When were you first diagnosed with MCS?
While working at my job as a medical technologist, I was accidentally exposed to formaldehyde fumes. As a result I became chemically sensitized and developed numerous symptoms. I went from doctor to doctor, all of whom found my symptoms "unbelievable." I kept getting sicker and sicker but the more symptoms I developed, the less credible I appeared in the eyes of the conventional medical doctors. They thought either I was a hypochondriac or else I was outright crazy. Instead of sending me to an environmental doctor, the only doctor that could help me, they sent me to a psychiatrist.
Eventually I called Dr. Albert Robbins of Robbins Environmental Medicine Center for an appointment. Robbins assessed my condition and made a diagnosis of multiple chemical sensitivities. The diagnoses was made eighteen months after I received the formaldehyde exposure.
What were your symptoms?
My symptoms included: swollen, painful joints, constant tingling in my hands and feet, wide body temperature variations, muscle spasms, eye inflammation, cardiac arrhythmia, Graves’ disease, hair loss, severe headaches, fatigue, breathing obstruction, sleep disturbances, poor concentration, short term memory loss, vision impairment, a hazy, drugged feeling all the time, and ongoing flu-like symptoms which never let up.
How did you regain wellness?
I began by ridding my immediate surroundings of all toxic substances. You may be surprised at the quantity and variety of noxious household chemicals you've accumulated over the years. I opened up a large trash bag, hauled it around from room to room, and dumped in everything that remotely had a wisp of chemical odor. That included personal products as well. Then little by little I substituted natural products for the chemical laden products I tossed.
Next I initiated a detoxifying fast, the primary treatment for this and any serious illness. After the fast I launched into a diet modification plan where I drastically changed my diet, increased my nutritional supplements, and added specialized foods and herbs.
Through a holistic approach, I was gradually able to reverse my condition and regain my health. It didn't happen overnight and I had many challenges along the way, but once I understood what triggered my symptoms, I could confront these obstacles and work to prevent further exposures to toxic environmental chemicals.
Why did you write your book?
The book grew out of my desire to help others recognize this illness in their own recurring symptoms. Increasing sensitivities to man-made chemicals found in perfumes, cleaning supplies, new carpet, new clothes, new homes, cigarette smoke, paints, particle board, insecticide sprays, and a host of other everyday products designed to help us live our lives, are showing up in symptoms which puzzle both doctor and patient. Man-made chemicals present a massive public health threat and I predict we'll continue to see illnesses related to food and chemical allergies escalate as the twenty-first century unfolds. There’s a need for information and support which these individuals eagerly crave, and my book will fill that need.