By Heather McCauley
Whether you know anything about astrology or not, you’ve probably heard the term “The Age of Aquarius”. What you may not know is that the Aquarian age is the current phase of our planet’s cosmic transition through the signs of the zodiac; a term said to last more than 2000 years. “So”, you say, “what does that actually mean?” Well, I will give you the short version: Aquarius is the sign ruling electronics, commerce, scientific minds, connection and invention.
In truth, we cannot stop this speeding train of progress. We live an age when technology becomes obsolete before most users have figured it out, when people carry their musical libraries in their pocket, when you can upload pictures of your vacation to all of your friends at once, when you never have to wonder where your loved ones or favorite celebrities are - because they are being tracked by GPS or ‘tweeting’ their location.
With all of this electronic stimulation and speed-of-light interaction, it is easy to become desensitized to the world around us. Movies and television shows have become more and more extreme with their special effects and violence in order to keep audiences entertained. While some people haven’t caught up to the information age, most of us exist solely within our own limited interests, surrounding ourselves with like-minded people. The internet and other technology make this possible.
Although there is nothing disheartening about sending a thoughtful email, if you are the type of person who only shares en mass (say…via social-networking), I would encourage you to give a little thought to making more meaningful connections. Everything is made up of energy - and electronics can emit high doses of it. In a world where it’s so easy to get bogged down in electro-chemical by-products, allow yourself to have a cleansing long-distance phone conversation, send a card by “snail mail” or give an in-person hug. You won’t be disappointed - and you just might make someone else’s day.
Siona, Healer and Teacher, added: “I agree, and I believe many things we depend upon will break down in order for us to learn to communicate the 'old-fashioned' way and to rebuild a real sense of community. Technology is wonderful, but doesn't it always seem to fail just when we depend upon it most?"