Monday, May 31, 2010
Heroes of War
By Heather McCauley
Memorial Day was originally established in the United States to commemorate soldiers who died during the civil war. Originally dubbed “Decoration Day”, loved ones would honor their war-time heroes by decorating soldiers’ graves. It wasn’t until the 1860’s that Memorial Day evolved to commemorate all soldiers who died while in service to their country. It is known that the first celebratory picnic began in Charleston, South Carolina in honor of the Freedmen (freed slaves) who died in the Civil War. When I reflect on these heroes, past and present day, words can’t help but come to my mind: patriotism, honor, sacrifice, dedication, duty, freedom, liberty and life.
As I reflect on the conviction that these brave men and women exhibit, I am reminded of a powerful song entitled, “Prayer to St. Peter” by Edwin McCain. The words: “Let them in, Peter, for they are very tired… Let them wake whole again to brand new dawns, fired by the sun, not war-time's bloody guns. May their peace be deep… God knows how young they were to have to die.” A beautiful sentiment and a song that inevitably moves me to tears. Although I would prefer there were never another war, that peace and love filled each and every heart of the world, the truth is that we are not there – yet. I am unwilling to dishonor my brothers, sisters, fathers, grandfathers and other fellow humans – so I reflect, meditate and pray that one day such sacrifices will be unnecessary.
Without detracting from the spirit of the day, I believe Memorial Day can also be a time to honor the everyday hero in each of us and the sacrifices we make, either large or small, for our country, our family, our spiritual development or another just cause. On this Memorial Day, engage in the spirit of the day but remember to honor what makes each of us a hero as well.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Friday Night's Show - and Past Episodes
Last night we discussed psychic vampires, energy and relationships, and the benefits of performing a cord cutting ceremony. As you may know, people are in our lives "for a reason and a season." Sometimes the season is our whole life, sometimes it's a lot shorter. Cord cutting helps us to move past outdated relationships that no longer serve us, and for other relationships, helps to bring them to a new level so that both parties can experience growth. Last night's show also had a bonus, an interview with Robyn Avalin, who told us how she began doing rune readings. Listen below. Happy Memorial Day weekend to those in the US!
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Friday, May 28, 2010
The Cord Cutting ceremony is a very interesting topic that I never got the chance to finish blogging about, in terms of how to actually do it. (click here to see the first article). And it was supposed to be last week's show, but we ended up interviewing Tom Blue Wolf by surprise. So tonight's radio show will be all about this, plus, we will be interviewing Robyn Avalon, a psychic and rune reader who is a regular part of our show. She will be talking about her work and what drew her to it.
If you call into the show at (646) 727-2644 you can win a free rune reading. The show starts at 9:00 pm ET. You can also enter the contest by sending an email to Our winner for tonight is out of town, so the first caller will win the reading! Looking forward to seeing you there. Click here to hear the show.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
We Are All Connected – Food for Thought
By Heather McCauley
I sometimes think of life as a mirror, showing us things in others that we are unable or unwilling to see in ourselves. If we make judgments and critical observations about others, we are destined to make similar future connections. Does it ever seem that the same type of people keep showing up in your life even though you go to great lengths to avoid them? Did you ever consider that the Universe is trying to show you something about yourself? It could be a similar personality trait or our own intolerances or antiquated way of thinking or relating. I believe that we have the choice to face these reflections of ourselves – to learn and evolve. Or, we can avoid them until the next time they show up.
As I sit quietly with my thoughts (meditate, pray, whatever you call it), one of the things I try to focus on is stepping out of my own ego. I try to see the truth in people and situations despite how it relates to my own personal interests. I strive to put aside my judgments and remind myself that we are all connected. We are all the children of our Creator and are perfect exactly as we are. It is difficult not to make critical observations of others, but it is human nature. We do it without thinking or realizing – even though we may not always voice our opinions. Until we are able to appreciate the perfection in every living creature, we will always feel flawed in some way. Once we realize that there are no flaws, only differences, we will know the truth about ourselves – we are beautiful, we are perfect and we are all connected to one another.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
I’m 49 years old and I’ve have had migraines as long as I can remember. The headaches come on about twice a month and they used to last a couple of days. Lately they seem to be lasting longer and getting more severe. I can tell when a migraine is coming on because I feel nauseous and my vision gets blurry. Then the throbbing pain starts and every little sound is like thunder in my ears. I have to go where it’s quiet and where I can be in the dark. I practically stay in the dark until the migraine starts to wear off.I would like to get off the prescription medicine and try to some natural remedies. The drugs don’t stop the migraine, they just make them slightly more bearable. I went on your web site and see that you offer alternative remedies. Is there something you can recommend for migraines?
