Sunday, February 28, 2010
UTH is now registering students for in-person classes. We have been teaching online for years, but had not had time to schedule in-person classes. After holding free classes sporadically for a few years, Dr. Suni now teaches Qigong at the Marietta Community School. All other classes will be held at Atlanta Unity, a Center for Practical Spirituality, at 3597 Parkway Lane, Norcross, GA 30092. Click here for more. info.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
The next step is a 30-minute weekly radio program. We seek to inform, not entertain, but we want to keep it light also. Variety is the spice of life, so we will have special guests, special reports, and interesting things to chat about in the holistic genre. PLUS, we have Robyn, a Rune Reader, who will be a regular part of our show. She is skilled at interpreting this oracle which gives insight into your past, present, and future. We are blessed to have her as part of our team. If you call in for a reading, be prepared for fresh and valuable insight. Heather will also join us at times and add her beautiful energy to the mix.
More details are forthcoming. You can look for us on, but all shows can also be accessed on this blog and on our main site. We look forward to and are grateful for your support. Wishing you Love, Light and Harmony!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Discussion: Gratitude

Gratitude is so much more than an emotion. It is an attitude that is able to be cultivated, nurtured and guided every day of our lives. When things don’t go our way, it helps to stay focused on what is good in our lives, even if that requires some serious contemplation. Being grateful has the power to draw even more good to us and is so much more constructive than feeling sorry for ourselves.
Dr. Suni says: "Thank You, Thank You, Thank You; Aum, Peace, Amen; With gratitude and respect to Infinite Intelligence and Universal Mind, I give thanks, and it is so." When I pray, these are three expressions of gratitude I offer up to the Divine and to my teachers, healers and guides in the spiritual world and the physical world. I am grateful because I know my prayer has already been answered even before I pray it. I give thanks daily to God and my holy guide and teachers whose presence surrounds and comforts me, so that the deepest of sorrow cannot erase the deep-seated joy that lodges in the deep recesses of my soul. So "Thank You, Thank You, Thank You" is my constant expression of gratitude, even when I'm not praying.
Heather says: I am grateful for everything! I express my appreciation every morning and every night to God for my health and the health of my loved ones. I am grateful that I am always making positive connections and that I am exactly where I am supposed to be in life in order to become a better person. I am especially grateful for pennies I find on the ground - as I appreciate their symbolizing abundance flowing into my life.
Siona says: It's easy to take things and people for granted. It's a challenge to remember all of the blessings and love all around you, especially when sometimes they are not visible with the eyes. But you can always 'see' the beauty around you with your heart if you take a second to stop and feel. I'm especially grateful for Dr. Suni and Heather. Working with you is a lesson in love.
It's your turn - What are you grateful for every day?
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Drinking Your Daily Water

By Heather McCauley
Most of us are aware that the human body is made up of roughly 75% water. We may even know that our bodies require an intake of eight glasses of water a day in order to function properly. The information that you may not know about water could be information critical to your every day well-being - such as the difference in the sources and treatments of the water you drink; the symptoms of dehydration; why the “8 Glasses Rule” is not sufficient for nearly 80% of the adult population; and why there are no substitutions for this essential nutrient.
With recent medical and scientific studies touting the benefits of proper hydration, it’s understandable that there are almost as many ways to take your water as there are your morning coffee. Distilled, spring, oxygenated, ionized, UV-filtered, magnetized, alkalized, filtered or simple tap water – the water you drink should be your own personal and intuitive choice. However, if it is from a municipal or questionable source, I highly recommend some sort of additional filtration process. Tap water can contain trace amounts of prescription medications and some bottled water is merely tap water in disguise.
Our bodies are amazing at telling us when we need to drink more water. The problem is that most of us only pay attention to the very last symptom of dehydration that manifests – thirst. Dr. Batmanghelidj, M.D., author of "Your Body’s Many Cries for Water", contends that thirst indicates a body which is already dehydrated and that our thirst perception may decrease as we age. Some symptoms that your body could use more water include constipation, migraines, body aches, bloating, dry skin, and yellow/orange colored urine. With aches and pains, there is a tendency for most people to self-medicate. In essence, we are quieting the symptoms and not treating the ailment – in this case dehydration.
So, how much water should you actually drink? The International Sports Medicine Institute recommends an intake of at least 1/2 of your body weight in ounces for inactive people and 2/3 of your body weight in ounces for athletic people. This means that the old measure of 64 ounces (eight 8-oz glasses) only benefits inactive people weighing less than 128 pounds. This amount is required to support all bodily functions and promote optimum metabolism. This intake doesn’t include the sports drinks, soda, diet drinks, fruit juice or any other liquid you put into your body. The body needs the simple compound H2O in order to do its ‘thing’. It recognizes everything else as having a different chemical make-up and cannot readily put the liquid to work. Even herbal tea, although beneficial to your health, is not a suitable substitute for water. Water is truly essential to our overall health.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
I’m 55 years old and about six months ago I started to come down with a variety of symptoms. I feel like I’m constantly coming down with the flu, you know that achy, tired feeling that you get all over your body when you have the flu? I get headaches and just feel weak, tired and irritable all the time, even after a good night’s sleep. I don’t have the energy to do anything. And I can’t get rid of this yeast infection. After many visits to various doctors, all they have to say is that my symptoms fit with CFS and there’s really nothing they can give me except pills to help with my depression and the yeast infection. But I don’t feel that the pills are helping because I still feel miserable and the yeast condition keeps coming back.
I came upon Dr. Suni’s article on MCS, and it shed new light for me. I began to wonder if this is what I have because a lot of my symptoms resemble MCS. Can you help me to get some relief from this condition?
Thank you.
M. Peters, Indianapolis, Indiana
Dr. Suni says: Greetings Mary,
Thank you for writing us. We can certainly help you get relief from this condition. Your chronic fatigue symptoms seem to be originating in environmental allergies. These can include food allergies plus allergies to the ever-increasing numbers of man-made chemicals to which we’re exposed in every walk of life. You’re experiencing toxic build-up of these chemicals in your body, and they’ve seriously undermined your immune system. Your recurring yeast infection is one indication of a lowered immune system. If you don’t bring your immune system back on track, you may be looking at a really serious disease in the near future.You’re one of sixty million Americans suffering from asthma and allergies of all types. According to statistics from the Allergy and Asthma Foundation of America, allergy is the fifth leading chronic disease in the U.S. among all ages and the third most common chronic disease among children under the age of eighteen. These conditions include chemical sensitivities, immune deficiencies, asthma, bronchitis, emphysema and severe allergies of all types.
Your immediate concern is to start a regular cleansing and detoxification program. For you, I would definitely recommend our juice fast. Such a program, done at regular intervals, will clear your body of toxic build-up and rejuvenate the liver and digestive organs. The liver is the clearing house for toxins but when it becomes overtaxed, it falls back on its job of clearing the toxins from the bloodstream. The pancreas becomes impaired and no longer functions efficiently. All manner of allergies can result from damage to the pancreas, not the least of which can be food allergies.
The next most important concern is to rebuild your damaged immune system. We’ll look at your diet and work up a dietary modification plan. By rebuilding your immune system, you’ll be rebuilding your health and your life.
Lastly, we’ll teach you where the irritants are and how to avoid exposure to them from now on. Please contact us as soon as possible to get started on your healing regimen.
In love and light, Suni Rose, Ph.D.
