Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Holistic Healing of Fibroid Tumors - Part II

by Dr. Suni Rose  Originally Appeared in Natural Awakenings, Atlanta edition

     The chakras are vortices of energy found throughout the body, which draw energy from the Universal Energy Field in order to supply the energy needs of the physical body. When a center is out of balance, it will take in too much energy, not enough energy, or the inflow or output will be distorted.  We know as a fact that disease (when not of a group origin or based on karmic law or due to an accident) occurs due to an imbalance in the activity of the energy center governing the diseased area of the body. Alice Bailey explains in Esoteric Healing, p203-204: “A full and balanced flow of energy from the center into the area which it controls leads to resistance to so-called disease; where there is lack of development and an unbalanced situation, where the centers are concerned, there will be no power to resist.”

     The chakras are found on the etheric body, the body which underlies the dense physical. The etheric body is as real as the dense physical body, but is a subtle body made up of lines of force and points where these lines of force cross each other, thus forming centers of energy. Where many centers meet and cross, you have a larger center of energy. Where great streams of energy meet and cross, you have the seven major centers. The seven major centers are connected to the seven major glands and are responsible for the correct functioning of these glands. The glands are the outstanding determining factor connected with the general health of the individual. Their influence, by way of the blood stream, reaches into every part of the body, producing both psychological and physiological effects.

    The health of the organs is largely dependent upon the centers, as they condition the glands and as the energy is distributed throughout the body. An imbalance in the energy flow of any center will negatively affect the gland governed by that center. Should the imbalance persist, disease will show up in that area of the body. Ultimately the disease will be carried, through the blood stream, to other parts of the body.

    An overactivity in the center that governs the reproductive system – the sacrum center – will result in an overstimulation of the gonadic glands (the ovaries in the female and the prostate in the male), causing an overproduction of hormone in these glands. Uterine and prostate conditions can develop if the energy imbalance persists. Since the blood stream is the primary conveyor of glandular secretion throughout the body, it will transfer this dis-harmony to other parts of the body. Depending on the degree of dis-harmony within the gonadic glands, the result can vary anywhere from benign conditions (such as fibroids or enlarged prostate) to severe malignancies.

    We can see then that the key to preventing disease is to obtain, and maintain, a state of balance in the energy system. Even when disharmony has already manifested in the physical body, the effect can be reversed. We do this by working through the emotions. It may be time to examine your emotional issues. How do you feel about yourself, about your life? How do you honestly feel about your body? What is your attitude toward sex, or toward the opposite sex? What are the judgments you’ve carried over from childhood regarding sex? Do you pursue hobbies or activities that expand your wonderfully creative abilities?

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(to be continued)