I blessed the boss that never liked me because at least he never pretended to be friendly with me. I blessed the backstabbing co-worker for considering me a worthy adversary. I blessed former friends for showing me that I had outgrown our friendship. I blessed the loss of my job because it offered me a fresh start and the loss of possessions because it opens me up to greater spiritual growth. Even loss of life can be considered a blessing if it ends one’s suffering.

Siona says: I meditate. It's the thing that helps the most.

So, how do you look on the bright side of things when life gets you down? What does it take for you to see the silver lining in that cloud?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Be Good to Yourself

I used to feel sorry for people. Now, I feel empathy more than sympathy.  When looking at all of the pain in the world, the suffering, the anger and the evil, I don’t look at situations from the perspective of, “why is there so much inequality in the world?” anymore.

Working with hypnotherapy and having experienced past life regressions myself, I now see it from a different point of view. Everything happens for a reason. Often, when looking at an effect, we only see the tip of the cause, not the whole thing. So when a person is experiencing certain things from chronic illness to abuse, there is usually something hidden behind the experience meant not only to teach a lesson, but often a karmic balancing. In The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus The Christ, he states that the people who abuse others today are often those who were abused in past lifetimes. (And in my opinion, they lack awareness of how to properly deal with this subconscious pain). And vice versa; when someone is being abused, often, it is because they were an abuser in the past.  

This is not just intellectual babble. I have had to search deep to understand why certain situations have occurred in my life that I felt I did not deserve, and also why I have this unexplainable need (as opposed to want) to want to help, especially those who are hungry. Let's just say in a past life, I was a queen who allowed folks to starve and die, when I could have stepped in to help, but I was too consumed with my own problems. Not a bad person, just selfish to an extent, and paid the ultimate price of death by beheading...OK, I digress, but I'm sure you get the point.

But looking from the outside in, things seem very unfair! It is not right for injustice to occur, yet for some reason, it does, and often. Free Will is the factor that determines how we live our lives and the circumstances of our future lives.  Be good to yourself, and be good to others. Your future is being created every second of every day. One Love.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

What on Earth is Oil Pulling and How Can it Help?

By Heather McCauley

The act of ‘oil pulling’ is an ancient Ayurvedic cleansing practice based on the premise that an enormous amount of toxins accumulate in the mouth while we sleep. If you’re skeptical of this fact, here’s a little experiment you can try: First thing in the morning, (before drinking anything or even swallowing), wet your toothbrush but don‘t put any toothpaste on it. Use your damp toothbrush to give your teeth, gums, tongue and the back of your throat a good scrubbing. When you expel this into the sink, notice the yellow color and thick consistency. If anyone has a science background, I dare you to spit into a Petri dish and let it stew for a few weeks (can anyone say “biological warfare?”). Oil pulling serves to easily, safely and thoroughly remove this toxic buildup.

Although pulling oil has been popular and considered mainstream in India for quite some time, it has only recently been “rediscovered” by the rest of the world as a valid alternative cure-all. This is in part due to Dr. F. Karach, M.D. who presented a paper on the process of oil pulling to his peers, including oncologists and bacteriologists ( The process was so simple that it was unbelievable - yet Dr. Karach had documented curing a case of Leukemia as well as a case of acute chronic arthritis. Dr Karach makes further claims of cures, although he isn’t the only one. Oil pulling has a multitude of fans, including doctors and patients. You can’t do research on oil pulling without finding success stories and claims that this simple remedy has worked miracles; shrinking cancer tumors, curing asthma and bronchitis, eczema, heart disease, meningitis, headaches, diabetes, reduced joint and lymphatic inflammation, and promoting oral health - including tooth pain, loose teeth and halitosis (see testimonials under ‘user reviews’ at

So, what exactly do you need to know to get started? Well, first you need to start with the correct oil. According to the Ayervedic tradition, the only sources recommended are sunflower and sesame. In order to receive the most benefits, use only cold-pressed or refined varieties. As with the experiment above, this should be done the very first thing in the morning. You will take a full tablespoon of the oil into your mouth and swish (slowly and thoughtfully) for a full 20 minutes. You can be doing this while you continue your morning routine: taking a shower, making your coffee, walking the dog, checking your email, etc. The important thing is not to cut this process short. When you are finished, the oil should resemble a thick milky substance - if it doesn’t, you didn’t swish long enough. Once you expel the toxins (into the sink, toilet, trash, etc.), rinse and gargle with warm water and brush your teeth as normal. Oil pulling will show the best results when done consistently for several months. I have been doing it for two months and I have seen marked changes in my skin and teeth. And for the minimal investment of a tablespoon of oil and 20 minutes a day, I don’t intend to ever stop oil pulling.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010