Siona Says: As Dr. Suni advises, start with detoxification and dietary modification. Herbal supplements such as teas and tonics also help to rebuild the liver and repair the pancreas. The liver is a remarkable organ that has the ability to repair itself almost miraculously, given the proper environment. I defer to the holistic approach as well, which includes working on the mind and spirit in addition to the physical body. This is because when the energy channels in the body are balanced, illness will never occur in the first place, as the body has the power to ward off all diseases. Edgar Cayce discussed this in his healing treatments to many people. Visualization exercises, meditation, and/or self-healing exercises open energy channels in the body and are a wonderful compliment to dietary changes. They can ensure that your body is strong and resistant to future ailments. The goal as I see it, is to become whole, rather than fight symptoms as they appear. And this can be a process, but it is also a great learning lesson. We look forward to working with you. Wishing you Love, Light and Harmony!
Monday, February 22, 2010
Conscious Breathing

By Heather McCauley
Breathing is just one of those things our body does without us thinking. The problem is that most of us are doing it wrong. I mean that we have forgotten how to breathe in order to receive the maximum benefits for our body and mind. As infants, we breathe deeply and correctly. As we grow older and life’s obligations steal our attention, we teach ourselves the shorthand version of breathing. Although this serves to keep us alive, it does not promote optimum health nor allow us to connect with our Source.
Our bodies’ primary requirement is oxygen. We can survive only minutes without oxygen, as opposed to days without water and weeks without food. Oxygen is required for nearly all of our bodies’ efforts. Red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body, picking up cellular waste and toxins on their way back to the heart. If these cells return to the heart oxygen-deficient, it is difficult to expel the toxins – and they can remain in the body, eventually causing malignancy and disease. Molecular biologist Dr. Stephen Levine states, "...In all serious disease states we find a … low oxygen state. Low oxygen in the body tissues is a sure indicator for disease. Hypoxia, or lack of oxygen in the tissues, is the fundamental cause for all degenerative disease."
In order to practice conscious breathing (also called diaphragmatic breathing), find a comfortable and quiet place to lie on your back. Place one hand on your abdomen below the waistline. Place the other hand on your upper chest. When inhaling, you should strive for the lower hand to noticeably raise, the lower spine to curve slightly, and your upper hand to move very little. Exhaling should be a more lengthy process and should expel your lungs and belly completely. Conscious Breathing by Gay Hendricks is an excellent resource for more information.
By practicing conscious breathing daily, you will easily clear your mind and achieve deeper states of meditation. You will also likely achieve reduced stress, lowered blood pressure, optimized metabolism, enhanced waste and toxin elimination and strengthened muscles, organs and tissues, especially the heart. I have often heard the expressions, “breath of life” or “breath equals life”. Whether you are a scientist or a metaphysician, there is profound truth in these words – as well as irrefutable evidence qualifying them as factual statements rather than mere expressions.
Siona added: “I want to personally recommend Gay Hendricks book. He was a university professor for many years, like I was full-time for 10 years. But I had read his book previously, and it contained exercises that helped me deal with very stressful situations at work. The stress never went away, but while I was there people died, had strokes, and were committed to mental institutions, (all three happened in a 2 year period to people in my dept.) so I can say that breathing correctly enabled me to cope, by tuning in to the universe, instead of the negative environment around me. He has revised the book into a kit called The Breathing Box.”
Saturday, February 20, 2010
When were you first diagnosed with MCS?
While working at my job as a medical technologist, I was accidentally exposed to formaldehyde fumes. As a result I became chemically sensitized and developed numerous symptoms. I went from doctor to doctor, all of whom found my symptoms "unbelievable." I kept getting sicker and sicker but the more symptoms I developed, the less credible I appeared in the eyes of the conventional medical doctors. They thought either I was a hypochondriac or else I was outright crazy. Instead of sending me to an environmental doctor, the only doctor that could help me, they sent me to a psychiatrist.
Eventually I called Dr. Albert Robbins of Robbins Environmental Medicine Center for an appointment. Robbins assessed my condition and made a diagnosis of multiple chemical sensitivities. The diagnoses was made eighteen months after I received the formaldehyde exposure.
What were your symptoms?
My symptoms included: swollen, painful joints, constant tingling in my hands and feet, wide body temperature variations, muscle spasms, eye inflammation, cardiac arrhythmia, Graves’ disease, hair loss, severe headaches, fatigue, breathing obstruction, sleep disturbances, poor concentration, short term memory loss, vision impairment, a hazy, drugged feeling all the time, and ongoing flu-like symptoms which never let up.
How did you regain wellness?
I began by ridding my immediate surroundings of all toxic substances. You may be surprised at the quantity and variety of noxious household chemicals you've accumulated over the years. I opened up a large trash bag, hauled it around from room to room, and dumped in everything that remotely had a wisp of chemical odor. That included personal products as well. Then little by little I substituted natural products for the chemical laden products I tossed.
Next I initiated a detoxifying fast, the primary treatment for this and any serious illness. After the fast I launched into a diet modification plan where I drastically changed my diet, increased my nutritional supplements, and added specialized foods and herbs.
Through a holistic approach, I was gradually able to reverse my condition and regain my health. It didn't happen overnight and I had many challenges along the way, but once I understood what triggered my symptoms, I could confront these obstacles and work to prevent further exposures to toxic environmental chemicals.
Why did you write your book?
The book grew out of my desire to help others recognize this illness in their own recurring symptoms. Increasing sensitivities to man-made chemicals found in perfumes, cleaning supplies, new carpet, new clothes, new homes, cigarette smoke, paints, particle board, insecticide sprays, and a host of other everyday products designed to help us live our lives, are showing up in symptoms which puzzle both doctor and patient. Man-made chemicals present a massive public health threat and I predict we'll continue to see illnesses related to food and chemical allergies escalate as the twenty-first century unfolds. There’s a need for information and support which these individuals eagerly crave, and my book will fill that need.
While working at my job as a medical technologist, I was accidentally exposed to formaldehyde fumes. As a result I became chemically sensitized and developed numerous symptoms. I went from doctor to doctor, all of whom found my symptoms "unbelievable." I kept getting sicker and sicker but the more symptoms I developed, the less credible I appeared in the eyes of the conventional medical doctors. They thought either I was a hypochondriac or else I was outright crazy. Instead of sending me to an environmental doctor, the only doctor that could help me, they sent me to a psychiatrist.
Eventually I called Dr. Albert Robbins of Robbins Environmental Medicine Center for an appointment. Robbins assessed my condition and made a diagnosis of multiple chemical sensitivities. The diagnoses was made eighteen months after I received the formaldehyde exposure.
What were your symptoms?
My symptoms included: swollen, painful joints, constant tingling in my hands and feet, wide body temperature variations, muscle spasms, eye inflammation, cardiac arrhythmia, Graves’ disease, hair loss, severe headaches, fatigue, breathing obstruction, sleep disturbances, poor concentration, short term memory loss, vision impairment, a hazy, drugged feeling all the time, and ongoing flu-like symptoms which never let up.
How did you regain wellness?
I began by ridding my immediate surroundings of all toxic substances. You may be surprised at the quantity and variety of noxious household chemicals you've accumulated over the years. I opened up a large trash bag, hauled it around from room to room, and dumped in everything that remotely had a wisp of chemical odor. That included personal products as well. Then little by little I substituted natural products for the chemical laden products I tossed.
Next I initiated a detoxifying fast, the primary treatment for this and any serious illness. After the fast I launched into a diet modification plan where I drastically changed my diet, increased my nutritional supplements, and added specialized foods and herbs.
Through a holistic approach, I was gradually able to reverse my condition and regain my health. It didn't happen overnight and I had many challenges along the way, but once I understood what triggered my symptoms, I could confront these obstacles and work to prevent further exposures to toxic environmental chemicals.
Why did you write your book?
