What have you done to promote your own mind, body and spiritual wellness recently? If you haven’t done anything for yourself, take this opportunity to implement something in the near future. Give yourself the time, attention and energy that you give to others in your life.
Dr. Suni says:
There’s no greater gift that I can give myself than to unite my little mind with the mind of God, and I do this through meditation. It’s simply amazing that, no matter how busy my day has been or how tired I am at night, I cannot fall asleep until I do my nightly meditation. There have been some nights when I think I cannot possibly stay up to meditate, yet as soon as I take up my meditation posture and completely relax my mind and body, I’m already in contact with my soul--because that’s what happens when we practice contact meditation, also known as mystical or transcendental meditation.
As I continue in meditation, my mind goes deeper into a purer state of consciousness and I begin to feel a sense of peace. And it’s such a wonderful feeling that I don’t want it to end. When I finally stop the meditation and crawl into bed, I immediately fall asleep and my sleep is peaceful, restful, and revitalizing. I wake up refreshed, and ready for the new day. That is what I do for myself, and my Self. If you’re not meditating yet, why don’t you give it a try?
Heather says:
For my mind, I began regular meditation in January - setting aside time each day just for myself. For my soul, I started painting, positive affirmations and hugging my dog more! In February, I began a series of dietary changes which has already helped me greatly reduce my sugar cravings – and my weight.
Siona says:
I have begun to send love energy to others more consciously. I was meditating one day after 2 of my kids were having challenges with their teachers. So I sent both teachers love energy, and voila! Like magic, one teacher started being more communicative, and he earned that hard-worked for "B," and the other one started being more helpful and friendly. I was surprised how quickly and effectively this experiment worked, so it was confirmation to me that it in fact, does work, and well!