By Heather McCauley
Although some people consider apple cider vinegar to be a folk remedy, probably used by your grandmother, only the best folk remedies have staying power like this. As early as 400 B.C., apple cider vinegar was being used by Hippocrates, whom the world recognizes as the father of medicine. Twentieth century proponents for ACV include Dr. D.C. Jarvis, who wrote Folk Medicine in the 1950’s, and Paul and Patricia Bragg, naturopathic doctors in business since 1912 (see www.bragg.com). Even modern-day doctors are joining the ACV fan club. Dr. Mehmet Oz has spoken about apple cider vinegar on his health show, Dr. Oz. – and recently, while shopping in the grocery store, I had a conversation with a gentleman about how his doctor recommended ACV for his high blood pressure in lieu of being put on medication….but I’m getting ahead of myself.
Apple cider vinegar starts with healthy apples and undergoes two fermentation processes. The first changes it from apple juice to apple cider. In the second fermentation, apple cider produces a natural wonder tonic which includes acetic acid, enzymes and all the original apples’ goodness. This tonic is an anti-fungal, antioxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-septic and oh-so-much more. However, all ACV’s are not created equal. When purchasing ACV, you must look for the organic (no additives or chemicals), raw (unprocessed), unpasteurized (contains “the mother” – gelatin-like floaters) version in order to get the most health benefits.
And the benefits are plenty! I have personally seen results in weight loss, reduced inflammation, reduced sugar cravings and reduced headaches. I also use ACV in my dog’s daily water bowl to ward off fleas and ticks. It works (I haven’t seen a critter all winter) and, much to my surprise, he loves the taste. Apple cider vinegar is said to benefit other ailments as well: cholesterol, diabetes, gout, eczema, warts, reflux, burns, bites, rashes, sinusitis and so on. It also makes an excellent eco-friendly cleaning, deodorizing and disinfecting product. (For more information on the benefits or uses of ACV, please refer to www.apple-cider-vinegar-benefits.com).
If you’ve been searching for an alternative remedy for what ails you, I would urge you to give apple cider vinegar a try. It’s a small investment, and you may be pleasantly surprised with the results!
Dr. Suni says:
The apple cider vinegar is such a simple, safe, natural cure that it absolutely amazes people when they feel its healing effects throughout their bodies. If the idea of a safe, natural cure is hard to believe, it’s because we’re bombarded by the media with ads for both prescription and over-the-counter drugs that promise to eliminate every symptom known to man. These drugs, which the pharmaceutical companies market so ferociously, may alleviate one problem only to create a whole new set of problems called “side effects.” The list of side effects from the drugs is staggering. More drugs are needed to counteract the side effects from the first drugs, which themselves bring on other side effects.
Where does it leave the poor patient? It leads them back to safe, alternative healing techniques such as the tried and true apple cider vinegar cure. The ancients were certainly on to something.
Although some people consider apple cider vinegar to be a folk remedy, probably used by your grandmother, only the best folk remedies have staying power like this. As early as 400 B.C., apple cider vinegar was being used by Hippocrates, whom the world recognizes as the father of medicine. Twentieth century proponents for ACV include Dr. D.C. Jarvis, who wrote Folk Medicine in the 1950’s, and Paul and Patricia Bragg, naturopathic doctors in business since 1912 (see www.bragg.com). Even modern-day doctors are joining the ACV fan club. Dr. Mehmet Oz has spoken about apple cider vinegar on his health show, Dr. Oz. – and recently, while shopping in the grocery store, I had a conversation with a gentleman about how his doctor recommended ACV for his high blood pressure in lieu of being put on medication….but I’m getting ahead of myself.
Apple cider vinegar starts with healthy apples and undergoes two fermentation processes. The first changes it from apple juice to apple cider. In the second fermentation, apple cider produces a natural wonder tonic which includes acetic acid, enzymes and all the original apples’ goodness. This tonic is an anti-fungal, antioxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-septic and oh-so-much more. However, all ACV’s are not created equal. When purchasing ACV, you must look for the organic (no additives or chemicals), raw (unprocessed), unpasteurized (contains “the mother” – gelatin-like floaters) version in order to get the most health benefits.
And the benefits are plenty! I have personally seen results in weight loss, reduced inflammation, reduced sugar cravings and reduced headaches. I also use ACV in my dog’s daily water bowl to ward off fleas and ticks. It works (I haven’t seen a critter all winter) and, much to my surprise, he loves the taste. Apple cider vinegar is said to benefit other ailments as well: cholesterol, diabetes, gout, eczema, warts, reflux, burns, bites, rashes, sinusitis and so on. It also makes an excellent eco-friendly cleaning, deodorizing and disinfecting product. (For more information on the benefits or uses of ACV, please refer to www.apple-cider-vinegar-benefits.com).
If you’ve been searching for an alternative remedy for what ails you, I would urge you to give apple cider vinegar a try. It’s a small investment, and you may be pleasantly surprised with the results!
Dr. Suni says:
The apple cider vinegar is such a simple, safe, natural cure that it absolutely amazes people when they feel its healing effects throughout their bodies. If the idea of a safe, natural cure is hard to believe, it’s because we’re bombarded by the media with ads for both prescription and over-the-counter drugs that promise to eliminate every symptom known to man. These drugs, which the pharmaceutical companies market so ferociously, may alleviate one problem only to create a whole new set of problems called “side effects.” The list of side effects from the drugs is staggering. More drugs are needed to counteract the side effects from the first drugs, which themselves bring on other side effects.
Where does it leave the poor patient? It leads them back to safe, alternative healing techniques such as the tried and true apple cider vinegar cure. The ancients were certainly on to something.