By Heather McCauley
The act of ‘oil pulling’ is an ancient Ayurvedic cleansing practice based on the premise that an enormous amount of toxins accumulate in the mouth while we sleep. If you’re skeptical of this fact, here’s a little experiment you can try: First thing in the morning, (before drinking anything or even swallowing), wet your toothbrush but don‘t put any toothpaste on it. Use your damp toothbrush to give your teeth, gums, tongue and the back of your throat a good scrubbing. When you expel this into the sink, notice the yellow color and thick consistency. If anyone has a science background, I dare you to spit into a Petri dish and let it stew for a few weeks (can anyone say “biological warfare?”). Oil pulling serves to easily, safely and thoroughly remove this toxic buildup.
Although pulling oil has been popular and considered mainstream in India for quite some time, it has only recently been “rediscovered” by the rest of the world as a valid alternative cure-all. This is in part due to Dr. F. Karach, M.D. who presented a paper on the process of oil pulling to his peers, including oncologists and bacteriologists (oilpulling.com). The process was so simple that it was unbelievable - yet Dr. Karach had documented curing a case of Leukemia as well as a case of acute chronic arthritis. Dr Karach makes further claims of cures, although he isn’t the only one. Oil pulling has a multitude of fans, including doctors and patients. You can’t do research on oil pulling without finding success stories and claims that this simple remedy has worked miracles; shrinking cancer tumors, curing asthma and bronchitis, eczema, heart disease, meningitis, headaches, diabetes, reduced joint and lymphatic inflammation, and promoting oral health - including tooth pain, loose teeth and halitosis (see testimonials under ‘user reviews’ at oilpulling.org).
So, what exactly do you need to know to get started? Well, first you need to start with the correct oil. According to the Ayervedic tradition, the only sources recommended are sunflower and sesame. In order to receive the most benefits, use only cold-pressed or refined varieties. As with the experiment above, this should be done the very first thing in the morning. You will take a full tablespoon of the oil into your mouth and swish (slowly and thoughtfully) for a full 20 minutes. You can be doing this while you continue your morning routine: taking a shower, making your coffee, walking the dog, checking your email, etc. The important thing is not to cut this process short. When you are finished, the oil should resemble a thick milky substance - if it doesn’t, you didn’t swish long enough. Once you expel the toxins (into the sink, toilet, trash, etc.), rinse and gargle with warm water and brush your teeth as normal. Oil pulling will show the best results when done consistently for several months. I have been doing it for two months and I have seen marked changes in my skin and teeth. And for the minimal investment of a tablespoon of oil and 20 minutes a day, I don’t intend to ever stop oil pulling.
The act of ‘oil pulling’ is an ancient Ayurvedic cleansing practice based on the premise that an enormous amount of toxins accumulate in the mouth while we sleep. If you’re skeptical of this fact, here’s a little experiment you can try: First thing in the morning, (before drinking anything or even swallowing), wet your toothbrush but don‘t put any toothpaste on it. Use your damp toothbrush to give your teeth, gums, tongue and the back of your throat a good scrubbing. When you expel this into the sink, notice the yellow color and thick consistency. If anyone has a science background, I dare you to spit into a Petri dish and let it stew for a few weeks (can anyone say “biological warfare?”). Oil pulling serves to easily, safely and thoroughly remove this toxic buildup.
Although pulling oil has been popular and considered mainstream in India for quite some time, it has only recently been “rediscovered” by the rest of the world as a valid alternative cure-all. This is in part due to Dr. F. Karach, M.D. who presented a paper on the process of oil pulling to his peers, including oncologists and bacteriologists (oilpulling.com). The process was so simple that it was unbelievable - yet Dr. Karach had documented curing a case of Leukemia as well as a case of acute chronic arthritis. Dr Karach makes further claims of cures, although he isn’t the only one. Oil pulling has a multitude of fans, including doctors and patients. You can’t do research on oil pulling without finding success stories and claims that this simple remedy has worked miracles; shrinking cancer tumors, curing asthma and bronchitis, eczema, heart disease, meningitis, headaches, diabetes, reduced joint and lymphatic inflammation, and promoting oral health - including tooth pain, loose teeth and halitosis (see testimonials under ‘user reviews’ at oilpulling.org).
So, what exactly do you need to know to get started? Well, first you need to start with the correct oil. According to the Ayervedic tradition, the only sources recommended are sunflower and sesame. In order to receive the most benefits, use only cold-pressed or refined varieties. As with the experiment above, this should be done the very first thing in the morning. You will take a full tablespoon of the oil into your mouth and swish (slowly and thoughtfully) for a full 20 minutes. You can be doing this while you continue your morning routine: taking a shower, making your coffee, walking the dog, checking your email, etc. The important thing is not to cut this process short. When you are finished, the oil should resemble a thick milky substance - if it doesn’t, you didn’t swish long enough. Once you expel the toxins (into the sink, toilet, trash, etc.), rinse and gargle with warm water and brush your teeth as normal. Oil pulling will show the best results when done consistently for several months. I have been doing it for two months and I have seen marked changes in my skin and teeth. And for the minimal investment of a tablespoon of oil and 20 minutes a day, I don’t intend to ever stop oil pulling.