Literally...the pole shift has been well discussed (although little publicized) for decades. Edgar Cayce predicted that it would cause some places to go under water and other land masses hidden for centuries will rise to the surface. This has already started happening and has been documented, as land has risen in the ocean near the Bahamas.
The recent Chilean earthquake is reported as the seventh strongest earthquake in recorded history. An article from says, " ‘Perhaps more impressive is how much the quake shifted Earth's axis,’ NASA officials said in a Monday update.“ It is said to have moved the earth’s figure axis by about 3 inches.
What does this mean for the future? Other than the Age of Aquarius is officially settling in, the world is going to change in unison with the vibratory changes in human beings. In the future, we will be more telepathic, at some point, completely so. Space brothers who have been visiting all the time, will help us to rebuild after destruction annihilates many landmasses and communities. All this is a necessary purging of the old in preparation for the new age, when mankind will live together in peace and harmony. It is scary, but by banding together in groups with common goals and mindsets, we will get through this. The Age of Pisces taught us the results of selfishness and living for oneself only. This new age will require, no demand, that we see ourselves as community units, as some cultures already do. The children of the future will not be able to stand for anyone to be homeless, for anyone to starve. 
So, we need to get ready, both physically and mentally. Monetary system changes are already in place that will shift the ownership of resources to make it more level. Physical changes are happening as we speak. To survive, it's very simple; we need to LOVE and come together, according to Mary, mother of Jesus, in Mary’s Message to the World. She says that love will actually save us, creating a safety energy net that will protect us from harm. Send love to as many people today as you can, it doesn’t take long, and as long as it is sincere, they will feel it. It’s good practice for the present and the future! One Love.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Why Not Try a Neti Pot?

By Heather McCauley

In the United States, sinus related illnesses are the number one reason we visit our doctors. Many healthcare professionals agree that the nose and sinuses are our first line of defense against a multitude of illnesses. Otolaryngology or ENT (ear, nose and throat) is the oldest recorded medical specialty in the United States ( Although early medicine recognized the importance of the nose on our health, current studies show that there is a safe and natural alternative to taking a regimen of antibiotics for a sinus infection.

Nasal irrigation, lavage, or Neti is beneficial when nasal passages become inflamed, irritated or blocked. With exposure to chemicals, fragrances and environmental factors such as pollen, our nasal passages can sometimes operate on overload. It then becomes difficult for them to filter out bacteria and viruses – and also to maintain optimum mucus levels and consistency (gross, yes – but we need a certain amount of mucus to keep our nasal passages moisturized). With regular nasal irrigation, a body can experience immediate relief of sinusitis, sinus headaches, nasal congestion, asthma attacks, allergies, some types of insomnia and reduce the effects of MCS (multiple chemical sensitivities). By cleansing the nasal passages regularly, we don’t allow bacteria and viruses to accumulate, thereby keeping us healthy.

Nasal cleansing is for everyone! I have been using a Neti pot for a couple of years and I have turned several of my friends into fans of using one. This is one of the easiest and most precise methods of nasal irrigation. You can find a Neti pot in most drug stores with the sinus remedies. With the necessary saline solution included, a plastic one will cost between $7.00 and $15.00. They are also available in ceramic, copper and other materials in specialty stores or online. Take care to follow the directions that come with your Neti pot, as using water that is too cold or too hot can be painful (it may be helpful to watch a video or reference online instructions on using a Neti pot). The first time can be weird; and the instructions may not warn you about the nasal drainage that can occur – sometimes several hours later. But – that is part of the cleansing process! If you use a Neti pot for the first time and you aren’t immediately hooked, give it another couple of tries. I guarantee you will want to shout from the rooftops, “I love my Neti pot” – or at least wear it on a T-shirt.