Dear S,
Thank you for writing. There are alternative treatments that I can recommend for migraine sufferers. From the viewpoint of the energy healer, migraines result from an energy imbalance between the pineal and the pituitary glands in the brain. From the nutritional point of view, the frequency and severity of migraines can be reduced by making changes in the diet. From the environmental point of view, migraines can be prevented by avoiding toxic odors such as perfumes, paint, cigarette smoke and automobile exhaust fumes.
I advise that you start your alternative remedies by scheduling some energy healing treatments. At the same time, I would look at your diet. Do you consume foods that contain MSG, nitrates, nitrites, or artificial sweeteners? Do you drink alcoholic beverages? What is your daily intake of caffeine? Do you do cleansing fasts on a regular basis? Cleansing or detoxifying fasts are an absolute necessity due to the toxic environment we live in today. All these treatments, taken together, will greatly decrease or alleviate the debilitating symptoms of migraine.
Should you need help in setting up any of the above treatments, please write to
My prayers are with you. Wishing you love, light and harmony.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Astrology & You Tuesdays
Mars, The Planet of Action
Just as our Venus sign shows us how we love and relate to other people, our Mars sign placement points to our action tendencies, what we like to do, how we are most comfortable expressing our actions and so forth. These actions also include sexuality. The sign it is in will govern how we act, while the house it is in will govern which areas of life we prefer to channel these actions through. For example, someone with a Mars in the 4th house (the house of the home and family) will express actions thourgh family matters, home improvement (or destruction) projects, and things centered around our environment. A person with Mars in the 6th house of health and service, will put their energy into helping others, work, health matters and such. Or they could express it negatively and be that boss who is a tyrant, as this house also rules servants and those who work for us.
Monday, May 24, 2010
The Healing Power of Prayer
By Heather McCauley
Praying is not just an action reserved for pious church-goers. Although Christians, Buddhists, Jews and religious leaders of all cultures may practice regulated and structured prayers, there is no one correct way to pray. There is no correct language or tone to pray in. There is no correct time of day or night and there are no rules or limitations on the audience or entities you address in your prayers. As we have discussed before in this blog, prayer is the act of directing and focusing our positive, healing energies toward a recipient or goal. In other words, praying with love – where love is the inspiration, intention and energy – will yield the most positive results.
There have been numerous studies done on the power of prayer, dating back to the sixteenth century. “We’ve done everything we can; the only thing left to do is pray” – this phrase is heard around hospitals, sick and dying people – for good reason. Regardless of what scientists believe they prove or disprove, miracles happen all the time; miracles which have been directed by prayers. Even intercessory prayers (prayers being done without the recipient’s knowledge) and distance prayers are powerful enough to move energies into action. Although my religious beliefs don’t always align with people I meet, I have never turned down an offer for someone to pray for me or on my behalf. I believe that whatever higher power they tune into knows what is best for me and I graciously accept their loving energies.
Praying need not be directed solely at individuals. Our planet is in crisis right now and could use a massive dose of healing prayer. Whether it is just one person, a community, a nation or the entire planet, what Mother Earth needs now are our most loving prayers of healing. As the crude oil in the Gulf of Mexico disrupts ecosystems, and other tragedies like ocean dumping, emissions and industrial toxins do their damage, we have the chance and the ability to wrap our arms around the earth and give a giant hug, in the form of our loving prayers. This is beyond an entertaining or informative article; this is a plea to help save our home. Even if you don’t think you can do anything to help, you can pray. Everyone is capable of putting in a few words to their higher power regarding the future and the health of our planet.
Hopi Prophecies
Tom Blue Wolf mentioned a Hopi prophecy on Friday night's show which sparked a lot of interest on my end. I found it listed among a lot of other Hopi prophecies here. If you missed the show, you can hear it by scrolling down to the last post.
Tom mentioned that the oil spill in the gulf is being cited as the 7th sign by many Hopis.
According to a Hopi Prophecy website, "This is the Seventh Sign: You will hear of the sea turning black, and many living things dying because of it." WOW...
