Sunday, March 21, 2010


Life on earth has been referred to as the “earth school.” I want to give credit where credit is due, but offhand I can’t remember where I first heard this. I believe it was through Tolle. Anyway, I have come to understand that NO ONE has it easy. Life is not designed that way. Spiritual masters have struggled greatly, spiritual dunces suffer also. No one is immune to pain, frustration, and stress.

If school was easy, then no one would learn. If there weren’t any exams, then how would we assess if we truly grasp certain concepts? So we will be tested, we will be tried. Everyone. It’s part of this whole process of refining our souls.
Eventually however, we will pass. We will fail, re-take tests, go in circles sometimes, but then move upward a notch on the spiral of life. Some may graduate before others, but eventually we will all wear the cap and gown. And we will smile, we will laugh, and we will experience true joy.

So the playing field is level in my opinion. Those with seemingly great struggles from birth may have sat in class and doodled most of the last lifetime. Those born with silver spoons may have had great struggles that they overcame the last time around. But the light at the end of the tunnel is love. By learning to see, give, and receive this harmonious energy in every situation, we learn rapidly that nothing really matters, except the love we share while we’re in class. One Love.