As we discussed last night, suicide is never the answer. There really is no way to escape hell on earth and inner anguish. We must go through it. Although hell is not a permanent place, it's most definitely not a fun place. Check it out.
Services, Courses & Products to keep you in balance. Click on the cherry cart.
Love, Light, Harmony
It's time to feel your best!
Universal Temple of Healing was founded in 1999 by Dr. Suni Rose and Siona. We teach energy healing courses, give treatments, and offer nutritional counseling.
Contact us for more information about the SUPERFOOD, which contains every known mineral and supercharges the body, and the MIRACLE FORMULA, a simple, ancient remedy for alkalizing the body. Also check out our online courses in SEICHIM and REIKI, complete with a comprehensive manual, audio lectures and online exams. Learn to heal with the power in your hands!
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