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Interview with Tom Blue Wolf
Friday, May 21, 2010
People say "God is love" all the time. But to meditate on this simple fact brings the most profound peace and joy. It may take some time, but be patient, it's coming. I just experienced 3 miracles that if I went into detail about, sound extremely minor, but to me are significantly huge. It makes me KNOW on more than an intellectual level that God truly does LOVE all of us and even more than that, LISTENS to us. The 'small' issues I used to keep from God because they seemed way too trivial to share, are now becoming a source of conversation for the Most High and I, and when these little miracles occur, it's confirmation to me that the conversation is not just one way. I wish you all the best Friday ever, and I hope a small/big miracle comes your way today!...One Love.
Tonight's Show
Tonight's show is about Cord Cutting ceremonies. I spoke a little about it on Monday's post and unfortunately didn't get a chance to write more about it this week as planned. But we'll be getting into the good, the bad and the ugly of relationships, some of which make life hell on earth. And how we can move forward through using this ceremony which in essence helps both us and others. Looking forward to seeing you there at 9:00 pm. Click here to listen to the show.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Visualization – The Good and the Bad
By Heather McCauley
It’s not a “secret” anymore. The principles behind what each of us manifests in our lives were laid out in the popular book and movie “The Secret”. Many more authors and philosophers jumped on this thought-process bandwagon since the principles of the Universal Law of Attraction were first delivered to the mainstream. Why, then, if we now know the ‘secret’ do we continue to witness chaos in the world and in our personal and professional lives? Could it be that those great authors and philosophers left us a little confused when it comes to the power of negative imagery?
Visualization or guided imagery can be either positive or negative and includes sounds, tastes and smells as well as images. We sometimes practice this manifestation technique without our awareness. Worry is an excellent example of negative imagery and one that goes unchecked in many of us (especially mothers!). Often the things we worry about most will come to pass in our lives – for no other reason than the fact that we have put so much of our energy into visualizing them as real. Negative imagery is also a part of how we speak: “Don’t fall” or “Don’t spill the milk” – instructions we could be giving to our children. These phrases only help others’ minds focus on the end result (falling or spilling), not the “don’t”. Using more positive imagery such as “be careful” will yield better results. Perhaps some of our most powerful images are our own memories. Painful or bad memories that surface at will are imbedded in our psyche and can often keep us operating in the same negative patterns and making the same negative choices. Getting to the root of these images and replacing them with positive images is the key to creating real change for your future.
Positive imagery has been utilized in the medical field with amazing success. Stories of patients who have shrunk tumors or fought off diseases with the mere power of images have helped give more scientific credit to the “mind over matter” principle. More research being done supports the fact that our mental and physical well-being are inter-connected. Using positive imagery for change is different than using a CD of a guided meditation that instructs you to picture a waterfall for the purpose of clearing your mind completely. For visualization to manifest something new, the images must be personal to you. You must be able to recall the images instantly and visualize them several times daily in order for them to take hold. If you are unable to readily fill your mind with images, try a vision board. This can be as simple as acquiring a picture of your dream or desire and keeping it with you to reference or as ambitious as a collage of pictures and colors mounted on your bedroom wall. The important thing is to fill your mind with images that will help you heal or manifest changes you desire, whether that is health, wealth, happy relationships or world peace.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
I am thirty-six years old. I have suffered from sciatica for about four years, going to medical doctors and pain specialists with no relief. The medications they give me help for a short while and then wear off. I even saw chiropractors and had some massage sessions, which only eased the pain temporarily. The pain is so bad in my lower back and legs that I can’t walk for more than five or ten minutes at a time. I can’t go shopping without having to sit down every few minutes, and even when I lie down I have to keep shifting around because of the pain. I don’t think I can take this pain much longer. Can you help me?
Dear M,
Sciatica can be caused by an inflamed or injured sciatic nerve. This nerve runs from the spinal cord all the way down to the feet. I believe you are suffering from inflammation of the sciatic nerve. It’s an extremely painful condition, as you well know. We've had successful results treating this type of sciatica. I recommend a course of energy healing treatments in person as opposed to distant healing. You’ll need to have at least three sessions of energy healing. In addition, I suggest that you apply the Edgar Cayce castor oil pack to the area. These methods will reduce the inflammation and ease the pain. If you need more information about these treatments, send us an e-mail to
My prayers are with you. Please let me know how you’re doing.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Astrology & You Tuesdays
Synastry- Relationship Astrology
Ever wonder why you just seem to "click" with certain people, while with others, there's an inexplicable tension? Why certain personalities rub you the wrong way for no apparent reason? Chalk it up to the stars...and the combination of energies. This is called synastry, the astrology of relationships.
