By Heather McCauley
Praying is not just an action reserved for pious church-goers. Although Christians, Buddhists, Jews and religious leaders of all cultures may practice regulated and structured prayers, there is no one correct way to pray. There is no correct language or tone to pray in. There is no correct time of day or night and there are no rules or limitations on the audience or entities you address in your prayers. As we have discussed before in this blog, prayer is the act of directing and focusing our positive, healing energies toward a recipient or goal. In other words, praying with love – where love is the inspiration, intention and energy – will yield the most positive results.
There have been numerous studies done on the power of prayer, dating back to the sixteenth century. “We’ve done everything we can; the only thing left to do is pray” – this phrase is heard around hospitals, sick and dying people – for good reason. Regardless of what scientists believe they prove or disprove, miracles happen all the time; miracles which have been directed by prayers. Even intercessory prayers (prayers being done without the recipient’s knowledge) and distance prayers are powerful enough to move energies into action. Although my religious beliefs don’t always align with people I meet, I have never turned down an offer for someone to pray for me or on my behalf. I believe that whatever higher power they tune into knows what is best for me and I graciously accept their loving energies.
Praying need not be directed solely at individuals. Our planet is in crisis right now and could use a massive dose of healing prayer. Whether it is just one person, a community, a nation or the entire planet, what Mother Earth needs now are our most loving prayers of healing. As the crude oil in the Gulf of Mexico disrupts ecosystems, and other tragedies like ocean dumping, emissions and industrial toxins do their damage, we have the chance and the ability to wrap our arms around the earth and give a giant hug, in the form of our loving prayers. This is beyond an entertaining or informative article; this is a plea to help save our home. Even if you don’t think you can do anything to help, you can pray. Everyone is capable of putting in a few words to their higher power regarding the future and the health of our planet.