Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Astrology & You Tuesdays- Venus, the planet of Love & Beauty
This column is to introduce those who are unfamiliar with the science of astrology to this fascinating study. For those with experience, it may serve as a refresher. Every planet is like a unique individual with its own personality. When we are born, each planet is in a sign, which has been likened to the ‘role’ this planet will play. In addition each planet is located in one of 12 houses, each governing different areas of life. These houses show how the planet will play out in our lives. For example, if Venus is found in your 7th house when you are born, the house of partnerships and the public, it will show that you have a tendency to good relations with others, can attract a loving mate, and will function well in partnerships. If it is found in the 1st house, the house of the body and self, you are likely to be very physically attractive.
This of course is a very simplified explanation, as there are other factors, called aspects, which determine whether you will be more inclined to demonstrate the planet’s positive side, or its shadow side. Because every energy has 2 poles, and can be displayed as either positive or not so positive. Free will is always the determining factor, as every person has the innate power to change the way they respond to planetary energies. So astrology simply shows tendencies, not actualities. 2 people born with similar planetary alignments can choose to use the energies they deal with in 2 very different ways. The level of consciousness a person has is very important.
So rather than reinvent the wheel, click here or here (also shows compatibility info.) for an explanation of how Venus operates in the various signs. These are just 2 interpretations out of many. But they can give you a general idea. If you are unaware of where your Venus is at your birth, click here for a quick reference, or you can click here to access an ephemeris, a log of where the planets are on any given day. You must first click on your year of birth, then find the month and day. Often a planet changes signs during the day. For example it can be in Aries at 10:00 am, and in Taurus by 4:00 pm. So knowing your time of birth is also very important. If in doubt then look up the meanings for both signs that the planet could potentially be in. Many times you can guess which one it actually is in if you know your personality well enough.
Venus is the planet of love and beauty. It shows how we tend to give (and therefore attract) love, and what we find harmonious in life, what gives us pleasure or makes us feel balanced and beautiful inside.