People are joining together to prepare for life in the Aquarian Age, the age of brotherhood. In this show we will discuss some of the predicted earth changes, and how we can help create a smoother transition into this exciting new age. We will discuss the Pole Shift, and ancient (and some modern) predictions, but we will focus more on what we can do to prepare. We feel that focusing on the ‘problem’ more than the solution, is not the most effective way to deal with it, and can cause anxiety and fear. This needs not be the case, as what will be will be, but how we deal with it is completely up to us. These changes need not be drastic, it is because of the mass pain body, according to Tolle, that people become fearful of what will in essence, be the beginning of a glorious and peaceful new time.
So although we will begin the show by discussing earthquakes and natural disasters, we will end by making you feel assured that by starting now (if you haven’t started before) there are things you can do to prepare yourself and your loved ones for coming changes and a new way of living. Let’s get in alignment with the Universe and Mother Earth, and move forward comfortably as we make the transition from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius.The show starts at 9:30 pm ET. Click here to listen.
Win a free rune reading by Robyn Avalon, The Rune Mistress of Atlantis, by calling in to the show at 9:15pm ET. The call-in number is: (646) 727-2644. You can also reach Robyn at or She performs rune readings by donation.