Internet addiction is a growing problem, and with the internet moving into new places (it will soon be in cars) and the wireless network being funded by the government for the benefit of safety (police, ambulances, etc.) it is likely to get even worse. Take this test to see if you are addicted.
I can't lie; the Internet is a semi-issue for me. I find that I enjoy being online, sometimes a little too much. My score was a 48 on the test, so I’m not technically an addict, but I do find that I can ignore certain things in my life in favor of the Internet.
So I have to force myself to take an Internet fast. And this is not easy! I feel compelled to run and check email and to see ‘what’s happening in the news’ even though deep down I know these things are not important. The fast is helpful, as it assists me in focusing on what is important nature, my family, and reading that good book that I keep putting down way too often!
If you haven’t tried an Internet Fast, or a News Fast, try one soon....or a combination of both. Fasting from the cell phone is also a favorite of mine, and Oprah has a No Phone Zone campaign and No Phone Zone Day on April 30 that will save lives, I’m sure. more info. My personal opinion is that texting is not all that necessary. So I don’t text, but that’s just my way of trying to stay grounded in a world that’s ultra hectic. (Plus, it saves me from 'numb thumb'). So try the fast(s), it will help you to sensitive yourself more to the higher energies of the Universe, which is a very beautiful and mysterious place, and less to the activities of everyday life, which are most often not too meaningful. In the end, you will find yourself mega refreshed. One love.