Wednesday, February 10, 2010


After many visits to various doctors, I was diagnosed with lupus. Although I have some of the symptoms that are associated with it, I don't have many. Also, I experience extreme dizziness when I’m around people with strong perfumes, and many times I start uncontrollably sneezing for no reason. I have kept a journal, trying to pinpoint what I may be allergic to, but have gotten only more confused. I came upon your article on MCS, and it shed new light for me. I began to wonder if this is what I have. I want to know what I can do to alleviate the negative reaction I have to perfumes and dyes because it is making life difficult for me to be in the home all the time. Thank you. Mary F.

Dr. Suni says: Dear Mary,
I certainly empathize with your situation. You are among an increasing number of people who exhibit allergic reactions to the overabundance of man-made chemicals in our society. A bottle of perfume can contain thousands of man-made chemicals. Fragrances are in almost every consumer product found in the general marketplace. My advice to you is:

1. Keep your distance from persons who wear perfumes and fragrances anywhere on their bodies, such as hair sprays, body lotion, etc. 
2. Do a detoxifying fast to cleanse your system of toxic build up. 
3.  Purchase a personal air purifier that you wear around your neck. I recommend the Air Supply by Wein Products at This will clean the air right under your nose and recirculate fresh air for you to breathe. 
 4. You also want to get rid of everything in your home that contains fragrance, from your household products to your personal care products to your laundry products etc.

Start here and see if your situation improves. Look for my book on MCS which is coming soon. It has everything you need to know on protecting yourself from environmental toxins. 

Siona says: Hi Mary. Although we do not diagnose, we try to help you regain wellness. If you believe you can be cured, you can be. I believe your own belief system can make you well. I don't advise you to go against what your doctor prescribed, but I do suggest you move towards a plant-based diet, if you haven't already. Like Dr. Suni said, complete a thorough detoxification, and begin using techniques such as visualization, meditation, and affirmation, in addition to a few energy healing treatments and/or a nutritional consult. Dr. Sebi, an herbal healer, believes there is no incurable disease, and I agree with this. Jesus the Christ, a Master Healer and his disciples healed many diseases through faith alone, and so does modern healer, Todd White. You may contact us for a free consult if you like. Wishing you all the best, and Love, Light and Harmony.

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