Monday, May 10, 2010

Aromatherapy – What the Nose Knows

By Heather McCauley

One of the best things about spring is experiencing all of the unique and complex fragrances that come with the abundantly blooming trees, flowers and plants. The scent of honeysuckle can whisk me away to a childhood memory in an instant. Roses evoke a feeling of deep, romantic love from days long past. Our sense of smell is a powerful tool in establishing a lightning-fast connection between the brain and our memories or past emotions. If the word ‘nostalgia’ isn’t derived somehow from the word ‘nose’ – then it certainly should be.

Although there are several methods of delivery for aromatherapy, the therapeutic benefits are not solely limited to our olfactory senses (smelling). True aromatherapy practitioners rely on the essential oils of the most beneficial plants in the world in order to treat their clients. These are considered the plants’ true essences and fragrance oils or perfumes cannot offer the same benefits. It is the plants themselves (like everything in nature) that offer the healing benefit – not the fragrance. If being treated by a knowledgeable practitioner, they will know what essence to use and what delivery system to employ in order to achieve the maximum psychological and physiological benefits for the client.

If you are unable to work with an aromatherapy practitioner, are more of a do-it-yourself type or you are just curious about how you could experience aromatherapy benefits, visit for articles, safety information, recipes, essential oil profiles and access to a blog about aromatherapy. You will learn the difference between diffusing and inhaling, which oils you should never use and helpful recipes for energizing, reducing stress, easing acne and arthritis and even treating bruises. Happy sniffing!