The book grew out of my desire to help others recognize this illness in their own recurring symptoms. Increasing sensitivities to man-made chemicals found in perfumes, cleaning supplies, new carpet, new clothes, new homes, cigarette smoke, paints, particle board, insecticide sprays, and a host of other everyday products designed to help us live our lives, are showing up in symptoms which puzzle both doctor and patient. Man-made chemicals present a massive public health threat and I predict we'll continue to see illnesses related to food and chemical allergies escalate as the twenty-first century unfolds. There’s a need for information and support which these individuals eagerly crave, and my book will fill that need.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Discussion: What Have You Done for Yourself Lately?

What have you done to promote your own mind, body and spiritual wellness recently? If you haven’t done anything for yourself, take this opportunity to implement something in the near future. Give yourself the time, attention and energy that you give to others in your life.
Dr. Suni says:
There’s no greater gift that I can give myself than to unite my little mind with the mind of God, and I do this through meditation. It’s simply amazing that, no matter how busy my day has been or how tired I am at night, I cannot fall asleep until I do my nightly meditation. There have been some nights when I think I cannot possibly stay up to meditate, yet as soon as I take up my meditation posture and completely relax my mind and body, I’m already in contact with my soul--because that’s what happens when we practice contact meditation, also known as mystical or transcendental meditation.
As I continue in meditation, my mind goes deeper into a purer state of consciousness and I begin to feel a sense of peace. And it’s such a wonderful feeling that I don’t want it to end. When I finally stop the meditation and crawl into bed, I immediately fall asleep and my sleep is peaceful, restful, and revitalizing. I wake up refreshed, and ready for the new day. That is what I do for myself, and my Self. If you’re not meditating yet, why don’t you give it a try?
Heather says:
For my mind, I began regular meditation in January - setting aside time each day just for myself. For my soul, I started painting, positive affirmations and hugging my dog more! In February, I began a series of dietary changes which has already helped me greatly reduce my sugar cravings – and my weight.
Siona says:
I have begun to send love energy to others more consciously. I was meditating one day after 2 of my kids were having challenges with their teachers. So I sent both teachers love energy, and voila! Like magic, one teacher started being more communicative, and he earned that hard-worked for "B," and the other one started being more helpful and friendly. I was surprised how quickly and effectively this experiment worked, so it was confirmation to me that it in fact, does work, and well!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
UTH is proud to announce it will soon begin offering in-person Seichim classes again in the Atlanta area! Its online course has been available for a few years now, and our students are now teaching other students. It is currently half price for $360, but will go up to $720 on April 1, 2010. Payment plans and scholarships may be available. Contact us at 404-549-4151 or for details.
Seichim means Universal Healing Energy or ‘Living Light Energy.’ It is an ancient healing art originally practiced in the healing temples of Egypt. In Seichim, the healer takes no part in the illness. What this means is that unlike some healing systems, in Seichim, the Healer does not absorb a person’s symptoms. The healer serves as a conduit or channel only, for Universal Energy.
Seichim was re-discovered around the year 1980 by an American named Patrick Ziegler. He was visiting the Great Pyramid in Egypt and managed to sneak in and spend a night there all by himself. He was attuned by an invisible being who told him “this is why you have come,” and he spent the night in bliss.
After studying more, he eventually began teaching. His first student was T'Om Seaman. The lineage follows: Patrick Zeigler- T'Om Seaman- Phoenix Summerfield - Mary Shaw -Christine Henderson- Bruce Way- Ariane McMinn- Siona Devi (me) - Dr. Suni.
Detoxification: The First Step to Healthy Living

By Heather McCauley
A body can experience many kinds of toxicity, in mild to extreme levels. In our highly industrialized society, people are exposed to more toxins (officially, toxicants) than ever before. There are toxins in the air we breathe, the food we eat and in the products we use. By-products of chemical, industrial and technological processes are released into the atmosphere. Our food is sprayed with chemicals and packed with preservatives, in containers that leech known carcinogens. Whether we are ingesting them, inhaling them, cleaning with them or slathering them all over our bodies, toxins put each one of our fragile cells at risk for disease. Although many benefits can be achieved by cleansing the body, detoxification doesn’t necessarily mean “fasting”. By reducing your continued exposure to environmental and dietary toxins, you can increase your overall well-being.
A body can experience many kinds of toxicity, in mild to extreme levels. In our highly industrialized society, people are exposed to more toxins (officially, toxicants) than ever before. There are toxins in the air we breathe, the food we eat and in the products we use. By-products of chemical, industrial and technological processes are released into the atmosphere. Our food is sprayed with chemicals and packed with preservatives, in containers that leech known carcinogens. Whether we are ingesting them, inhaling them, cleaning with them or slathering them all over our bodies, toxins put each one of our fragile cells at risk for disease. Although many benefits can be achieved by cleansing the body, detoxification doesn’t necessarily mean “fasting”. By reducing your continued exposure to environmental and dietary toxins, you can increase your overall well-being.
Toxicity affects several major organs and systems including the blood, kidneys, liver, intestines, lungs, skin and lymphatic system. The symptoms of toxicity could include allergies, insomnia, fatigue, confusion, irritable bowel and skin disorders. Aside from extreme treatments such as chelation, juicing or fasting (none of which is recommended without medical supervision), there are simple steps anyone can implement in order to detoxify their lifestyle. First, choose food that is closest to its natural form. We can’t all live vegetarian, vegan or raw lifestyles but, when possible, select organic foods and prepare in PFOA -free cookware. Limit the use of your microwave, as some research indicates microwaving food changes its molecular structure and renders it toxic. Drink plenty of filtered water (non-bottled) every day. Watch your exposure to household chemicals and cleaning products. Read the labels and be aware of everything you put on your skin. Take advantage of supplementary detoxification techniques; massage, shower filters, dry-brushing, saunas, sweating/exercise, deep breathing, vitamin/mineral supplements, yoga and meditation.
By implementing any of the above protocol, we can reduce our exposure to toxins. Beware the effects of detoxification, though. Some people may actually feel (and look) worse before getting better. Irritability, headaches, skin lesions, excessive mucous and fever are all signs that the body is being cleansed. It is important to stick with the process! In time, you will emerge with renewed vitality and embrace your conscious, toxin-free well-being.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
The Healing Power of Honey
by Monet
Many people look to over-the-counter medications to ease minor ills. They use medications such as Tylenol, NyQuil and Neosporin because they’re convenient and they work fast. Also, these products are advertised so profusely that they lead us to believe they are the best treatment for whatever ails us. Unfortunately, many of these “quick fix” medications contain chemicals that may be toxic for the body and may do more harm than good.
Tylenol contains acetaminophen, which is a painkiller and which leads to kidney damage; NyQuil contains dextromethorphan HBR (DXM) which turns into dextrophan in the body. Dextrophan is five times more powerful than morphine.1 While Neosporin kills bacteria that can infect the skin, it also removes necessary bacteria. These bacteria are used to assist the skin in the healing process.
Honey is a great source for healing and has no side effects. And there’s no danger of “overdosing” on this sweet, natural treat. Not only is honey delicious, but it can be used for wounds, internal cleansing, and as an energy booster.
Wounds, such as minor cuts and burns, can be covered with honey, aiding them through the healing process. Honey contains antiseptic properties which inhibit the growth of [some] bacteria and keep external wounds clean and free from infection. This liquid gold aids minor burns as it absorbs moisture and promotes healing.
