I am thirty-six years old. I have suffered from sciatica for about four years, going to medical doctors and pain specialists with no relief. The medications they give me help for a short while and then wear off. I even saw chiropractors and had some massage sessions, which only eased the pain temporarily. The pain is so bad in my lower back and legs that I can’t walk for more than five or ten minutes at a time. I can’t go shopping without having to sit down every few minutes, and even when I lie down I have to keep shifting around because of the pain. I don’t think I can take this pain much longer. Can you help me?
Dear M,
Sciatica can be caused by an inflamed or injured sciatic nerve. This nerve runs from the spinal cord all the way down to the feet. I believe you are suffering from inflammation of the sciatic nerve. It’s an extremely painful condition, as you well know. We've had successful results treating this type of sciatica. I recommend a course of energy healing treatments in person as opposed to distant healing. You’ll need to have at least three sessions of energy healing. In addition, I suggest that you apply the Edgar Cayce castor oil pack to the area. These methods will reduce the inflammation and ease the pain. If you need more information about these treatments, send us an e-mail to heal@temple-of-healing.org.
My prayers are with you. Please let me know how you’re doing.