We are all made differently for a reason. Variety is what makes life interesting, yet it also causes a natural affinity towards certain folks and aversion to others. For example, Tauruses (sun in Taurus) and Leos don't naturally get along. This is because these signs are square (90 degrees from) each other, and the energies between the 2 signs tend to grate on each other. But it's not this simple! We are all a composite of many signs, because each planet is in a sign. But the personal planets, the planets that govern individual personality, namely the sun, moon, venus, mercury, and mars are more important when it comes to synastry.
Signs are divided into 4 categories, fire, earth, air and water, and these all give them certain characteristics. For example, air signs are more mental and deal with thoughts, fire signs deal with actions, water signs deal with emotions, and earth signs deal with physical things such as food, clothing and money. So air signs will naturally feel more comfortable around fire and air signs where they can converse and discuss ideas and such, while earth signs prefer to deal more with practical matters. Air and fire signs are harmonious with each other, and go well together. Thinking about it, it makes a lot of sense. Fire signs are active and can motivate air signs just like fire can heat air and cause it to move. And just like fire needs air to survive, air signs can fuel fire and make it more active. Don't ideas cause people to act? And don't actions create the spark for new ideas? This is the harmony of fire and air. Earth and water signs are harmonious with each other. Earth needs the emotion of water to motivate it, and water needs the practicality of earth to get off the emotional rollercoaster.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Cord Cutting is a powerful ceremony that only needs one person -you! What does it do? It releases you of the psychic ties that connect you to everyone you have had unproductive or negative relationships with. This not only includes family and friends, but also co-workers and business partners.
Most people cannot see the invisible ties that bind. But they are there in the astral plane. Most of us are aware however, of people who suck our energy (energy vampires), because when we're around them, or after we finishing talking with them or leave their presence, we feel drained, lifeless and even weak. This is because they are attached to us, and are sucking our energy through the psychic cord very much like one sips liquid through a straw.
Most energy vampires are not bad people, they are those we love. It's unfortunate though that they are only able to survive by using the energy of others, as they are disconnected from their own energy source. They are often depressed, needy, and negative, and may come to you under the guise of "I need your help," when in reality, they need your energy! By giving them your time and energy, you are giving more of yourself than you may think. These folks have to learn to go within and find their internal connection to the Universal Source, but as long as they can get what they need from others, they are unlikely to do so. Cord cutting doesn't necessarily cut these folks out of your life (unless you want to) but changes the nature of the relationship, and can be just as helpful for them as for you.
I will talk more about this in the next few days posts. I performed this ceremony for the first time recently and immediately felt a surge of unexpected energy. I say unexpected because usually this ceremony leaves you feeling tired and with a need to rest and recharge. But I experienced the exact opposite. And the kicker is, the person that I cut the cord from (I only chose one this time) became sick with the flu and was out of commission for a few days. I was floored by this and it made me understand just how powerful this ceremony is. So I will share more with you soon and this will also be the topic of Friday's radio show. One Love.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Friday, May 14, 2010
Tonight's Show
Wishes really can come true! Dr. Suni will be discussing her latest book called Radical Goal Setting. This book contains information useful for one to make complete and total transformation in your life. She will be discussing tips, techniques, and suggestions to make your dreams come true! But as Teresa of Avila said, "More tears are shed over answered prayers than unanswered ones." So knowing what your goal truly is (it may not be what you think!) and how it fits into your destiny is the first and most important step.
So join us here at 9:00 pm as we talk about things you can do to make your dreams come true. Send your name to to register to win a free reading on the show by Robyn Avalon.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Managing Stress
By Heather McCauley
There isn’t a day that goes by when I don’t hear someone utter the words, “I’m so stressed” (myself included in that mix). This is probably because stress is one of the most prevalent and identifiable maladies affecting people – with the most personal of symptoms. Stress manifests differently in different people and is, therefore, often difficult to define from a medical perspective. People just intuitively know that their headache or cranky mood happens to be stress-related.
