Wednesday, February 24, 2010



            I’m 55 years old and about six months ago I started to come down with a variety of symptoms. I feel like I’m constantly coming down with the flu, you know that achy, tired feeling that you get all over your body when you have the flu? I get headaches and just feel weak, tired and irritable all the time, even after a good night’s sleep. I don’t have the energy to do anything. And I can’t get rid of this yeast infection. After many visits to various doctors, all they have to say is that my symptoms fit with CFS and there’s really nothing they can give me except pills to help with my depression and the yeast infection. But I don’t feel that the pills are helping because I still feel miserable and the yeast condition keeps coming back.
            I came upon Dr. Suni’s article on MCS, and it shed new light for me. I began to wonder if this is what I have because a lot of my symptoms resemble MCS. Can you help me to get some relief from this condition?
Thank you.
M.  Peters, Indianapolis, Indiana
Dr. Suni says: Greetings Mary,
            Thank you for writing us. We can certainly help you get relief from this condition. Your chronic fatigue symptoms seem to be originating in environmental allergies. These can include food allergies plus allergies to the ever-increasing numbers of man-made chemicals to which we’re exposed in every walk of life. You’re experiencing toxic build-up of these chemicals in your body, and they’ve seriously undermined your immune system. Your recurring yeast infection is one indication of a lowered immune system. If you don’t bring your immune system back on track, you may be looking at a really serious disease in the near future.
            You’re one of sixty million Americans suffering from asthma and allergies of all   types. According to statistics from the Allergy and Asthma Foundation of America, allergy is the fifth leading chronic disease in the U.S. among all ages and the third most common chronic disease among children under the age of eighteen. These conditions include chemical sensitivities, immune deficiencies, asthma, bronchitis, emphysema and severe allergies of all types.
            Your immediate concern is to start a regular cleansing and detoxification program. For you, I would definitely recommend our juice fast. Such a program, done at regular intervals, will clear your body of toxic build-up and rejuvenate the liver and digestive organs. The liver is the clearing house for toxins but when it becomes overtaxed, it falls back on its job of clearing the toxins from the bloodstream. The pancreas becomes impaired and no longer functions efficiently. All manner of allergies can result from damage to the pancreas, not the least of which can be food allergies.
            The next most important concern is to rebuild your damaged immune system. We’ll look at your diet and work up a dietary modification plan. By rebuilding your immune system, you’ll be rebuilding your health and your life.
            Lastly, we’ll teach you where the irritants are and how to avoid exposure to them from now on. Please contact us as soon as possible to get started on your healing regimen.
In love and light, Suni Rose, Ph.D. 

Siona Says: As Dr. Suni advises, start with detoxification and dietary modification. Herbal supplements such as teas and tonics also help to rebuild the liver and repair the pancreas. The liver is a remarkable organ that has the ability to repair itself almost miraculously, given the proper environment. I defer to the holistic approach as well, which includes  working on the mind and spirit in addition to the physical body. This is because when the energy channels in the body are balanced, illness will never occur in the first place, as the body has the power to ward off all diseases. Edgar Cayce discussed this in his healing treatments to many people. Visualization exercises, meditation, and/or self-healing exercises open energy channels in the body and are a wonderful compliment to dietary changes.  They can ensure that your body is strong and resistant to future ailments. The goal as I see it,  is to become whole, rather than fight symptoms as they appear. And this can be a process, but it is also a great learning lesson. We look forward to working with you. Wishing you Love, Light and Harmony!