By Heather McCauley
Some days it can be so difficult to not let other people 'rain on our parade'. It seems that in a matter of seconds, a good mood can turn negative simply because of the actions of another. You're driving along on a beautiful day and suddenly someone pulls out directly in front of you - and decides to drive a good 10 miles slower than the speed limit. Come on, who among us has NOT been upset when that guy did that? I know I have! However, over the last few years, I have learned to tell the difference between what is and isn't important in my life. When someone like the aforementioned driver deliberately goes out of his way to ruin my day (sarcastically-speaking, of course; logically, I know the driver is not at all concerned with my day), I am now able to replace my former rage-filled expletive with "Bless You".
Always trying to find the upside to dealing with difficult people can be - well, difficult. Not impossible. I found myself dealing with several difficult people on a continuing basis - all at once. I learned of a long-trusted friend's deception; I learned co-workers were making false accusations about me; add to that estranged family members, an ex-lover and a conniving boss - and it was more than I cared to deal with. That's when I turned things around and found the silver lining in each situation. I blessed my friend for showing me that I had outgrown our kind of friendship. I blessed the co-workers for considering me a worthy adversary. My family for showing me how to never compromise my principals no matter how difficult things get; my boss for never pretending to be my pal, and my ex for opening my heart to the experience of love again.
It is also possible - and healthy - to find the blessings in difficult situations. A loss of job could mean a fresh start or new career. Loss of possessions means an opportunity for greater spiritual growth. And even a loss of life can mean the end of suffering. Even though the path you walk may be dark, rays of sunlight still shine through. By taking the time to examine each person and situation, you reclaim your own inner power to manifest whatever kind of day (and life) that you can create.
Some days it can be so difficult to not let other people 'rain on our parade'. It seems that in a matter of seconds, a good mood can turn negative simply because of the actions of another. You're driving along on a beautiful day and suddenly someone pulls out directly in front of you - and decides to drive a good 10 miles slower than the speed limit. Come on, who among us has NOT been upset when that guy did that? I know I have! However, over the last few years, I have learned to tell the difference between what is and isn't important in my life. When someone like the aforementioned driver deliberately goes out of his way to ruin my day (sarcastically-speaking, of course; logically, I know the driver is not at all concerned with my day), I am now able to replace my former rage-filled expletive with "Bless You".
Always trying to find the upside to dealing with difficult people can be - well, difficult. Not impossible. I found myself dealing with several difficult people on a continuing basis - all at once. I learned of a long-trusted friend's deception; I learned co-workers were making false accusations about me; add to that estranged family members, an ex-lover and a conniving boss - and it was more than I cared to deal with. That's when I turned things around and found the silver lining in each situation. I blessed my friend for showing me that I had outgrown our kind of friendship. I blessed the co-workers for considering me a worthy adversary. My family for showing me how to never compromise my principals no matter how difficult things get; my boss for never pretending to be my pal, and my ex for opening my heart to the experience of love again.
It is also possible - and healthy - to find the blessings in difficult situations. A loss of job could mean a fresh start or new career. Loss of possessions means an opportunity for greater spiritual growth. And even a loss of life can mean the end of suffering. Even though the path you walk may be dark, rays of sunlight still shine through. By taking the time to examine each person and situation, you reclaim your own inner power to manifest whatever kind of day (and life) that you can create.