Sometimes the source of our stress is easily identified; deadlines at work, pressures at home or financial struggles. At other times, the source can elude us. We may be creating stress with negative thought patterns which cause negative physical and emotional reactions (i.e. stress) and not even be aware of the effect our thoughts have on our well-being.
It is important to note that stress is a physical reaction - initially. The body was designed for instances of “fight or flight”, releasing adrenaline when we encounter danger or fear. When we enter prolonged or chronic stress, the continuous flow of adrenaline may manifest physical as well as emotional symptoms; rapid heartbeat, aches and pains, irritability and reduced cognitive functions like memory and critical thinking.
People cope with stress in a number of ways, some of which are healthy and some that are not. Negative coping mechanisms include self-medicating with drugs, alcohol or cigarettes, over- or under-eating, sleeping too much or staying overly busy so as to avoid dealing with the stressor. A negative coping mechanism can be better than no coping mechanism at all because it can be replaced with any number of positive coping mechanisms. Exercise including Yoga and Tai Chi, socializing, massage, volunteering, laughing, conscious breathing, mindful meditation and even herbal tea are all healthy ways to combat stress. The important thing to note is that each of us has the power to tame our body’s reaction to stress.
There are as many stress triggers as there are symptoms – as there are coping mechanisms. The key is to identify the source(s) of your stress and acknowledge your response to it. Once identified, you can take steps to avoid or alter the source (if possible), adapt to or accept the situation, or employ a positive coping mechanism that works. In my opinion, a healthy lifestyle, an attitude of gratitude and open, respectful communication go a long way in keeping stress at bay.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
There’s something missin in my life and I don’t know what. My husband and I have grown away from each other. After twenty two years of marriage and three children I feel like I’m stifling. My youngest child is graduating high school this year and going to college. The other two are already out on their own. I think I’m going to go crazy with just my husband and me in the house. I don’t really like my work but at least it helps to pay the bills. I’ve been having an affair just out of boredom. I think he’s having an affair too but I don’t even care. Is this some midlife crisis or what?
Dear B,
I’m glad that you wrote for advice. I don’t think it’s mid-life crisis, I think you need more purpose to you life. You don’t have a passion for your work, you don’t have a passion for your life. I suggest you find a creative outlet for your pent-up emotions or you may be headed for depression. First of all I suggest you start a diary. We at Universal Temple of Healing call it a Self-Discovery Journal. Write at least one page every morning. it could be on anything—dreams, hopes/wishes, plans for the day, thoughts about what happened yesterday, etc. Take your journal with you and write whenever you feel tense, stressed or anxious. Write down any uncontrollable urges you have to eat or do anything else. Remember to always write the date each day.
Next I suggest you do some volunteer work. Work in a soup kitchen, visit the sick, find a way to perform some kind of service, and volunteer. This will take your mind off yourself and you’ll find your life beginning to have purpose. Then if you still have time to spare, take an art class, or a yoga class, or join a book club. There are so many things you can do to bring joy into your life. Start now.
Wishing you love, light and harmony.
Have a question? Send it to: We request permission to publish your question without identifying you for the benefit of others. Thank You.
Have a question? Send it to: We request permission to publish your question without identifying you for the benefit of others. Thank You.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Astrology & You Tuesdays- Venus, the planet of Love & Beauty
This column is to introduce those who are unfamiliar with the science of astrology to this fascinating study. For those with experience, it may serve as a refresher. Every planet is like a unique individual with its own personality. When we are born, each planet is in a sign, which has been likened to the ‘role’ this planet will play. In addition each planet is located in one of 12 houses, each governing different areas of life. These houses show how the planet will play out in our lives. For example, if Venus is found in your 7th house when you are born, the house of partnerships and the public, it will show that you have a tendency to good relations with others, can attract a loving mate, and will function well in partnerships. If it is found in the 1st house, the house of the body and self, you are likely to be very physically attractive.
This of course is a very simplified explanation, as there are other factors, called aspects, which determine whether you will be more inclined to demonstrate the planet’s positive side, or its shadow side. Because every energy has 2 poles, and can be displayed as either positive or not so positive. Free will is always the determining factor, as every person has the innate power to change the way they respond to planetary energies. So astrology simply shows tendencies, not actualities. 2 people born with similar planetary alignments can choose to use the energies they deal with in 2 very different ways. The level of consciousness a person has is very important.
