Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Astrology & You Tuesdays- Pluto, the Planet of Transformation

Pluto is the planet of transformation. Planets are more than just gigantic orbs in the sky, just as people are more than just their bodies. As we can think, act and have character, planets have personalities also. They are universal energies that interact with our energies to help us learn and grow. Pluto’s role is a hefty one, as it is not subtle at all. Pluto forces us to transform, to change drastically and to metamorphosis into something entirely different than we were previously. Like the caterpillar which turns into the gorgeous butterfly, from a ground-bound worm to a light and airy master of the sky, the transformation is so total that one does not even recognize what it was in its previous life. It has literally become a new being.

This is the magic of Pluto. Since it stays in each sign for 12-32 years, it affects entire generations. All children born within the same Pluto sign share a cosmic need for regeneration and transformation in that particular area. For example, those born with Pluto in Virgo grew up with the need to transform affairs rules by Virgo such as clothing, diet, hygiene and health. Thus this generation is responsible for the revolution in diet and healthcare, and transition to natural healing and natural fabrics and such. I am one of this group and so it affects me in this way also. How it affects people individually depends on which house Pluto falls into in your natal (birth) chart and the aspects or relationships it has to other planets (energies) in your chart.

Another example: those born with Pluto in Capricorn fueled the American Revolution, and brought about the creation of the Constitution, according to The Llewellyn Journal. Capricorn is a sign related to government and status, so it was no wonder why the founding fathers chose to become independent and autonomous at that time.

Transits are where the planet is now as opposed to where it was when you were born, and these also have a profound effect on society and individuals. This is because the energy is constantly interacting with us, at various levels of our psyches and our lives.

This is just a miniscule mention of this profound planet and how it operates. If you’re interested in finding how it affects you, you can contact me to have your natal chart drafted. Although I don’t do astrological interpretations which are generally lengthy and very detailed, I can answer specific questions about your chart to help you in understanding your life a little better. And I can give you a copy of it also. This is a new service that I’ve been guided to offer and for $30, you get your chart and 2 questions answered. Each additional question is $10. This is so new it is not yet on our boutique page, so contact me at: astrology@temple-of-healing.org if you want to order. You will need your birth date, time (approximate) and place. I can also refer you to an astrologer that can draft your detailed horoscope based on your birth chart if you like. Happy Tuesday.