Many people are familiar with the science of astrology. Since we talk a lot about energy and its use, influence, and significance, astrology is simply a related topic. It is a very comprehensive and in-depth science, that takes years for some folks to really get a grasp of. Even then, it is easily a life-long study, as there is so much to the Universe and its mysteriousness. For example, new stars, and sometimes planets are discovered all the time, each with its own unique energy (some might say personality).
On a more mundane level, how does astrology help in human relations? In many many ways! From choosing the right business partner or mate, to making key decisions (it is common knowledge that former President Reagan used his wife's astrologer to assist) an understanding of astrological energy patterns is extremely helpful. One thing is very important to know however! And that is, the stars only 'rule' a person until they come into a conscious awareness of who they 'really' are. After that, astrology is somewhat useless in determining human behavior and inclination, because the person is operating more out of their higher, more spiritual self, and not their lower, physical self. A good astrologer can look at a person's horoscope chart (based on date, place and time of birth) and tell whether this person is a serial killer or saint. And studies have been done to prove this.
But the intervening factor is always human will. How many times have you known (even without the use of astrology) that a person wasn't right for you, and still you plunged forward into murky waters? On that same note, by knowing your inclinations, and the tendencies of others, you can work to change them, since they are no longer an unconscious part of the shadow self, but are now revealed in order that you can work on them. It is difficult to work on others, though, and this is where their will and willingness to make the effort to improve is significant.
But the intervening factor is always human will. How many times have you known (even without the use of astrology) that a person wasn't right for you, and still you plunged forward into murky waters? On that same note, by knowing your inclinations, and the tendencies of others, you can work to change them, since they are no longer an unconscious part of the shadow self, but are now revealed in order that you can work on them. It is difficult to work on others, though, and this is where their will and willingness to make the effort to improve is significant.
So on Tuesdays, I will be discussing various facets of astrology, since I have been fascinated with this science as long as I can remember. One Love.