So rather than reinvent the wheel, click here or here (also shows compatibility info.) for an explanation of how Venus operates in the various signs. These are just 2 interpretations out of many. But they can give you a general idea. If you are unaware of where your Venus is at your birth, click here for a quick reference, or you can click here to access an ephemeris, a log of where the planets are on any given day. You must first click on your year of birth, then find the month and day. Often a planet changes signs during the day. For example it can be in Aries at 10:00 am, and in Taurus by 4:00 pm. So knowing your time of birth is also very important. If in doubt then look up the meanings for both signs that the planet could potentially be in. Many times you can guess which one it actually is in if you know your personality well enough.
Venus is the planet of love and beauty. It shows how we tend to give (and therefore attract) love, and what we find harmonious in life, what gives us pleasure or makes us feel balanced and beautiful inside.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Aromatherapy – What the Nose Knows
By Heather McCauley
One of the best things about spring is experiencing all of the unique and complex fragrances that come with the abundantly blooming trees, flowers and plants. The scent of honeysuckle can whisk me away to a childhood memory in an instant. Roses evoke a feeling of deep, romantic love from days long past. Our sense of smell is a powerful tool in establishing a lightning-fast connection between the brain and our memories or past emotions. If the word ‘nostalgia’ isn’t derived somehow from the word ‘nose’ – then it certainly should be.
Although there are several methods of delivery for aromatherapy, the therapeutic benefits are not solely limited to our olfactory senses (smelling). True aromatherapy practitioners rely on the essential oils of the most beneficial plants in the world in order to treat their clients. These are considered the plants’ true essences and fragrance oils or perfumes cannot offer the same benefits. It is the plants themselves (like everything in nature) that offer the healing benefit – not the fragrance. If being treated by a knowledgeable practitioner, they will know what essence to use and what delivery system to employ in order to achieve the maximum psychological and physiological benefits for the client.
If you are unable to work with an aromatherapy practitioner, are more of a do-it-yourself type or you are just curious about how you could experience aromatherapy benefits, visit for articles, safety information, recipes, essential oil profiles and access to a blog about aromatherapy. You will learn the difference between diffusing and inhaling, which oils you should never use and helpful recipes for energizing, reducing stress, easing acne and arthritis and even treating bruises. Happy sniffing!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Hell is Only Temporary...So is Failure
Saw this video today and thought it appropriate to post because we were talking on Friday's show about how life can be pure hell sometimes, but one way to get out of it is to remind yourself that it's only temporary. You can hear the show on the post below. Happy Mother's Day!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Coversations about Hell
As we discussed last night, suicide is never the answer. There really is no way to escape hell on earth and inner anguish. We must go through it. Although hell is not a permanent place, it's most definitely not a fun place. Check it out.
Friday, May 7, 2010
What The HELL is it All About?
There’s a hell on earth (you may have been there) but is there a hell beyond earth? We talked about reincarnation in our radio show a few weeks back. But what we didn’t discuss is the theory behind hell and our opinion on this mythical place. Jesus, said “in my father’s house there are many mansions.” If souls come back to earth, then is hell real, and if so, where is it and who gets the pleasure of going to this warm vacation spot? This is another interesting topic that we’ll touch upon tonight at 9:00 pm. We will include information from people who have had near-death experiences, philosophers thoughts, and more. Plus, we’ll have our weekly rune reading by Robyn, the Rune Mistress of Atlantis at 9:30. Looking forward to seeing you there! Click here to listen.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Healthy Pets
By Heather McCauley
For many pet owners, our pets are family. We treat them with the care and respect we give our own children. I once read that the pet products industry is one which continues to increase in revenue, seemingly resistant to economic conditions. This is because we are making the connection to pets as companions – companions we would like to see living long and healthful lives. Today’s conscientious pet owners are more willing to seek out premium healthcare, food, treats and accessories – in some cases, despite the cost. It is no secret that we want the same quality of life for our precious non-human family members that we want for ourselves.
Pets can be very sensitive to their owners’ lives and surroundings. What we feel, sometimes they manifest. I have a dog that knows when I am frustrated (usually at my computer or something else technical) and will hide under the bed until my ‘episode’ passes. When I have had a bad day, he usually just sits with his head in my lap. Just like a best friend – they are there when we need them to comfort us and steering clear when they know there’s nothing they can do to help. With such loyal pet-friends, why wouldn’t we make the best choices for them we possibly can?
