Synastry- Relationship Astrology
Ever wonder why you just seem to "click" with certain people, while with others, there's an inexplicable tension? Why certain personalities rub you the wrong way for no apparent reason? Chalk it up to the stars...and the combination of energies. This is called synastry, the astrology of relationships.
We are all made differently for a reason. Variety is what makes life interesting, yet it also causes a natural affinity towards certain folks and aversion to others. For example, Tauruses (sun in Taurus) and Leos don't naturally get along. This is because these signs are square (90 degrees from) each other, and the energies between the 2 signs tend to grate on each other. But it's not this simple! We are all a composite of many signs, because each planet is in a sign. But the personal planets, the planets that govern individual personality, namely the sun, moon, venus, mercury, and mars are more important when it comes to synastry.
Signs are divided into 4 categories, fire, earth, air and water, and these all give them certain characteristics. For example, air signs are more mental and deal with thoughts, fire signs deal with actions, water signs deal with emotions, and earth signs deal with physical things such as food, clothing and money. So air signs will naturally feel more comfortable around fire and air signs where they can converse and discuss ideas and such, while earth signs prefer to deal more with practical matters. Air and fire signs are harmonious with each other, and go well together. Thinking about it, it makes a lot of sense. Fire signs are active and can motivate air signs just like fire can heat air and cause it to move. And just like fire needs air to survive, air signs can fuel fire and make it more active. Don't ideas cause people to act? And don't actions create the spark for new ideas? This is the harmony of fire and air. Earth and water signs are harmonious with each other. Earth needs the emotion of water to motivate it, and water needs the practicality of earth to get off the emotional rollercoaster.