It happens to everyone – just when you think everything is going great, you’re faced with what seem like insurmountable challenges, negative people and unholy influences. Seeing life from a positive perspective is a talent that some people seem to have mastered. Others must work a little harder at it – but it can be done with little more than a shift in our attitude.
Dr. Suni says: When one door closes, another one opens. When life tosses you a lemon, make lemonade. When you're down on your luck, the only way to go is up. These clichés may sound kind of corny, but if you think about them you'll see the wisdom in each one. The door has closed for me, I've been thrown lemons, and I've been "down on my luck" many times. What keeps me going? The fact is that I don't allow myself to identify with any of those conditions. I see them as stepping stones to help me get to the other side, because on the other side something wonderful is waiting.
I have a positive belief system firmly in place and I don't allow it to get turned upside down. You might call me an eternal optimist because I always see the glass half full. I reinforce my belief system daily with the spiritual applications of meditation, prayer, visualization and affirmations. One of my favorite affirmations is this: "Since I am made in the image of God, I have the power to overcome all obstacles." Not only do I believe it with my mind, I know it in my heart. And it puts a smile on my face and a song in my heart.
Heather says: I’ve come through some difficult circumstances recently but I couldn’t seem to stay in a negative frame of mind for very long. I blessed the boss that never liked me because at least he never pretended to be friendly with me. I blessed the backstabbing co-worker for considering me a worthy adversary. I blessed former friends for showing me that I had outgrown our friendship. I blessed the loss of my job because it offered me a fresh start and the loss of possessions because it opens me up to greater spiritual growth. Even loss of life can be considered a blessing if it ends one’s suffering.
Heather says: I’ve come through some difficult circumstances recently but I couldn’t seem to stay in a negative frame of mind for very long. I blessed the boss that never liked me because at least he never pretended to be friendly with me. I blessed the backstabbing co-worker for considering me a worthy adversary. I blessed former friends for showing me that I had outgrown our friendship. I blessed the loss of my job because it offered me a fresh start and the loss of possessions because it opens me up to greater spiritual growth. Even loss of life can be considered a blessing if it ends one’s suffering.
Siona says: I meditate. It's the thing that helps the most.
So, how do you look on the bright side of things when life gets you down? What does it take for you to see the silver lining in that cloud?