If you approach caring for your pet with healthy doses of intuition and education, you are on the right track. Researching your veterinary clinic and reading food labels are just the beginning of a holistic approach to pet-care. Pets can be more affected in a healing capacity with loving, attentive energy than humans can due to their heightened sensitivity. I practice Reiki on my dog regularly as he has frequent stomach aches. I also recently used Reiki to help an injury to his leg (from trying to give him a bath – which he greatly detests). With just two 15-minute sessions of focused energy, he was no longer limping or wincing in pain – and he was back to his energetic self the next day.
In order to have a healthy pet, you must be able to give your time, attention and respect to your pet in order to care for them properly. Regular veterinary care is critical but don’t be afraid to research and choose natural options. Be sensitive to their energy as they are sensitive to yours. For years, researchers have shown that pets can prolong your life. Isn’t it time you returned the favor?
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
My son is 9 years old and he was diagnosed with ADHD (Attention Deficit Disease) and he needs to take medication to keep him focused on school and control his behavior. but it does not seem to work at all for him since he still have a lot of problems at school and with general discipline and behavior. He lost his father three years ago and his sister has autism and epilepsy and I have to work long hours for them, so these factors also affect his condition.Can you give me some advise on what I can do to help my son, apart from giving him the drugs which don't help him at all and might make him even worse.
Dr Suni says: Dear K,
It is so saddening to hear reports of children being diagnosed with ADHD and treated with drugs when there are natural alternative treatments for these children. Before they diagnosed your son, did they even do tests for food and environmental allergies? Your son’s behavior could be caused by these types of allergies. There are certain foods that cause allergic reactions, some of which can be very severe. Some common foods are cow’s milk, peanuts, soybeans and wheat. Other foods are tree nuts, shellfish and crabs, but a person can have allergies to any food.
Environmental allergies are commonplace due to the proliferation of man-made drugs in the environment. My grandson started to have allergies to environmental toxins from he was little. His clothes had to be washed in perfume-free, dye-free detergent, otherwise he would act out of control, just like your son. We figured out the problem and changed to a non-toxic detergent and his symptoms went away. Arm & Hammer Perfume & Dye-Free detergent and All Free & Clear detergent are good choices.
I strongly advise you to make an appointment for your son to see an environmental specialist. He/she can do the testing for both food and environmental allergies. In addition, your son may have emotional issues related to your life situation. For this I would recommend a course of energy healing treatments. Energy healing comprises many modalities. All are powerful for healing mind, spirit and body. Here at Universal Temple of Healing we offer Seichim, Reiki, Qigong, crystal healing, sound healing, meta-acupuncture and more. Your alternative healing practitioner will decide which modality/ies to employ. You may start by requesting free distant healing for your son by filling out the form on our Healing Boutique page.
That will be all for now. Please keep in touch and let us know how your son is doing.
Wishing you love, light and harmony
Ask the UTH Advisors is posted every Wednesday. Send your questions to: We request the right to publish your question without identifying you for the sake of helping others with similar issues.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Astrology & You Tuesdays
Mercury Retrograde - Communications Gone Wild!
Mercury is currently retrograde and will be for a few more days, until May 11. It has been this way since April 18. Since Mercury is the planet that rules communications, what does it mean?
Retrograde is an optical illusion where it appears that a planet is moving backwards, when in reality it is not. A good analogy is "traveling on the road watching another car beside you: when the other car slows down, or you speed up, it looks as though the other car is moving backwards." (
But when this happens, and it does to all planets except the sun and moon, it influences humanity in unusual ways. Each planet has its own energy and 'personality' so to speak, and the character of Mercury is communication, and the ability to share information. So when Mercury is retrograde, often there are lots of miscommunication, letters lost in the mail, contract delays, computer failures, and email issues. The general rule of thumb is to wait it out or at least expect the unexpected when it comes to communication with others.
My computer gave me the dreaded 'blue screen of death' the other day, which it has never done before. I was extremely lucky to have been able to troubleshoot, do a system restore (my son the techie taught me this) and then I backed up all my data onto a separate hard drive which I do periodically, but hadn't done in a while. Backing up data is actually recommended during this period (I found out the hard way and also after the fact). According to, a few suggestions are to "make sure your computer is backed up and your virus protection is current. Send important documents via certified or registered mail and keep receipts for everything you buy. You may decide to return some of them. It’s helpful to double check travel plans, reservations and appointments. Allow extra time for most things."
