image copyright Nela Dunato
This is an ancient subject that has been explored seemingly forever. What we will discuss tonight is what does it mean to you now, and we will also touch on the topic of past life regressions, which are often fascinating for many people.
Our personalities, skills, inclinations, talents, and character are a composite of the experiences we have had before on earth and in lives in between earth. Many of the lessons we face are related to actions performed before we were born. Even our astrological makeup is determined by our past life. So we will be delving into this captivating question of whether or not this life is the only life tonight at 9:30. Click here to listen. Robyn is in a play (Good Luck Robyn!) tonight and cannot join us, so there will be no rune reading tonight, but catch Robyn anytime at robynreadsrunes.com. Looking forward, and One Love!