Honey also works as a natural detoxifier in the body. Honey is a nutritious food; it boosts the immune system by providing enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that the body needs to stay healthy, thereby strengthening the body’s defenses against disease. Honey [It is] also does wonders as a ‘sobering’ agent for a hangover.2
According to Siona, an energy healer, the best honey is raw honey. When heated, the most important elements of the honey are destroyed, and it loses much of its healing qualities. When this happens, the honey becomes no more than a sugary sweetener.
Instead of reaching for a caffeinated cup of coffee [when lethargy hits] in the morning, use honey.3 Replace sugar with honey in a warm (not hot) mug of green tea for a soothing and refreshing surge of energy. Honey should be the preferred treatment to over-the-counter medications; not only does it have a spiritual importance in history but also a very bright future in the medical field. This healing ‘sugar’ will one day make an unforgettable mark in history as an aid for faster recovery in cancer patients.
Many people look to over-the-counter medications to ease minor ills. They use medications such as Tylenol, NyQuil and Neosporin because they’re convenient and they work fast. Also, these products are advertised so profusely that they lead us to believe they are the best treatment for whatever ails us. Unfortunately, many of these “quick fix” medications contain chemicals that may be toxic for the body and may do more harm than good.
Tylenol contains acetaminophen, which is a painkiller and which leads to kidney damage; NyQuil contains dextromethorphan HBR (DXM) which turns into dextrophan in the body. Dextrophan is five times more powerful than morphine.1 While Neosporin kills bacteria that can infect the skin, it also removes necessary bacteria. These bacteria are used to assist the skin in the healing process.
Honey is a great source for healing and has no side effects. And there’s no danger of “overdosing” on this sweet, natural treat. Not only is honey delicious, but it can be used for wounds, internal cleansing, and as an energy booster.
Wounds, such as minor cuts and burns, can be covered with honey, aiding them through the healing process. Honey contains antiseptic properties which inhibit the growth of [some] bacteria and keep external wounds clean and free from infection. This liquid gold aids minor burns as it absorbs moisture and promotes healing.
Honey also works as a natural detoxifier in the body. Honey is a nutritious food; it boosts the immune system by providing enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that the body needs to stay healthy, thereby strengthening the body’s defenses against disease. Honey [It is] also does wonders as a ‘sobering’ agent for a hangover.2
According to Siona, an energy healer, the best honey is raw honey. When heated, the most important elements of the honey are destroyed, and it loses much of its healing qualities. When this happens, the honey becomes no more than a sugary sweetener.
Instead of reaching for a caffeinated cup of coffee [when lethargy hits] in the morning, use honey.3 Replace sugar with honey in a warm (not hot) mug of green tea for a soothing and refreshing surge of energy. Honey should be the preferred treatment to over-the-counter medications; not only does it have a spiritual importance in history but also a very bright future in the medical field. This healing ‘sugar’ will one day make an unforgettable mark in history as an aid for faster recovery in cancer patients.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Green Tea…the Perfect Cup of Goodness

By Heather McCauley
Archeological evidence shows that the ritual of steeping leaves to produce the hot concoction we know as tea has been around for nearly 500,000 years. The tradition of drinking tea originally started in China and India, eventually spreading throughout Asia, Europe and the rest of the continents. Today, tea is considered one of the most popular beverages in the world, second only to water. While each geographical region may have a preference, the type of tea gaining the most worldwide popularity is green tea, probably due to the emerging research proving its multiple health benefits.
Green tea, produced from the leaves of camellia sinensis, retains many of its health benefits due to the minimal processing it undergoes compared to other teas. Containing caffeine, amino acids, anti-oxidants (polyphenols) and flavonoids, green tea is a powerhouse of health. The anti-oxidants fight cancer-causing free radicals, which also helps to slow the body’s aging process. Current research indicates there are many other health benefits of green tea. It reduces cholesterol, increases metabolism and weight loss, increases immune functions, prevents cardiovascular disease, promotes mental clarity, regulates blood sugar levels, helps rheumatoid arthritis and prevents tooth decay and bad breath by reducing oral bacteria. If a cup of tea is able to do all of that, I was willing to try it!
I have never been much of a tea drinker – I preferred strong coffee with lots of (real) cream and sugar. Making a great cup of tea required a lot of practice. Trying to find the perfect balance between pleasing my palate and reaping the health benefits wasn’t easy, but I persevered. I discovered that there is a reason you don’t allow your tea to steep too long; the taste becomes bitter. For me, the perfect cup of green tea involves a tea bag, a whistling tea kettle, a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon of honey. I halt the steeping at the two minute mark and allow it to cool another two minutes. After increasing my intake of tea to 3-4 cups a day, I tried drinking my old cup of coffee one morning – just the way I liked it. I was shocked to find that it was too sweet for me to finish. I feel wonderful knowing that I replaced a potentially harmful habit with a potentially life-prolonging one. If you’ll excuse me, I think I hear my kettle whistling again…
Sunday, February 14, 2010
The Effects of Distance Healing
Since receiving your healing I am beginning to notice subtle changes. For the first time in a long time,I am feeling a little more optimistic, positive, and reassured about my future. I now see a spark where the flame used to be. I feel more confident about my future, knowing I have not only the love and support that has come through this healing experience, but to know it will continue, throughout my healing proccess. PS. I am aiming to towards the flame, that made me who I am!!!! Thank you to everyone involved. Kind Regard. G.Ryder, Wales.
The above is a testimonial reprinted without edit from a lovely woman across the world (from me) who I sent energy healing treatments to via distance. I believe time and space are not as real as they seem. In deep meditation, I become aware that they are only illusions. Distance healing is simply energy sent via 'distance.' Since we are all connected on a deeper level, the energy doesn't have as far to go as one might imagine. And this healing is not just for those with illnesses or ailments. Anyone and everyone can benefit. An additional benefit is that it helps both the sender and the receiver! Dr. Suni and I also do volunteer work for the Distant Healing Network, a group of volunteer healers who assist people worldwide. Click here for a free session. Love, Light and Harmony. Siona
Saturday, February 13, 2010
What’s in a Title?
Many alternative Healers, are well respected by people who refer them to more people, but are not traditionally titled. Dr. Sebi has studied for many years, works with many people, including celebrities, yet he has no formal education in holistic medicine. He won a New York Supreme Court battle in 1998 for claiming to heal AIDS patients. According to The Pawprint, “nearly 100 patients testified for him. Nine of those patients were able to provide legal medical documentation stating that they were no longer infected with HIV/AIDS.” There are people who seek to discredit people who have done great work to save the lives of others, but what’s new? The results speak for themselves.
Thus he was not able to prove “scientifically” that he cured this disease, but he was able to prove that his methodology works. He traces it to the Bible “herbs are for the healing of the nations” (Genesis 1:29, Ezekiel 47:12) and to Hippocrates, who healed people using herbs 365 years before the birth of The Christ. I have met and spoken privately with Dr. Sebi.
Thus he was not able to prove “scientifically” that he cured this disease, but he was able to prove that his methodology works. He traces it to the Bible “herbs are for the healing of the nations” (Genesis 1:29, Ezekiel 47:12) and to Hippocrates, who healed people using herbs 365 years before the birth of The Christ. I have met and spoken privately with Dr. Sebi.
It must be stated that I don’t believe any particular substance in itself cures disease. For example, if anger or the inability to forgive (i.e.; negative energy) makes one ill, no diet in the world can make one better! Because it is the body’s reaction to a substance which causes healing to occur. This bio-machine is programmed to heal itself. All we have to do is provide the proper environment. This environment can be achieved through mental, physical, or spiritual techniques, or a combination of these, and is where the term holistic or wholistic healing is derived. This type of healing addresses all parts of a person, not just the physical body. Visualization alone has shown effective in healing many ailments, and this has nothing to do with diet.
