Thursday, April 22, 2010

Excerpt from Seichim Healing Course Manual

This is an excerpt from a manual on Sechim Energy Healing. I wrote it with Divine inspiration. This course is available both in an online format and in-person classes. more info. Wishing you Love, Light and Harmony!

Statement: Although we believe healing transcends all faiths and religions as it deals directly with Universal Energy, we also believe there have been many hallowed guides along the way.  These spiritual teachers were sent to impart the truth in its simplicity.  Therefore, we often refer to statements from these Great Teachers such as Jesus the Christ.  It is our belief that these individuals, among others, found the keys to enlightenment and personal fulfillment and were driven to share this precious information with the world.

This Seichim Course consists of three branches.  This manual is very comprehensive and builds a solid foundation for understanding and practicing Seichim Energy Healing.  It is also Divine and intuitively inspired. Seichim I generally covers information regarding self-healing. This is important because if you are called to go into healing service, you will be required to educate your clients in some respect on how to maintain the healing and balance that you provide. Seichim II goes more in-depth on healing others and performing healing sessions, and Seichim III discusses important aspects of growing into the role of Seichim Master and passing attunements onto others. 

•    Seichim I:             Healing the Self
•    Seichim II:            Healing Others
•    Seichim III:           Becoming a Seichim Master Healer

Following are synopses of each:

Seichim I

The first branch of this course, Seichim I, focuses on the nature of true healing and healing the self.  Healing is essentially the balancing of energy currents.  It is re-establishing our connection with the Divine Presence within.  Energy follows thought.  If we turn our attention towards understanding who we truly are, energy will follow this thought and begin to flow in a balancing and healing manner.  When you learn to surrender to The Divine Presence, healing will follow.  Every individual is accountable for his or her growth and success.  This is the path of true healing.

Healing depends upon the inner state of the person to be healed as much as on the ability of the healer to perform a cure.  Many diseases are psychological in nature and illness is a message signaling change.  Unless this is understood, people will continue to look outside of themselves for healing, not realizing that healing comes from within—from changing negative thought patterns.  Our true self constantly strives for expression.  The Divine wants to shine forth within us.  It is only wrong thinking, also called ‘error consciousness,’ that limits our potential and causes us to become off-balance or ill.  If a healer can help to bring about a change in the thought pattern of a patient, that person will experience healing.  Seichim I focuses on the techniques of self-healing.  It emphasizes the need for one to understand our true nature and how to remain healthy and in balance. 

Seichim I also focuses on clearing.  Once we gain the understanding of what constitutes healing and realize we are all linked to a Universal Healing Source, then we must seek to become a pure channel for healing energy.  This is accomplished through clearing on many levels; clearing the body, clearing the living environment, clearing destructive emotional patterns, and clearing the mind of negative thoughts and beliefs.  Once we have learned the necessity in doing this regularly, we are then able to effectively learn to assist others in healing.  

Our beings are made up of many parts.  Each part has unique energies and some will emerge to be purged.  If one does not deal with these experiences, most of this grand opportunity for deep healing and spiritual cleansing will unfortunately be missed.  This part of the program focuses on clearing in order to purify your body channel to hold and transmit healing energies.  As a healer's body is a channel for Universal Healing Energy, this temple must be kept as pure as possible.  This will ensure the healer maintains his or her effectiveness in assisting others.  It also eliminates problems many beginning healers encounter such as energy depletion. 

When one encounters a situation where the body feels fatigued or low in energy, it is a strong signal for the healer to take a break.  Jesus the Christ, a master healer, often spent time in solitude where he could re-connect with the Universal Healing Source.  All healers must do the same.  We cannot continue to give to others without giving to ourselves.  Healing, above all, is about balance.  The more one understands how to maintain balance between the inner and outer selves, between activity and rest and all of life's disparities, the easier it will be to maintain the healing flow of energy through the body temple. Requirements for attunement: homework and short-answer exam. Copyright 2010 Universal Temple of Healing. All Rights Reserved.