Mercury is currently retrograde and will be for a few more days, until May 11. It has been this way since April 18. Since Mercury is the planet that rules communications, what does it mean?
Retrograde is an optical illusion where it appears that a planet is moving backwards, when in reality it is not. A good analogy is "traveling on the road watching another car beside you: when the other car slows down, or you speed up, it looks as though the other car is moving backwards." (
But when this happens, and it does to all planets except the sun and moon, it influences humanity in unusual ways. Each planet has its own energy and 'personality' so to speak, and the character of Mercury is communication, and the ability to share information. So when Mercury is retrograde, often there are lots of miscommunication, letters lost in the mail, contract delays, computer failures, and email issues. The general rule of thumb is to wait it out or at least expect the unexpected when it comes to communication with others.
My computer gave me the dreaded 'blue screen of death' the other day, which it has never done before. I was extremely lucky to have been able to troubleshoot, do a system restore (my son the techie taught me this) and then I backed up all my data onto a separate hard drive which I do periodically, but hadn't done in a while. Backing up data is actually recommended during this period (I found out the hard way and also after the fact). According to, a few suggestions are to "make sure your computer is backed up and your virus protection is current. Send important documents via certified or registered mail and keep receipts for everything you buy. You may decide to return some of them. It’s helpful to double check travel plans, reservations and appointments. Allow extra time for most things."
Good luck for the next few days. And watch what you say! It could very well be misunderstood. One Love.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Adaptogens: The Premier Class of Herbs
By Heather McCauley
The future of medicine is clear – like writing on the wall. People are now moving away from treating symptoms with synthesized drugs, and moving toward natural alternatives for healing and overall well-being. As it has been practiced in India and China for centuries, more people are turning to herbal medicine in order to conquer their specific physical and psychological complaints.
While there are more herbs than there are man-made drugs, what scientists create in the lab is sometimes made to mimic the effects of what nature abundantly offers us. There are so many herbs that people seek degrees and licenses in herbology and herbal medicine in order to advise clients which products will properly treat them. Adaptogens occur in several of our above-average herbs such as licorice, rhodiola, schisandra, true ginseng, and king’s crown (the immortality herb) - and they take the guesswork out of selecting just the right herb for one’s particular complaint. Adaptogenic herbs are non-toxic, safe for daily use and can have a protective effect when taken over time. Playing a significant role in the body, adaptogens have the ability to seek out and correct imbalances, support all normal body functions and eradicate pre-cancerous cells. In addition to being anti-oxidants, adaptogens are anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and they support healthy aging.
The bottom line is that adaptogens will go to work where your body needs them to. You could see changes such as improved sleep, enhanced athletic performance, reduced muscle recovery time, improved mood, better concentration, decreased stress and better immune response. Dr. Marcus Laux, a renowned authority in the natural products industry for over 30 years, is currently using one herb in particular (king’s crown) to clinically treat everything from asthma, depression and diabetes to hypertension, migraines and ulcers (The King’s Crown (The Immortality Herb) by Dr. Marcus Laux). The interesting thing about Dr. Laux’s clinical research is not that he is using an herb as treatment – but that he is meeting with success in all cases.
The one problem with herbs is generally their delivery method. Herbs with high concentrations of adaptogens tend to be very bitter and unpalatable. This usually leaves out the method of making a tea or tincture out of them. Some are available in a capsule form, yet their potency and processing methods are questionable. So, how can you achieve the benefits of adaptogenic herbs while resting assured that you are getting a high-quality product? Again, I will pass on to you my faith in a product that has become a favorite of mine and one I will continue taking for the rest of my life. “Qore Essentials” by Qivana is a blend of skullcap, white Korean ginseng and the immortality herb. It comes in a citrus-flavored powder that you sprinkle onto your tongue and let dissolve. I don’t know how they did it but I’m finally able to take herbs on a regular basis – and I couldn’t be happier!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Friday Night's Show - and Past Episodes
Last night we talked about the deeper meaning of forgiveness and techniques to get rid of the burdens that many people carry. Lighten the Load! One Love.
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