Every 7 years, every cell in the body has renewed itself. This fact is acknowledged by quantum physicists. What is important then, is to create the ideal situation for cells to renew properly, causing the body to heal itself. And this includes proper diet, and activities such as exercise, meditation and even proper rest. This falls in line with what prophet Edgar Cayce suggested to people many years ago, the significance of the acid/alkaline balance, and how to heal the body naturally. In fact, he may be the first reference to the importance of maintaining an alkaline state in the body. Meditation and love cause alkaline states, therefore studies that show that people who have loving relationships are healthier, confirm this fact.
Todd White and Eva Crow, are also self taught (in nontraditional healing), and they're very effective. Todd has baffled medical doctors with his healing of a man who was wheelchair bound with a broken back, who they said would never walk again. He simply put his hands on him, prayed, and he was healed. This healing was documented by the man's physician.
Eva, who I know personally, was herself wheelchair bound at one point before she went into the healing work. She was told that it was her ‘calling’ to heal others, and since she was not doing it, the energy she was supposed to use to help others actually turned in on itself (since it was not flowing out to help others) and caused her to become ill! She is now an intuitive and Energy Healer. She worked with me many years back and was the first to tell me that I was supposed to do this work also, or as she put it “you will get sick.” From Brazil, she was a psychologist or psychiatrist, can’t remember exactly, with a thriving practice before she became so ill that she could not work. It was then she discovered that she needed to start doing energy work and since, is fully recovered, and now takes people to Brazil for healing from another famous healer named John of God, (Joao de Deus).
So even though I can say I’m a Reiki Master, Seichim Master, certified hypnotherapist, University Instructor, Nutritional Counselor, and Artist, I’m a human being first and to me, titles are OK, but on their own somewhat useless. In a nutshell, healing is my calling, art is my passion, and love is my inspiration. One Love.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Discussion: All About LOVE…

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe said, “We are shaped and fashioned by what we love.” Some would argue that the ‘what’ should be replaced with ‘who’. Going further, we could change the quote to, “We are shaped and fashioned by how we love.”
Dr. Suni Says:
Grandmaster Wei Zhong Foo, my qigong master and teacher, holds that there two kinds of love, big love and small love. Big love is Universal love, it is loving for the sake of love, loving without thought of reaping a reward. Big love encompasses all things and all people. This is the love that tells us deep down we are all One.
Small love is personal, affectionate love, the love we have for family members and friends. Small love is seldom meted out to strangers. It's easy for small love to become possessive and obsessive. This kind of love can easily manifest as love greed, and greed in any form is destructive. Love greed can be directed at a person or a thing, and in the end brings nothing but pain and suffering because it is a self-serving and selfish love.
The world cannot be without love, and both kinds of love are necessary. Grandmaster Foo says; "If the world has no big love, it will go into chaos. If a family has no small love, it will fall apart or lose its essence." But in order to have peace and harmony in our lives, small love must be offered in a selfless outpouring.
So this year as Valentine's Day rolls around, let us think of melding these two loves together and offering the perfect example of love to our loved ones. Let us remove the selfishness and the self-centeredness from the small love we share by truly feeling the love of God flowing through us and offering that love to all whom we meet. And let's do this every day of the year.
Siona, Master Healer and Teacher, Says:
I believe that Love is the strongest force in the universe. According to channeled messages from Mary, the mother of Christ, in Mary's Message to the World, "Love has its own vibrational field." She says, "Divine love is an energy force..." that can be used like electricity, but that "the knowledge and know-how will come in the future."
Heather Says:
Neale Donald Walsh, author of the Conversations With God series, believes there are only two emotions; love and fear. He profoundly states, “Love is the energy which expands, opens up, stays, sends out, reveals, shares, heals” and “Love gives away all that we have.” It took nearly ten years of reading and re-reading CWG before I was able to fully experience the meaning of those words.
I learned I had to love myself, which meant forgiving myself and allowing love to be a comfort and not a downfall. When love came back into my life after being elusive for so many years, I knew I was capable of “giving away all that I had” because I would still love myself – no matter how things turned out. Loving unconditionally means loving without expectations or conditions, but it doesn’t just apply to how you love other people. Loving yourself, unconditionally, is the most selfless and meaningful thing you can do for others.
In honor of Valentine’s Day and our discussion on Love, I am providing a link to a beautiful website I discovered. ‘The Love Foundation’ inspires people to love unconditionally, and sponsors a Global Love Day for six years running, this year on May 1st. See more at
It’s your turn. What thoughts would you like to share about LOVE??
Thursday, February 11, 2010
The “Apple” of my Eye…Apple Cider Vinegar

By Heather McCauley
Although some people consider apple cider vinegar to be a folk remedy, probably used by your grandmother, only the best folk remedies have staying power like this. As early as 400 B.C., apple cider vinegar was being used by Hippocrates, whom the world recognizes as the father of medicine. Twentieth century proponents for ACV include Dr. D.C. Jarvis, who wrote Folk Medicine in the 1950’s, and Paul and Patricia Bragg, naturopathic doctors in business since 1912 (see Even modern-day doctors are joining the ACV fan club. Dr. Mehmet Oz has spoken about apple cider vinegar on his health show, Dr. Oz. – and recently, while shopping in the grocery store, I had a conversation with a gentleman about how his doctor recommended ACV for his high blood pressure in lieu of being put on medication….but I’m getting ahead of myself.
Apple cider vinegar starts with healthy apples and undergoes two fermentation processes. The first changes it from apple juice to apple cider. In the second fermentation, apple cider produces a natural wonder tonic which includes acetic acid, enzymes and all the original apples’ goodness. This tonic is an anti-fungal, antioxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-septic and oh-so-much more. However, all ACV’s are not created equal. When purchasing ACV, you must look for the organic (no additives or chemicals), raw (unprocessed), unpasteurized (contains “the mother” – gelatin-like floaters) version in order to get the most health benefits.
And the benefits are plenty! I have personally seen results in weight loss, reduced inflammation, reduced sugar cravings and reduced headaches. I also use ACV in my dog’s daily water bowl to ward off fleas and ticks. It works (I haven’t seen a critter all winter) and, much to my surprise, he loves the taste. Apple cider vinegar is said to benefit other ailments as well: cholesterol, diabetes, gout, eczema, warts, reflux, burns, bites, rashes, sinusitis and so on. It also makes an excellent eco-friendly cleaning, deodorizing and disinfecting product. (For more information on the benefits or uses of ACV, please refer to
If you’ve been searching for an alternative remedy for what ails you, I would urge you to give apple cider vinegar a try. It’s a small investment, and you may be pleasantly surprised with the results!
Dr. Suni says:
The apple cider vinegar is such a simple, safe, natural cure that it absolutely amazes people when they feel its healing effects throughout their bodies. If the idea of a safe, natural cure is hard to believe, it’s because we’re bombarded by the media with ads for both prescription and over-the-counter drugs that promise to eliminate every symptom known to man. These drugs, which the pharmaceutical companies market so ferociously, may alleviate one problem only to create a whole new set of problems called “side effects.” The list of side effects from the drugs is staggering. More drugs are needed to counteract the side effects from the first drugs, which themselves bring on other side effects.
Where does it leave the poor patient? It leads them back to safe, alternative healing techniques such as the tried and true apple cider vinegar cure. The ancients were certainly on to something.
