Gratitude is so much more than an emotion. It is an attitude that is able to be cultivated, nurtured and guided every day of our lives. When things don’t go our way, it helps to stay focused on what is good in our lives, even if that requires some serious contemplation. Being grateful has the power to draw even more good to us and is so much more constructive than feeling sorry for ourselves.
Dr. Suni says: "Thank You, Thank You, Thank You; Aum, Peace, Amen; With gratitude and respect to Infinite Intelligence and Universal Mind, I give thanks, and it is so." When I pray, these are three expressions of gratitude I offer up to the Divine and to my teachers, healers and guides in the spiritual world and the physical world. I am grateful because I know my prayer has already been answered even before I pray it. I give thanks daily to God and my holy guide and teachers whose presence surrounds and comforts me, so that the deepest of sorrow cannot erase the deep-seated joy that lodges in the deep recesses of my soul. So "Thank You, Thank You, Thank You" is my constant expression of gratitude, even when I'm not praying.
Heather says: I am grateful for everything! I express my appreciation every morning and every night to God for my health and the health of my loved ones. I am grateful that I am always making positive connections and that I am exactly where I am supposed to be in life in order to become a better person. I am especially grateful for pennies I find on the ground - as I appreciate their symbolizing abundance flowing into my life.
Siona says: It's easy to take things and people for granted. It's a challenge to remember all of the blessings and love all around you, especially when sometimes they are not visible with the eyes. But you can always 'see' the beauty around you with your heart if you take a second to stop and feel. I'm especially grateful for Dr. Suni and Heather. Working with you is a lesson in love.
It's your turn - What are you grateful for every day?