Johann Wolfgang von Goethe said, “We are shaped and fashioned by what we love.” Some would argue that the ‘what’ should be replaced with ‘who’. Going further, we could change the quote to, “We are shaped and fashioned by how we love.”
Dr. Suni Says:
Grandmaster Wei Zhong Foo, my qigong master and teacher, holds that there two kinds of love, big love and small love. Big love is Universal love, it is loving for the sake of love, loving without thought of reaping a reward. Big love encompasses all things and all people. This is the love that tells us deep down we are all One.
Small love is personal, affectionate love, the love we have for family members and friends. Small love is seldom meted out to strangers. It's easy for small love to become possessive and obsessive. This kind of love can easily manifest as love greed, and greed in any form is destructive. Love greed can be directed at a person or a thing, and in the end brings nothing but pain and suffering because it is a self-serving and selfish love.
The world cannot be without love, and both kinds of love are necessary. Grandmaster Foo says; "If the world has no big love, it will go into chaos. If a family has no small love, it will fall apart or lose its essence." But in order to have peace and harmony in our lives, small love must be offered in a selfless outpouring.
So this year as Valentine's Day rolls around, let us think of melding these two loves together and offering the perfect example of love to our loved ones. Let us remove the selfishness and the self-centeredness from the small love we share by truly feeling the love of God flowing through us and offering that love to all whom we meet. And let's do this every day of the year.
Siona, Master Healer and Teacher, Says:
I believe that Love is the strongest force in the universe. According to channeled messages from Mary, the mother of Christ, in Mary's Message to the World, "Love has its own vibrational field." She says, "Divine love is an energy force..." that can be used like electricity, but that "the knowledge and know-how will come in the future."
Heather Says:
Neale Donald Walsh, author of the Conversations With God series, believes there are only two emotions; love and fear. He profoundly states, “Love is the energy which expands, opens up, stays, sends out, reveals, shares, heals” and “Love gives away all that we have.” It took nearly ten years of reading and re-reading CWG before I was able to fully experience the meaning of those words.
I learned I had to love myself, which meant forgiving myself and allowing love to be a comfort and not a downfall. When love came back into my life after being elusive for so many years, I knew I was capable of “giving away all that I had” because I would still love myself – no matter how things turned out. Loving unconditionally means loving without expectations or conditions, but it doesn’t just apply to how you love other people. Loving yourself, unconditionally, is the most selfless and meaningful thing you can do for others.
In honor of Valentine’s Day and our discussion on Love, I am providing a link to a beautiful website I discovered. ‘The Love Foundation’ inspires people to love unconditionally, and sponsors a Global Love Day for six years running, this year on May 1st. See more at http://www.thelovefoundation.com/.
It’s your turn. What thoughts would you like to share about LOVE??