Although some people consider apple cider vinegar to be a folk remedy, probably used by your grandmother, only the best folk remedies have staying power like this. As early as 400 B.C., apple cider vinegar was being used by Hippocrates, whom the world recognizes as the father of medicine. Twentieth century proponents for ACV include Dr. D.C. Jarvis, who wrote Folk Medicine in the 1950’s, and Paul and Patricia Bragg, naturopathic doctors in business since 1912 (see Even modern-day doctors are joining the ACV fan club. Dr. Mehmet Oz has spoken about apple cider vinegar on his health show, Dr. Oz. – and recently, while shopping in the grocery store, I had a conversation with a gentleman about how his doctor recommended ACV for his high blood pressure in lieu of being put on medication….but I’m getting ahead of myself.
Apple cider vinegar starts with healthy apples and undergoes two fermentation processes. The first changes it from apple juice to apple cider. In the second fermentation, apple cider produces a natural wonder tonic which includes acetic acid, enzymes and all the original apples’ goodness. This tonic is an anti-fungal, antioxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-septic and oh-so-much more. However, all ACV’s are not created equal. When purchasing ACV, you must look for the organic (no additives or chemicals), raw (unprocessed), unpasteurized (contains “the mother” – gelatin-like floaters) version in order to get the most health benefits.
And the benefits are plenty! I have personally seen results in weight loss, reduced inflammation, reduced sugar cravings and reduced headaches. I also use ACV in my dog’s daily water bowl to ward off fleas and ticks. It works (I haven’t seen a critter all winter) and, much to my surprise, he loves the taste. Apple cider vinegar is said to benefit other ailments as well: cholesterol, diabetes, gout, eczema, warts, reflux, burns, bites, rashes, sinusitis and so on. It also makes an excellent eco-friendly cleaning, deodorizing and disinfecting product. (For more information on the benefits or uses of ACV, please refer to
If you’ve been searching for an alternative remedy for what ails you, I would urge you to give apple cider vinegar a try. It’s a small investment, and you may be pleasantly surprised with the results!
Dr. Suni says:
The apple cider vinegar is such a simple, safe, natural cure that it absolutely amazes people when they feel its healing effects throughout their bodies. If the idea of a safe, natural cure is hard to believe, it’s because we’re bombarded by the media with ads for both prescription and over-the-counter drugs that promise to eliminate every symptom known to man. These drugs, which the pharmaceutical companies market so ferociously, may alleviate one problem only to create a whole new set of problems called “side effects.” The list of side effects from the drugs is staggering. More drugs are needed to counteract the side effects from the first drugs, which themselves bring on other side effects.
Where does it leave the poor patient? It leads them back to safe, alternative healing techniques such as the tried and true apple cider vinegar cure. The ancients were certainly on to something.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
After many visits to various doctors, I was diagnosed with lupus. Although I have some of the symptoms that are associated with it, I don't have many. Also, I experience extreme dizziness when I’m around people with strong perfumes, and many times I start uncontrollably sneezing for no reason. I have kept a journal, trying to pinpoint what I may be allergic to, but have gotten only more confused. I came upon your article on MCS, and it shed new light for me. I began to wonder if this is what I have. I want to know what I can do to alleviate the negative reaction I have to perfumes and dyes because it is making life difficult for me to be in the home all the time. Thank you. Mary F.
Dr. Suni says: Dear Mary,
I certainly empathize with your situation. You are among an increasing number of people who exhibit allergic reactions to the overabundance of man-made chemicals in our society. A bottle of perfume can contain thousands of man-made chemicals. Fragrances are in almost every consumer product found in the general marketplace. My advice to you is:
1. Keep your distance from persons who wear perfumes and fragrances anywhere on their bodies, such as hair sprays, body lotion, etc.
2. Do a detoxifying fast to cleanse your system of toxic build up.
3. Purchase a personal air purifier that you wear around your neck. I recommend the Air Supply by Wein Products at This will clean the air right under your nose and recirculate fresh air for you to breathe.
4. You also want to get rid of everything in your home that contains fragrance, from your household products to your personal care products to your laundry products etc.
Start here and see if your situation improves. Look for my book on MCS which is coming soon. It has everything you need to know on protecting yourself from environmental toxins.
Siona says: Hi Mary. Although we do not diagnose, we try to help you regain wellness. If you believe you can be cured, you can be. I believe your own belief system can make you well. I don't advise you to go against what your doctor prescribed, but I do suggest you move towards a plant-based diet, if you haven't already. Like Dr. Suni said, complete a thorough detoxification, and begin using techniques such as visualization, meditation, and affirmation, in addition to a few energy healing treatments and/or a nutritional consult. Dr. Sebi, an herbal healer, believes there is no incurable disease, and I agree with this. Jesus the Christ, a Master Healer and his disciples healed many diseases through faith alone, and so does modern healer, Todd White. You may contact us for a free consult if you like. Wishing you all the best, and Love, Light and Harmony.
Send your questions to The UTH Advisor is published every Wednesday.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
UPDATED - Animals Need Healing Too
by Siona
Animals respond very well to energy. As you know, they are very much in tune with nature. Their bodies automatically respond to illness, by causing them to fast and/or eat plants such as grass, even animals that are carnivorous. However, the more domesticated animals are, the more in tune they are with you, and less with their natural habitat. It has long been suggested that the more animals are fed by humans, the less they are likely to seek food on their own, which in turn, may affect their hunting instincts. But this is only temporary. When confronted with the need to survive, they will pick back up from where they left off, quickly and efficiently. A cat that I know turned hunter in an instant when her owner was away for a few days and squirrels ate her food. Don't ask me why she was outside; it wasn't my cat!
Anyhow, here's a quick example of animals responding to energy treatments. I have 2 laying hens. They lay the best eggs, and I haven't had to buy a store-bought egg in a long time. One of them got a cyst on its foot. I researched the cure, and the general consensus was to give the chicken some type of antibiotic myself, or take her to the vet...I love this animal, but I'm an old fashioned person. Antibiotics and vets just were not in the question. I barely give my kids antibiotics, but they also rarely get sick.
So I sat down and sent the chicken healing energy via distance, many times. I also placed my hands on its foot, briefly, because she wouldn't allow much more than that. In a few weeks the cyst was gone, without harmful antibiotics or having to place her in my truck with newspaper lining the back. Not that I'm against antibiotics, but nature provides the best ones, garlic, tea tree oil, even cayenne pepper. I have used them so I know they work. Nature is often the best healer, if we understand and allow her assistance. And energy healing is simply using natural life-force energy to restore balance, which then causes wellness to occur.
UPDATE: In the rush of the day, I neglected to mentioned that I also swabbed the cyst for a week or so with diluted tea tree oil to prevent further infection. This was intuitively decided, nowhere did I read that this was suggested. So I conclude that a combination of the healing treatments and the antibacterial properties of the tea tree oil, were what affected the healing. And of course, the energy comes through me and not from me.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Personal Connections vs. 'Electronica'

By Heather McCauley
Whether you know anything about astrology or not, you’ve probably heard the term “The Age of Aquarius”. What you may not know is that the Aquarian age is the current phase of our planet’s cosmic transition through the signs of the zodiac; a term said to last more than 2000 years. “So”, you say, “what does that actually mean?” Well, I will give you the short version: Aquarius is the sign ruling electronics, commerce, scientific minds, connection and invention.
In truth, we cannot stop this speeding train of progress. We live an age when technology becomes obsolete before most users have figured it out, when people carry their musical libraries in their pocket, when you can upload pictures of your vacation to all of your friends at once, when you never have to wonder where your loved ones or favorite celebrities are - because they are being tracked by GPS or ‘tweeting’ their location.
With all of this electronic stimulation and speed-of-light interaction, it is easy to become desensitized to the world around us. Movies and television shows have become more and more extreme with their special effects and violence in order to keep audiences entertained. While some people haven’t caught up to the information age, most of us exist solely within our own limited interests, surrounding ourselves with like-minded people. The internet and other technology make this possible.
