By Heather McCauley
A couple of weeks ago, I experienced the emotional task of painstakingly going through everything I own in order to determine if I should keep it, sell it, store it or trash it. I had to be very honest with myself about the sorting because in a couple of weeks I will be downsizing from a 900 square foot one-bedroom apartment to a single 12’ x 12’ room at a friend’s house. As a result of my efforts, I bid an emotional goodbye to some of my former treasures in the form of a spring yard sale – and I couldn’t have been happier with how I felt afterward. Even when the charity truck pulled up at the end of day two, I had the overwhelming sense that my belongings would make others happy. Best of all, I felt lighter, cleaner; as if a burden had been lifted.
The same way that a chakra clearing or energy healing can unblock the flow of vital energy in our bodies, clearing out the clutter in our home can help create a more dynamic flow of positive chi (life energy). Beyond the spiritual benefits of a home clearing, physical benefits are likely to be experienced as well. A home free of dust and dander will promote healthy breathing; an organized, clutter-free home will reduce stress (you can just feel your blood pressure rise when you can’t find that one piece of very important, misplaced mail). In my opinion, sleep is experienced more deeply in a clutter-free home. Although the task of ‘spring cleaning’ may seem monumental to some people, the results are well worth the effort. We treat our bodies with respect and reverence and our homes should be treated at least as such. They are, after all, merely an outward extension of our inner selves.