Literally...the pole shift has been well discussed (although little publicized) for decades. Edgar Cayce predicted that it would cause some places to go under water and other land masses hidden for centuries will rise to the surface. This has already started happening and has been documented, as land has risen in the ocean near the Bahamas.
The recent Chilean earthquake is reported as the seventh strongest earthquake in recorded history. An article from says, " ‘Perhaps more impressive is how much the quake shifted Earth's axis,’ NASA officials said in a Monday update.“ It is said to have moved the earth’s figure axis by about 3 inches.
What does this mean for the future? Other than the Age of Aquarius is officially settling in, the world is going to change in unison with the vibratory changes in human beings. In the future, we will be more telepathic, at some point, completely so. Space brothers who have been visiting all the time, will help us to rebuild after destruction annihilates many landmasses and communities. All this is a necessary purging of the old in preparation for the new age, when mankind will live together in peace and harmony. It is scary, but by banding together in groups with common goals and mindsets, we will get through this. The Age of Pisces taught us the results of selfishness and living for oneself only. This new age will require, no demand, that we see ourselves as community units, as some cultures already do. The children of the future will not be able to stand for anyone to be homeless, for anyone to starve.
So, we need to get ready, both physically and mentally. Monetary system changes are already in place that will shift the ownership of resources to make it more level. Physical changes are happening as we speak. To survive, it's very simple; we need to LOVE and come together, according to Mary, mother of Jesus, in Mary’s Message to the World. She says that love will actually save us, creating a safety energy net that will protect us from harm. Send love to as many people today as you can, it doesn’t take long, and as long as it is sincere, they will feel it. It’s good practice for the present and the future! One Love.