Although there is nothing disheartening about sending a thoughtful email, if you are the type of person who only shares en mass (say…via social-networking), I would encourage you to give a little thought to making more meaningful connections. Everything is made up of energy - and electronics can emit high doses of it. In a world where it’s so easy to get bogged down in electro-chemical by-products, allow yourself to have a cleansing long-distance phone conversation, send a card by “snail mail” or give an in-person hug. You won’t be disappointed - and you just might make someone else’s day.
Siona, Healer and Teacher, added: “I agree, and I believe many things we depend upon will break down in order for us to learn to communicate the 'old-fashioned' way and to rebuild a real sense of community. Technology is wonderful, but doesn't it always seem to fail just when we depend upon it most?"
Friday, February 5, 2010
How Do You Define a Miracle?

This is the first in a series of weekly thought-prokoving questions.
Dr. Suni Rose Says:
What are miracles but the will of God perfect every moment! Miracles are happening in and through us all the time. We may believe it is possible to perform miracles, but until now it has only been a belief held in the mind. We only need to get our little self (the personal ego) out of the way and allow the miracles to unfold in our lives. A Course in Miracles says: 'There's no order of difficulty in miracles - one is not harder or bigger than another. When we learn the principle behind the little miracles, the big miracles become just as possible.' Miracles are blessings. My children are miracles, my grandchildren are miracles, my healing from a devastating illness is a miracle. When I count my blessings each night, I give thanks for the will of God perfect in my life every moment."
Heather Says:
"I believe miracles saturate our everyday lives and are more prevalent than most people think. The key is to always expect a miracle without ever taking one for granted. My favorite miracles are wonders of nature: a breathtaking sunset made up of too many colors to name or count, a double rainbow with no rain in sight, or an ancient tree with no sign of green - but with branches so expansive and roots so deep that it refuses to give up its established place in this world."
Siona Says:
"I consider a miracle the beauty that emerges when you least expect it, or when something happens that defies and transcends logic. When you look at a sunset and feel something whisper in your ear, it's a miracle. To watch a baby breathe is a miracle. To find a friend who makes you smile when you think about them, is a miracle."
Now it's your turn to weigh in....what do YOU say?
Holistic Healing of Fibroid Tumors - Part III (final part)
by Dr. Suni Rose Originally Appeared in Natural Awakenings, Atlanta
Searching for answers to the above and other similar questions can open areas of your mind and emotions you would rather not confront. Are you unconsciously burying emotional issues instead of bringing them to the surface and dealing with them? Bring them up – examine them closely. What you resist, persists; what you look at, disappears. Emotional blockages can result from repressed feelings and from denial. Confront and acknowledge these feelings, then lovingly release them into the universe to be transmuted into the energy of Divine Love.
The various elements of alternative healing can help you to access those areas of the emotions that are buried deep within the psyche and can bring you freedom from suffering. Energy therapy releases emotional blockages and brings the centers into balance, restoring health to those areas of the body affected by the imbalance. Pastoral counseling addresses spiritual problems that you may be struggling with. Issues relating to diet and nutrition are addressed. You may wish to pursue techniques such as healing visualizations with imagery. Creating a harmonious environment and maintaining a positive mental attitude are also essential components of mind/spirit/body healing.
With conscious effort and the will to be healed, you can re-create your life and your health. The fibroid tumors can disappear. The prostate can return to normal size. No invasive surgery need be involved and healing can take place on all levels of being.
Recommended reading:
You Can Heal Your Life, Louise Hay
Creative Visualizations, Shakti Gawain
Healing Visualizations, Creating Health Through Imagery, Gerald Epstein, M.D.
(continued from Part II)

The various elements of alternative healing can help you to access those areas of the emotions that are buried deep within the psyche and can bring you freedom from suffering. Energy therapy releases emotional blockages and brings the centers into balance, restoring health to those areas of the body affected by the imbalance. Pastoral counseling addresses spiritual problems that you may be struggling with. Issues relating to diet and nutrition are addressed. You may wish to pursue techniques such as healing visualizations with imagery. Creating a harmonious environment and maintaining a positive mental attitude are also essential components of mind/spirit/body healing.
With conscious effort and the will to be healed, you can re-create your life and your health. The fibroid tumors can disappear. The prostate can return to normal size. No invasive surgery need be involved and healing can take place on all levels of being.
Recommended reading:
You Can Heal Your Life, Louise Hay
Creative Visualizations, Shakti Gawain
Healing Visualizations, Creating Health Through Imagery, Gerald Epstein, M.D.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Finding Your Way to Acceptance, the Final Stage of Grief

By Heather McCauley
Grief can sometimes be debilitating to an individual. Too often, people merely ‘deal with’ the loss of a loved one without making any effort to move forward in the process. Grief is a process - with acceptance being the ultimate goal. Other stages of grief may include denial, bargaining, anger/rage, blame, guilt and depression. How long the process takes and what stages people go through are highly individual. For those experiencing the death of a relationship and not a physical death, acceptance may be even more elusive. By avoiding acceptance, they can stay rooted in fantasies about reconciliation.
If you find yourself unable to move past any of these stages, rest assured that you are not alone. Know that you are not the first or the only person to feel what you are feeling. Sometimes talking to someone who has been through the process can make a world of difference. Just the act of making a move towards acceptance will send powerful healing energy your way.
After losing my father two and a half years ago, I didn’t believe I would ever heal. I thought I would remain “broken” or “wounded” forever. I went through anger, blame and depression. I prayed to be whole again, and each day became a little easier. Later, I felt guilty for being “ok”. I prayed for insight and I was led through the fog. Hopefully, what I discovered will be of help to at least one person.
The fact that we grieve is a testament to how freely and completely we love. Yet, loving is a selfless process - and grief is a selfish process. The departed soul, whether on this plane or another, gets nothing from this process. They simply had to take the next step in their soul’s development. The sooner we realize this, the sooner we can heal. Begin to heal by honoring the love you shared. Take that love and grow it, sending it out into the world. Volunteering and other acts of kindness may allow you to stop internalizing the hurt and start seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Holistic Healing of Fibroid Tumors - Part II
The chakras are vortices of energy found throughout the body, which draw energy from the Universal Energy Field in order to supply the energy needs of the physical body. When a center is out of balance, it will take in too much energy, not enough energy, or the inflow or output will be distorted. We know as a fact that disease (when not of a group origin or based on karmic law or due to an accident) occurs due to an imbalance in the activity of the energy center governing the diseased area of the body. Alice Bailey explains in Esoteric Healing, p203-204: “A full and balanced flow of energy from the center into the area which it controls leads to resistance to so-called disease; where there is lack of development and an unbalanced situation, where the centers are concerned, there will be no power to resist.”
The chakras are found on the etheric body, the body which underlies the dense physical. The etheric body is as real as the dense physical body, but is a subtle body made up of lines of force and points where these lines of force cross each other, thus forming centers of energy. Where many centers meet and cross, you have a larger center of energy. Where great streams of energy meet and cross, you have the seven major centers. The seven major centers are connected to the seven major glands and are responsible for the correct functioning of these glands. The glands are the outstanding determining factor connected with the general health of the individual. Their influence, by way of the blood stream, reaches into every part of the body, producing both psychological and physiological effects.
The health of the organs is largely dependent upon the centers, as they condition the glands and as the energy is distributed throughout the body. An imbalance in the energy flow of any center will negatively affect the gland governed by that center. Should the imbalance persist, disease will show up in that area of the body. Ultimately the disease will be carried, through the blood stream, to other parts of the body.
An overactivity in the center that governs the reproductive system – the sacrum center – will result in an overstimulation of the gonadic glands (the ovaries in the female and the prostate in the male), causing an overproduction of hormone in these glands. Uterine and prostate conditions can develop if the energy imbalance persists. Since the blood stream is the primary conveyor of glandular secretion throughout the body, it will transfer this dis-harmony to other parts of the body. Depending on the degree of dis-harmony within the gonadic glands, the result can vary anywhere from benign conditions (such as fibroids or enlarged prostate) to severe malignancies.
We can see then that the key to preventing disease is to obtain, and maintain, a state of balance in the energy system. Even when disharmony has already manifested in the physical body, the effect can be reversed. We do this by working through the emotions. It may be time to examine your emotional issues. How do you feel about yourself, about your life? How do you honestly feel about your body? What is your attitude toward sex, or toward the opposite sex? What are the judgments you’ve carried over from childhood regarding sex? Do you pursue hobbies or activities that expand your wonderfully creative abilities?
Have questions? Contact UTH at
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Holistic Healing of Fibroid Tumors - Part I
Holistic Healing of Fibroid Tumors
by Suni Rose
Originally Appeared in Natural Awakenings, Atlanta edition.
Fibroid cysts are benign growths formed by cells on the muscle walls of the uterus. These cysts can be found either inside or outside the uterus and are the result of abnormal growth patterns within the cells of the muscle walls. Statistics show that fibroids affect about 30% of all women. Most women know they have fibroids only when the cysts are discovered during a routine medical examination. Research has shown that fibroids are five times more common in African-American women than they are in Caucasians.
It is thought that the growths occur in women during their late thirties to early forties and that they shrink considerably after menopause. Thus it is believed that excess production of estrogen may play a part in their formation. Oral contraceptives with a high estrogen content may also contribute to the formation of fibroids.
Fibroids can produce symptoms such as abnormally heavy menstrual periods, bleeding between periods, anemia, infertility, increased vaginal discharge, painful sexual intercourse, and bleeding after intercourse. The growths can be painful and can cause bowel and kidney obstruction.
by Suni Rose
Originally Appeared in Natural Awakenings, Atlanta edition.
Fibroid cysts are benign growths formed by cells on the muscle walls of the uterus. These cysts can be found either inside or outside the uterus and are the result of abnormal growth patterns within the cells of the muscle walls. Statistics show that fibroids affect about 30% of all women. Most women know they have fibroids only when the cysts are discovered during a routine medical examination. Research has shown that fibroids are five times more common in African-American women than they are in Caucasians.
It is thought that the growths occur in women during their late thirties to early forties and that they shrink considerably after menopause. Thus it is believed that excess production of estrogen may play a part in their formation. Oral contraceptives with a high estrogen content may also contribute to the formation of fibroids.
Fibroids can produce symptoms such as abnormally heavy menstrual periods, bleeding between periods, anemia, infertility, increased vaginal discharge, painful sexual intercourse, and bleeding after intercourse. The growths can be painful and can cause bowel and kidney obstruction.
From the viewpoint of orthodox medicine, surgery has been the accepted treatment for fibroids. However, in the early stages the cysts are usually benign and the patient relatively symptom-free. Thus physicians are reluctant to intervene. They usually hold off treatment until the tumors reach the size where they begin to be troublesome. Yet the likelihood exists that fibroid tumors can become malignant if left untreated over an extended period.
A hysterectomy was formerly the principal treatment for fibroids. An alternative procedure (a myomectomy) was developed, where only the tumors are removed and the uterus is left intact. There’s a higher chance of complications following this surgery and about a 50% chance the tumors will return. In recent years other, surgery-free, methods have been tried by medical science. It may be too early yet to know the success rates of these procedures.
From the viewpoint of holistic healing, uterine fibroids can be healed without surgery and the tumors prevented from reoccurring, once the energetic component of their formation is understood. Almost all disease is psychological in nature, having its origin or cause in the emotional body. The emotional or astral body is the body that is most active in humanity today. Desire is a quality of the emotional body. Since most people are ruled by the emotions, and since the emotional body is connected to the lower chakras, we find that the chakras which lie below the diaphragm are generally in an unbalanced state – usually a state of overactivity.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Healing Haiti

By Heather McCauley
Three weeks ago, a devastating earthquake forever changed the lives and destiny of our neighbors in Haiti. Sources report the death toll at over 100,000; millions more are either wounded, homeless or both. Although there are people who have become numb to this subject, this so-called tragedy is only the beginning of a long awaited rebirth for the brave and resilient people of Haiti.
For Haiti, the focus is now on healing and recovery. The rebuilding efforts will take decades, not unlike those of Hurricane Katrina and the Gulf Coast of the United States. I would like to help steer this focus for our readers, in order to maximize the rebuilding efforts. Keep in mind that sometimes it takes a major disaster to bring to light what is best in all of us.
The situation in Haiti has already inspired numerous goodwill efforts, including volunteerism, donations and prayers. The world has united under this one cause - and that inspiration should not go unrecognized. In a time when most people are living harried lives and generally fixate on their own problems, bringing people together in a worldwide cause could be called miraculous. Energy which unites the world is a miracle. We may not be able to see it, explain it, measure or quantify it in any way – but it is there. Haiti needs to receive this miraculous healing energy now.
Although the earthquake claimed many victims, it is important to not perpetuate the “victim” energy. By sending Haiti and her people our loving and compassionate thoughts, we are honoring the best in every one of us. Some people believe that what happened in Haiti was their fate. Whatever your school of thought, do what you're compelled to do, whether that means nothing at all or simply sending your prayers.
A prayer is merely a transfer of healing energy. The fascinating thing about energy is that it has the power to combine with other similar energy and produce results. It even has the power to come back to you. As the world is inspired to come together to help Haiti, I believe that we will see numerous positive stories of triumph and courage radiating from this "tragedy," possibly helping us in a time of need.
Kind of like a boomerang…
Three weeks ago, a devastating earthquake forever changed the lives and destiny of our neighbors in Haiti. Sources report the death toll at over 100,000; millions more are either wounded, homeless or both. Although there are people who have become numb to this subject, this so-called tragedy is only the beginning of a long awaited rebirth for the brave and resilient people of Haiti.
For Haiti, the focus is now on healing and recovery. The rebuilding efforts will take decades, not unlike those of Hurricane Katrina and the Gulf Coast of the United States. I would like to help steer this focus for our readers, in order to maximize the rebuilding efforts. Keep in mind that sometimes it takes a major disaster to bring to light what is best in all of us.
The situation in Haiti has already inspired numerous goodwill efforts, including volunteerism, donations and prayers. The world has united under this one cause - and that inspiration should not go unrecognized. In a time when most people are living harried lives and generally fixate on their own problems, bringing people together in a worldwide cause could be called miraculous. Energy which unites the world is a miracle. We may not be able to see it, explain it, measure or quantify it in any way – but it is there. Haiti needs to receive this miraculous healing energy now.
Although the earthquake claimed many victims, it is important to not perpetuate the “victim” energy. By sending Haiti and her people our loving and compassionate thoughts, we are honoring the best in every one of us. Some people believe that what happened in Haiti was their fate. Whatever your school of thought, do what you're compelled to do, whether that means nothing at all or simply sending your prayers.
A prayer is merely a transfer of healing energy. The fascinating thing about energy is that it has the power to combine with other similar energy and produce results. It even has the power to come back to you. As the world is inspired to come together to help Haiti, I believe that we will see numerous positive stories of triumph and courage radiating from this "tragedy," possibly helping us in a time of need.
Kind of like a boomerang…
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